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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Secret Squirrel Recommends A Binding Britainwide Referendum On Leaving The EU.

Secret Squirrel has noticed massive discontent with the European Union in Britain.It's people resist the intrusion of the EU, the erosion of British weights,measures,values,laws and whatever else,et all replaced by those of foreign lands, specifically those of France and Germany, but not those of Britain there.The British people see a subjugation, a suzarainity(subservient slavery).Britain and it's people, is a tributary to the EU,basically the views and opinions of France and Germany which carry through on all occasions, those which now controls Britain's foreign affairs while allowing the tributary vassal state that Britain has become ,some limited domestic autonomy.The EU head, IS NOT ELECTED,nor by the British people, they had no say, they have no say..he is....a dictator by all standards,yes, The President of The European Commission,is appointed by the European
Council and European Parliament the "elects" him,or her,for five year terms.......NOT elected,a definite problem in legitimacy,in democracy.Direct democracy is a great principle,and the EU lacks this British principle.Discontent has grown immensely,and the Daily Express is championing and running a petition,to be presented to the government of the people of Britain,thence asking for, if they,the British government, will consider, a referendum, binding on Britain withdrawing from the European Union.THE great British public has a chance to help force a key vote on Britain leaving the European Union.

This newspaper’s (The Daily Express) historic crusade - the first to demand that Britain must quit the EU - has already been backed by almost 400,000 people by a postal coupon campaign earlier this year.The British Government has said it will consider any public campaign backed by 100,000 signatures for a debate in Parliament. (Should you,the people of Britain, wish to add your name to the Petition, do so here.....

and then hope the government allows the referendum, and is willing to follow the outcome of the referendum(other improper and inadequate nations,dictatorially, hold internal referendums, but only follow them should the outcome be to their wishes, and not,when contrary to those,sadly).

The reasons to leave the Eu are many besides the sad events mentioned above.In the past year the UK has stumped up a colossal £12.5 billion to help rescue Greece, Ireland and Portugal with bail-outs.With possible further economic disasters looming large on the horizon in Spain and Italy the financial noose on Britain from Europe could tighten even further. In short, the EU is entirely misruled, and in a confused state, and is an economic runaway train, hurtling down a steep downgrade,unstoppably,due to economic incompetence of a great many of it's constituent nations.The WILL continue along this path, inevitably, and they can
and will take Britain down the abyss with them.We’ve got our own pound, our own currency. We don’t need to be in the EU. Half of Europe is falling apart at the moment.We’re better looking after our own interests, our own laws and finances.Opponents of the EU are also ­angry about the threat to Britain’s democracy by meddling Brussels bureaucrats. Critics claim we have lost control
of immigration due to EU freedom of movement laws.Our base law and order system – and basic ­common sense – are being undermined by the European Convention on ­Human Rights.

So let's look heavily and critically at the most definite disadvantages of remaining, or being in,specifically,the European Union...........

1. Common Agricultural Policy.

The CAP has been reformed, but arguably it still is an inefficient method of subsidizing the declining agricultural sector.
For a long time the EU has maintained target prices for agricultural goods above the market price; this has various disadvantages:

Higher prices for consumers
Higher Tariffs on Imports required, this has been a stumbling block to trade
High prices encouraged oversupply. EU had to buy surplus that was created.
Expensive for EU Taxpayer. - CAP budget accounts for nearly 50% of total EU budget. It costs UK £14 billion per year.

The UK has a relatively small but efficient agricultural sector, therefore it benefits the least from CAP.The inefficient benefit from it, and this only yet more encourages yet more inefficiency, hence much more cost within the CAP, which Britain is funding.In short, it encourages farmers in Europe to sit on their behinds,and collect subsidies,costly subsidies, for listening and watching rocks grow.

2. High levels of Bureaucracy and Administration within the EU.

The Bruges Group, a Eurosceptic think-tank, estimated that the combined direct and indirect costs in 2007 will amount to £100,000 a minute, or £52.4 billion — about £2 billion more than this year. This includes £20 billion in the additional costs to business of regulations emanating from Brussels.Britain funds a massively inefficient bureaucracy,mirroring such groups within each respective member nation,mirroring quite uselessly what already exists.

