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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Secret Squirrel Expounds The Reality That The Earth Is Flat.

I,Secret Squirrel,here turn my attention to the general enlightenment of the global population so misled by politicians,scientists and governmental organizations and organs of the day, so misled, that I,Squirrel,have discovered there is a horrific theory being expounded,nay ,almost declared a scientific truth, bandied about on the streets, and taught in all levels of public and private schools,universities and scientific establishments to the nature such that, the world is a round,globe, rather than that the earth is in fact and point of truth,scientifically, and most positively,in all scientific reality and relativity, a Flat Earth.Well let me here commence to inform,reform, and enlightenment you,with a proper pedagoguery on the subject of The Flat Earth,the reality of the day.

Firstly,there is no unified flat Earth model,as such,having developed as mankind and the proper scientific individuals of the day achieved their enlightenment as to things of the day,awareness of things with respect to that universality,that thing of worldliness, the world, the earth,the Flat Earth.Generally the most commonly accepted one is that it’s more or less a disk,with some,but not jagged,irregularities in roundness,not a perfect model to say the least, with a ring of something to hold in the water,or some force which Stephen Hawking has not claimed to have thought up hence in the scientific world does not actually exist nor function,yet things are unquestionably as they are. The height and substance of that, no one is absolutely sure, but most people think it’s mountains with snow and ice,but they may or may not be wrong as there is no record of anybody having been there,but we do know that nobody wants to go there,nor has really tried hard enough to do so.Flat earthers are either scientific couch potatoes, or else wise enough not to go themselves.I must say there are a great many who suggest we send Stephen
Hawking,but the silly gnarly bugger says it is all not so.Quite simply he believes his batteries won’t last the journey.Well, his batteries wouldn’t last the journey proving the world is globular, so he hasn’t and it most definitely isn’t,by his own logic track.His thinking the world is globular is simply not sufficient in light of modern times, and there is much direct scientific evidence and logical reasoning to prove the earth is actually in a variously but generally roundly shaped rotating and orbitally wobbling ,flat dish with a convex nature to it.There is much evidence to support this and there are many Flat Earth Societies which hold the lamp of knowledge alight, and as further proof herewith is given the site of one such society….

And this has online,free,and readily accessible in PDF form,a vast library of the great classical literary works to do with the Flat Earth proofs, so refuted by the incompetent scientific minds of the century, and also the idiotic cartographers who refuse to include the various sea monsters and other hazards of the sea from maps(no wonder so many ships are lost at sea,they haven’t any idea of the hazards nor where they are,that’s why they’re lost).We must clear out the imbecility and go with distinct scientific proofs and direct evidence refuting the Globular Earth theory.Earth must rise out of the dark ages of scientific knowledge and emerge in to the light of day,knowledge,education and scientific fact versus the idiotic scientific theories of the day, theories presented as truth, such as the preposterous idea that the earth is a perfectly round globe.So to quote the Romans……..AVANTE!!!!!!

The Flat Earth model is a view that the Earth’s shape is a flat plane or disk. Most ancient cultures have had conceptions of a flat Earth, including Greece until the classical period(post Socrates), the Bronze Age and Iron Age civilizations of the Near East until the Hellenistic period, India until the Gupta period (early centuries AD) and China until the 17th century. It was also typically held in the aboriginal cultures of the Americas, and a flat Earth domed by the firmament in the shape of an inverted bowl is common in pre-scientific societies.Flat Earth is the now widely accepted belief that the Earth is not
spherical, but flat. Except for mountains.In our modern scientific civilization it seems incredible that for over 450 years, people like Stephen Hawking and Galileo Gallilee (the Biblical character) have claimed that the Earth is like some kind of giant beach ball, but so they did.Go to GoogleEarth on your computer, now look very, very carefully at the screen. Put your face right up close to it and squint along the surface: see?- flat as a pancake! Except for the mountains. Look at any part of the Earth you like, even Russia, and you’ll see the same thing. Evidence is, after all, overwhelming. Nobody had ever heard of a person rolling along the ground and gathering momentum till they shot off the Earth and hurtled into space, and when you put a thing down on the table, it generally stayed on the table, unless it melted or was stolen.Basically, the Round Earth theory says that God has the whole world in his hand. Yet if the world were round, it would roll out of God’s hand and into space, quickly becoming either burnt to a crisp by the heat of the Sun or freezing into ice in the dark vacuum of space.Any image taken from
space will show that Earth is indeed flat. There is no photographic proof that states or implies otherwise.When drawn as a map, continents must appear “stretched,” as the array of continents on the map are larger than the flat surface itself. This is explained by the continents “scrolling” across this circular or disc-like surface in a marquee fashion, in the same way that a camera must pan across a long scene or a large computer graphic must scroll across due to the limited size of the user’s
monitor. Early thinkers once believed the Earth was in fact a Earth Ball|ball, and it turns out that this was once true, but no longer. Christophe (Crackpot Chris,or Crazy Chris, as he was called by his friends) Columbe thought the Earth was round, and set out to find India by going round the planet. The Earth, as things turned out, was indeed flat, and he ended up in America, the biggest mistake in the history of mankind.

