The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Secret Squirrel Presents New Uniforms For The British Army.

Secret Squirrel, has a much better idea for the modernization of the British army, in the age of uniforms. Indeed there has always been much discussion over new uniforms, and much displeasure, over such things as materials necessary, the high cost of materials, the quantity of materials necessary. Indeed an answer to this is quite simply should materials cost more, then it is best to reduce the amount of materials necessary for use as uniforms. Indeed this is THE most obvious solution, which for some reason Squirrel cannot fathom eludes our modern day military leaders and our politicians. Squirrel has also taken in to account many many events in the past when changes were made to the uniforms there has always been much and most vicious debate in Parliament, amongst the politicians, and thence amongst the rank and file, as to the style of said uniform changes. Indeed, so as to avoid any conflicts or displeasures as to style, Squirrel consulted with the Great Designer (of fashionable clothes, a connaisseur in fashion design, The Great, SASQUATCHI. For uniforms note Squirrel was very frugal in keeping with planned government austerity programs however, in order to meet the requirement, and, I assure you, Squirrel's uniforms are by far the most inexpensive to date, and whilst offering the very greatest in style,functionality and, indeed a most wide range and selection of available styles and colors to choose from,Squirrel is sure, that whilst being the utterly lowest bidder, the government of the day will not select Squirrel's uniforms. Squirrel knows, the selection of those bidding highest,and higher are often yet selected over the wiser,more functional choices due to.............shall we say.......favoritism. Indeed, however yet, Squirrel, has here included links such that you can see Squirrel's favored uniform design, a clearly stylish and functional design,light in weight, well designed for the hot tropics Britain's soldiery are so oft subjected to,note the uniform does in no way shape nor form, hinder movement. Squirrel rejects,outrightly, any suggestion, that due to Squirrel being an MRL politician, of that of a conflict of interest......nay with these uniforms Squirrel and everyone else, shall most certainly be  and shall most certainly remain, interested. Indeed Squirrel has noted that in the past many politicians in Parliament have been conflictingly interested and disinterestingly unconflicted with respect to any interest what so ever in absolutely anything and everything, so ,Without further ado, here are the links to Squirrel's new military is Britain's army of the future.....note full front, full back and full side views are presented............don't remain in the dark,do indeed click on the revealing links.......

 Secret Squirrel,
 MRL,MP,(Dunny On The Wold),
 Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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