3. Increased Immigration.

A single market requires free movement of labour. This has led to an inflow of immigrants from Eastern Europe, this has placed a strain on housing and other amenities in the UK,amenities in the publicly funded social services as well.In short the massively unemployed are coming to Britain to there claim the common welfare and hence be paid for being unemployed.Previously this was a system,controlled, for those in need,in Britain, Britain is now funding the unemployed and unemployable of Europe who arrive, in much the same fashion as America has it's problems with Mexico and Mexicans, so has Britain the same problem with
Europe and the Europeans,a costly monetary vampirelike problem,a wandering gypsy roma people sucking the monetary blood out of Britons.By EU laws, they can't be ejected and sent back,nor seemingly kept out.

4. UK Can maintain some benefits outside EU.

The main benefits of the EU are free trade,supposedly. However, the UK could retain these benefits, even if it left. For example, Switzerland is not in EU but benefits from EU trade,nor Norway, nor even yet Mexico.Countries as diverse as Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Australia and India all have smaller economies than ours, yet all manage somehow to trade with the EU and the world without being in the EU.

5. Labour Market Inflexibility

EU Social Policies like the Social Chapter have increased labour costs and reduced labour market flexibility. Therefore, by leaving the EU, we would be able to abandon restrictive labour market practices, and therefore reduce unemployment and increase competitiveness.

6. With expansion into the East the UK no longer receives regional policy.

EU leaders are determined on political union. This is clear from the way the Lisbon Treaty and the Constitution were driven through, ignoring their rejection by popular votes in Ireland, France and Holland.Hardly is this then a democracy. Polls show
that massively in the UK the vast majority,does not want the political union, and more and more want us to leave.

We can leave the EU, and have a free trade agreement with them. We would prosper outside as a free and independent country, trading with every part of the world, as we have always done,and we would be as every other free trading nation in the world.Face it, they exist happily outside of, and without,the European Union.Of Course we Can Leave - our Parliament is Sovereign we can leave the EU, because no UK Government can bind its successor. We are subject to EU rules only because UK legislation says that we are. Statutes are passed through Parliament to implement each EU treaty. These statutes require UK judges to have regard to EU law in making their judgements.Repeal this UK legislation, and we are free. EU law no longer applies to us. The debate with the EU would be about how best to manage our leaving, not whether we can leave. We don't have to pay
anything to leave. In fact we will stop paying into the EU budget – more and more every year.Yes, we pay in to the EU budget, massively,every year.

All forecasts predict economic decline for the EU - this from the European Commission itself. The single market and the euro have failed to boost EU trade, jobs and economic growth, according to a devastating report from an official French think-tank, which includes 40 of France's best-known economists. "Economic Policy and Growth in Europe"* was published in 2006 by the Conseil d'Analyse Economique, chaired by Prime Minister de Villepin. It says "economic integration has stagnated and no longer promotes growth. The Euro's creation has not produced the knock-on benefits expected... The inability of the EU to revive the economy turns investment away”

Leaving the EU would:

Save us over £7 billion payments into the EU budget every year, plus the estimated £50bn annual net cost to the UK economy

Let us control our own borders and set our own immigration rules.

Reduce the cost of food, and let British farmers meet market needs by growing what they want. This would directly benefit

our poor, who spend more of their income on food.

Give us back control over fishing in our 200 mile territorial waters, and revive our fishing industry.

Abolish over 100,000 pages of EU regulations, which hamper our businesses and rule our lives.

Let us help the Third World with trade and aid in our own way - far better than the EU does.

Eliminate the EU threat to our legal safeguards and the rights of the individual.

Restore our right to govern ourselves.

also we would avoid tax harmonization....

What are the disadvantages of tax harmonisation?