Yes you’ve no doubt noticed that people, when left to their own devices,most notably ,lost, as Columbus was(that most definitely wasn’t China I could’ve told him that),walk,or sail, in circles,walking,or sailing, on the flat earth.One consequence of the Flat Earth theory is a neat and indisputable disproof of the theory of Global Warming,and,indeed, science is of the present day heavily refuting the global warming theory,and settling on the reverse, that of The Theory Of Global Cooling. The argument goes along the lines of “if you ain’t got no globe, you don’t ain’t not got no global warming!” This consequence has led to an upsurge in political and scientific interest in the Flat Earth theory. Some have however stated that a flat world may be liable to Planar Warming, which (given that a flat world would have much less volume to contain heat than a spherical one) would be akin to living in a frying pan.

Others have suggested that Planar Warming might cause the surface of the planet to expand and become convex to the point that it becomes a sphere. This has led to another bunch of idiots pointlessly suggesting that the Earth was a disc as some point in the past, only becoming globular during the industrial revolution.Wilbur Glenn Voliva offered $5000 for any acceptable proof to the contrary that the earth was flat.Many had tried to claim the $5,000”and all have failed. The catch is that your proof must not start with the assumption that the world is round, or rather a globe, for Voliva believes the world is round, but a round, flat disc rather than a sphere. Without that basic premise that the earth is spherical no one has found an absolutely convincing proof that Voliva is wrong when he describes his disc-shaped world, firmly planted on its foundations, surrounded by a wall of ice to keep mariners from falling off the edge, and surmounted by a crystal dome in which the stars are hung like chandeliers to light the night. Nor can you submit proof to absolutely disprove the belief of Voliva that the sun, instead of being an 800,000 mile ball of fire more than ninety millions of miles away is really a fairly insignificant affair, only some 27 to 30 miles in diameter and about 3,000 miles above the earth. Or that the sun and moon move in orbits while the earth stands still, that the moon is about the same size as the sun and the same distance from the earth, shines by its own light, and moves in much the same orbit as the sun.Contrary to Aristotle,Voliva and his followers maintain there is no proof that the curving shadow of an eclipse is the shadow of the earth, and maintain that there have been several eclipses within historical times in which both sun and moon were visible at the same time, so that the eclipse could not have, been due to the earth’s shadow.

One also notes that the disappearance of a ship over a horizon hull first is an optical illusion of perspective, no different from the apparent merging of the railroad tracks in the distance. A man at the foot of a tree a couple of miles across a plain may be invisible, while the tree itself stands up against the sky and is visible for miles. Earth curvature of eight inches to the mile is not sufficient to explain the invisibility of the man.The flat earth does allow for the earth itself have a three dimensional nature to it,of course, the earth of necessity,the habitable earth parts,versus the oceans, rises out of the seas,and
seas have their tides due to the earth wobbling in it’s orbital.Voliva maintains that there is no South Pole, and that it is 60,000 miles around the southern ice wall. Captain Gunnar Isachsen, the Norwegian explorer, last winter circumnavigated the Antarctic continent in a voyage of about 14,000 miles. Zion says Isachsen may have circumnavigated something, possibly an island of that size, but did not go around the antarctic ice rim, and points to the 60,000 mile journey of Ross in 1848 and the following two years, when he circumnavigated the ice rim. Of course Ross was in a sailing ship which tacked back and forth for three years on a journey

Isachsen completed in a few weeks, which could explain the discrepancy in the distance traveled.

“They say that Byrd flew over the South Pole,” Voliva said recently, “but there is no South Pole. East, west and south are not absolute directions; they are only relative directions with reference to north. East and west are points at right angles to north.”Yes, indeed, he claimed to have, but then merely flew……..back,no “through” and “over” etc. Note compasses don’t specifically point south, they point north, the other end of the needle naturally points, but not necessarily at anything, but
arbitrarily at anything.The Arabs state that all directions point to Mecca, as does their religious compass, but for our scientific compass,well, all directions point to north,as a true consequence.One must also return to Byrd for a further proof.For example, if the earth were a globe, then an airplane would fly upwards and outwards,tangentially, literally flying off of earth and in to space,however it does not, it maintains the same altitude from a zero sea level with respect to earth,it’s altitude constant versus the earth’s profile.Logic dictates.The world is a round sphere,of sorts, but flat,and I will give you
no argument there.It does orbit the sun, the moon does orbit around earth, but earth itself ,is rotating,rotating with the north pole as it’s center,and the rotational vortex effect keeps us firmly on earth and not flying off in to the void of space.

The vortex effect also allow us to have a curved effect to earth’s surface,broad spectrum,hence you cannot see Africa from North
America,with the sea in between etc,due to the curvational nature so introduced.This effect has seen the rise of a mistaken
belief in a round,actually spherical,globular earth,sadly enough which has so easily confused the fragile in body and so affected
in mind, likes of Stephen Hawking. I believe there is a heat resistant core turning, and a liquid sea of magma also turning. But
this does not create the momentum to turn the earth around it. rather it creates a pull (Gravity) on all that is around it much
like the old dropping floor amusement park ride only the exact opposite force. rather than pushing you away as the ride does it
pulls you in like a whirlpool. The airspace above ground is confined by an outer ring of space that also turns the blackness of space is in motion around our earth and exerts a pulling force of its own. It is these opposite pulls that keep our airspace confined and unable to mix, This has to do with the composition of our airspace and the lack of similar components in the blackness of space.

In our modern scientific civilization it seems incredible that for over 450 years, people like Stephen Hawking and Galileo Gallilee (the Biblical character) have claimed that the Earth is like some kind of giant beach ball, but so they didWilliam Carpenter, a printer originally from Greenwich, England, was a supporter of Rowbotham and published Theoretical Astronomy Examined and Exposed – Proving the Earth not a Globe in eight parts from 1864 under the name Common Sense. He later emigrated to Baltimore where he published A hundred proofs the Earth is not a Globe in 1885.He argues that:

“There are rivers that flow for hundreds of miles towards the level of the sea without falling more than a few feet —notably, the Nile, which, in a thousand miles, falls but a foot. A level expanse of this extent is quite incompatible with the idea of the Earth’s convexity. It is, therefore, a reasonable proof that Earth is not a globe.”

“If the Earth were a globe, a small model globe would be the very best – because the truest – thing for the navigator to take to sea with him. But such a thing as that is not known: with such a toy as a guide, the mariner would wreck his ship, of a certainty!This is a proof that Earth is not a globe.”

Here linked to maps proving The Flat Earth…..

Here links to all of his offered proofs…….

click on the colored menu at top to see further all proofs offered by “One Hundred Proofs that the Earth is not a Globe”,issued by William Carpenter in 1885.

John Jasper, the black ex-slave preacher said to have preached to more people than any Southern clergyman of his generation,echoed his friend Carpenter’s sentiments in his most famous sermon “Der Sun do move and the Earth Am Square”, preached over 250 times always by invitation.

English writer Samuel Rowbotham (1816–1885), writing under the pseudonym “Parallax,” produced a pamphlet called Zetetic Astronomy in 1849 arguing for a flat Earth and published results of many experiments that tested the curvatures of water over a long drainage ditch, followed by another called The inconsistency of Modern Astronomy and its Opposition to the Scripture. One of his supporters, John Hampden, lost a bet to Alfred Russell Wallace in the famous Bedford Level Experiment, which attempted to prove it. Rowbotham also produced studies that purported to show the effects of ships disappearing below the horizon could be explained by the laws of perspective in relation to the human eye.

In 1883 he founded Zetetic Societies in England and New York, to which he shipped a thousand copies of Zetetic Astronomy.Challenges were issued in the New York Daily Graphic offering $10,000 to charity to anyone proving the Earth revolved on an axis.In Brockport, N.Y, in 1887, M.C. Flanders argued the case of a flat Earth for three nights against two scientific gentlemen defending sphericity. Five townsmen chosen as judges voted unanimously for a flat Earth at the end. The case was reported in the Brockport Democrat.