Some Member States, particularly the UK, consider the setting of taxes by the EU as a 'step too far'. For the UK, raising corporate tax is a move away from the taxation policy of the last 20 years.Some poorer regions of the EU may wish to use lower corporation tax to encourage firms to establish themselves in the region. For instance, Ireland has used lower tax rates to bring in foreign investment.Firms will tend to establish themselves in clusters in order to benefit from having similar businesses in the same area. Therefore, the level of corporation tax may well be offset by other benefits.If Member States are able to increase taxes, they are better able to control their budget deficits - an important area of economic policy in the eurozone,they,and we, won't be able to.

All round there are no advantages to Britain remaining in, nor being in, the European Union, only disadvantages.It IS necessary for Britain to withdraw from the European Union.The government can honestly gauge public opinion with respect to this through the allowance, and honest adherance to, an honest referendum to determine the fate of Britain, Remain In The EU, or, Withdraw From The EU.The best course of action would be the latter,but first, we must impose on the politicians of the day, their promise to hold one should the public show sufficient interest. Do take an interest in Britain's future, your future, sign the Daily Express petition, and thence, when the government keeps it's solumn oath, and provides it, get out and vote for the best interests of Britain, your own best interests.

Open Europe estimates for EU-27 budget for 2007–2013 in euros Member state


To EU From EU Diff Ratio Population Benefit per capita
Austria 19 10 −8.5 0.526 8,298,923 −1024
Belgium 33 39 +6.4 1.182 10,584,534 605
Bulgaria 2.3 12 +9.7 5.218 7,679,290 1263
Cyprus 1.1 1 −0.1 0.909 778,684 −128
Czech 9.2 31 +22 3.370 10,287,189 2139
Denmark 17 10 −7.2 0.588 5,444,242 −1322
Estonia 0.8 4 +3.2 5.0 1,342,409 2384
Finland 13 9 −3.7 0.692 5,276,955 −701
France 140 89 −51 0.636 63,392,140 −805
Germany 164 78 −86 0.476 82,314,906 −1045
Greece 15 40 +25 2.667 11,171,740 2238
Hungary 8.4 32 +24 3.810 10,066,158 2384
Ireland 11 12 +0.6 1.091 4,312,526 139
Italy 116 70 −46 0.603 59,131,287 −778
Latvia 1.4 6 +4.6 4.286 2,281,305 2016
Lithuania 1.7 9 +7.3 5.294 3,384,879 2157
Luxembourg 2.3 10 +7.7 4.348 476,187 16170
Malta 0.5 1 +0.5 2.0 407,810 1226
Netherlands 37 13 −24 0.351 16,357,992 −1467
Poland 22 87 +65 3.955 38,125,479 1705
Portugal 12 29 +17 2.417 10,599,095 1604
Romania 7.2 32 +25 4.444 21,565,119 1159
Slovakia 3.5 14 +11 4.00 5,393,637 2039
Slovenia 3.1 6 +2.9 1.9354 2,010,377 1443
Spain 76 78 +2.2 1.026 44,474,631 49
Sweden 20 9 −11 0.450 9,113,257 −1207
United Kingdom 103 46 −57 0.447 60,816,701 −937

Polls on the European Union show that more and more British people want to leave the EU. An Angus Reid poll in July 2011 showed that in the event of a referendum on the UK's EU membership, 49% of Britons would vote in favour of leaving the EU and 25% would vote to stay in. Any advantages once thought to derive from EU membership are now far outweighed by ever-increasing disadvantages. Few of us are enthusiastic about keeping 54,000 Brussels bureaucrats in luxury, or paying an extra £10 a week in higher food costs because of the CAP. We could make much better use of that money ourselves.The EU Admits it faces Economic Decline,Economic Failure, FAILURE of a doomed union,the euro has and is failing, it only remains to bury it.

As with fruit, the Eu has surrounded itself with economic rot nations, around a central core of hardier nations, however, as with all rot,mold and fungus, the rot,mold,the fungus of the outside, penetrates towards, and reaches and corrupts the core,ultimately.I,Secret Squirrel say,let there be a referendum for the people of Britain, a free and binding referendum, let the people be the judge, let the people decide their own fate,the fate of their nation.Let freedom ring.

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