‘Professor’ Joseph W. Holden of Maine, a former justice of the peace, gave numerous lectures in New England and lectured on Flat Earth theory at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago. His fame stretched to North Carolina where the Statesville Semi-weekly Landmark recorded at his death in 1900: ‘We hold to the doctrine that the earth is flat ourselves.”

After Rowbotham’s death, Lady Elizabeth Blount created the Universal Zetetic Society in 1893 in England and created a journal called Earth not a Globe Review, which sold for twopence, as well as one called Earth which only lasted from 1901 to 1904. She held that the Bible was the unquestionable authority on the natural world and argued that one could not be a Christian and believe the Earth to be a globe. Well-known members included E. W. Bullinger of the Trinitarian Bible Society, Edward Haughton,
senior moderator in natural science in Trinity College, Dublin and an archbishop. She repeated Rowbotham’s experiments, generating some interesting counter-experiments, but interest declined after the First World War. The movement gave rise to several books which argued for a flat, stationary earth .

In 1898, during his solo circumnavigation of the world, Joshua Slocum encountered a group of flat-Earthers in Durban. Three Boers, one of them a clergyman, presented Slocum with a pamphlet in which they set out to prove that the world was flat. Paul Kruger, President of the Transvaal Republic, advanced the same view: “You don’t mean round the world, it is impossible! You mean
in the world. Impossible!”

Wilbur Glenn Voliva, who in 1906 took over the Christian Catholic Church, a Pentecostal sect that established a utopian community at Zion, Illinois, preached flat Earth doctrine from 1915 onwards and used a photograph of a twelve mile stretch of the shoreline at Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin taken three feet above the waterline to prove his point. When the airship Italia disappeared on an expedition to the North Pole in 1928 he warned the world’s press that it had sailed over the edge of the world. He offered a $5,000 award for proving the Earth is not flat, under his own conditions. Teaching a globular Earth was
banned in the Zion schools and the message was transmitted on his WCBD radio station.

Modern biblical literalists have swung to the other extreme over flat Earth theories. For example, the Biblical Astronomer website, while supporting a geocentric model of the Earth, is clear on this, although its description of the foundations shows ingenuity: “In summary, the Bible teaches that the earth is basically a sphere in shape; that there are pillars which undergird the world and which we conclude to be the crystalline rock corresponding to what we commonly call the mantle.”

Mohammed Yusuf, creator of the Boko Haram Islamic sect in Nigeria, stated his belief in a flat EarthIn 1956, Samuel Shenton set up the International Flat Earth Research Society, better known as the Flat Earth Society, as a direct descendant of the Universal Zetetic Society, just before the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik. He responded to this event “Would sailing round the Isle of Wight prove that it were spherical? It is just the same for those satellites.” His primary aim was to reach children before they were convinced about a spherical Earth. Despite plenty of publicity, the space
race eroded Shenton’s support in Britain until 1967 when he started to become famous due to the Apollo program. His postbag was full but his health suffered as his operation remained essentially a one-man show until he died in 1971.Shenton’s role was taken over by one of his correspondents, Charles K. Johnson, as he retired in 1972 to the Mojave Desert, California. He incorporated the IFERS and steadily built up the membership to about 3,000. He spent years examining the studies of flat and round Earth
theories and proposed evidence of a conspiracy against flat-Earth: “The idea of a spinning globe is only a conspiracy of error that Moses, Columbus, and FDR all fought…” His article was published in the magazine Science Digest, 1980. It goes on to state,

“If it is a sphere, the surface of a large body of water must be curved. The Johnsons have checked the surfaces of Lake Tahoe and the Salton Sea without detecting any curvature.”

There were those who argued sunrise and sunset proved a globular earth, but this was proved wrong by one Samuel Birley Rowbotham (1816-1884), a 19th century religious fundamentalist, who headed an Owenite colony, and promoted the flat earth philosophy. Rowbotham concocted the fiendishly clever idea of light refraction in curved paths to ‘save the hypothesis’ of the flat earth, to account for what he called the ‘optical illusions’ of sunrise and sunset.Presently it is proved modern scientists are
correctly applying this very hypothesis, and state it as such, attempting to create a modern science fiction cloaking device, not to hide starships, but rather the much more sensible modern engine of war, the elephant of the day, the tank.(proof here supplied via Fox news item at,2933,306678,00.html ).

General flatness of seas etc was taken in to account…..John Hampden (1819-1891) vigorously promoted the flat earth idea in
England. He founded the Truth-Seeker’s Oracle and Scriptural Science Review in 1876. In 1870 Hampden made a bet with naturalist
Alfred Wallace on the outcome of a test of the flatness of water in the Old Bedford Canal. Both sides claimed the test confirmed their view, and flat-earthers to this day assert that “water surfaces have been proved to be flat.”The New Bedford canal experiment inspired others to measure the flatness of water surfaces. Alexander Gleason, a civil engineer from Buffalo, NY, tested the flatness of the surface of lake Erie. He published Is the Bible from Heaven (1890) and Is the Earth a Globe? (1893).

But not everyone who measured water’s flatness got the same result. In 1896 Ulysses G. Morrow made such a test on the Old Illinois Drainage Canal, He found the water surface concave upwards. Morrow considered this “the most unmistakable evidence of the water’s non-convexity.” However,we’re not stating that the earth is perfectly flat, no indeed,but gnerally flat, but basically convex, having a convexity to it,indeed,which accounts for many optical effects such as a ship disappearing over the

Maps existent proving The Flat Earth

There have been some confused, but on the somewhat right track maps and ideas of the flat earth.Have you ever heard of Orlando Ferguson?Well, Ferguson, a resident of Hot Springs,Arkansas,USA, at that time designed a map in 1893 which showed a round world,but one which had a convex northern hemisphere, and a concave southern hemisphere,but he was of course wrong,as ships don’t hit a corner and get stuck, rather can sale and return whence they came,indicating a round nature,the round natures at the ends,sort of, of the “earth”,as the maps indicate.Modern maps do him a great honor by displaying themselves as being either square or rectangular in natures,but all do correctly depict a flat nature to the representation. There are many Flat Earth Societies, endeavouring to propound the truth of things, the nature of things, and Charles K. Johnson of Lancaster,California,became president of one such society,The Flat Earth Society in 1971.

Johnson used Biblical authority to assert that the earth is a flat disk with the North pole at the center and a wall of ice in the Antarctic regions, surrounding the whole perimeter of the earth disk.Johnson also cited the testimony of his wife Marjory,who came from Australia. “She’s sworn out an affidavit that she never hung by her feet in Australia. She sailed a ship over here, and she did not get on it upside down and she did not sail straight up. She sailed right straight across the ocean. We consider that a very important proof that the world is flat,” Johnson says.

The scientific proof for a Falt Earth abounds, with zounds and zooks…….one ancient proponent of the Flat Earth is one Samuel Rowbottom, who’s reasoning is here supplied …..found at

There are,of course, many such historical works of proofs……irrefutable proofs, refuted by the refutable scientists of the day,scientists who hold the obviously heavily brain damaged Stephen Hawking in the highest regard,ridiculously so of course.Scientists such as Stephen Hawking and others have presented to us their theories, and thoughts, but they are all just that,theories and thoughts, unprovable,scientifically unprovable and hence they are and remain theories,but this is glossed
over by the press of the day,treating the droppings of such scientists rather as a celebrity magazine gossip of truth.Governments have lied to us throughout history,the hiding of the evidence that the Earth is flat isn’t the first time they or space organizations such as NASA, has lied to us. First they promised flying cars, then monkey butlers you know, I have neither,you have neither.There are scientists in Flat Earth Societies, throughout earth, and it’s populations, refuting claims made by the likes of the gnarly, crippley, Stephen Hawking,who mistakenly claims through many of his unproved theories,ideas of
things, that the earth is globular.Hawking has formed many theories, but there is not a scintilla of truth in any of them and yet you will find them in every book he writes,or at least dictates(or does he?), and even yet every primary science teacher repeats them like a parrot. I decline to be a parrot. A parrot is a man who never thinks for himself, but repeats what he hears without any questions as to why or wherefore.Patrick Moore is a prominent member of one of the Flat Earth Societies. His motives
are unknown, and when asked to comment on this writing, he promptly fell asleep, his monocle falling out. He then woke up, went on about Saturn a bit,said something about Stephen Hawking being a french whore mothered sausage sucking kraut, and fell asleep again. As of yet, none have been able to awaken him for further comment.

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,(MP,Dunny On The Wold),
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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