The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Secret Squirrel On National Debts,Money, And Gold.

Secret Squirrel is pondering national debts, and working with the national debts, in short, Squirrel has embarked on philosophical economic considerations of things of economics which are as they are, and may not seem to be as they are but they
are, and what they should be, yet aren't,and even yet might not yet be.To be or not to be,that is the question,economically strong is the completion of it.The United Sates,formerly regarded as being the humungous heavily muscled King Kong of the economies of the world, through the power of the ever almighty printed up fiat paper and ink based currency, has now been found to be some form of strange miniature but seemingly economically possibly killable midget monkey.Of sorts. You see whilst America has debt problems,most major nations,but not all, have been revealed as having massive debt problems,also. In the same vein as America, almost also bankrupt,and as America probably morally so as well, the other major nations are Ireland (94.2% debt versus gdp), Iceland (123.8%), Greece (144%), Spain (63.4%),Italy (118.1%) .Curiously though, lets examine America, which though it prints up money whilly nilly seemed to be in an internal position of not ,at least almost not, being ALLOWED, by it's Congress,to print up more currency for itself to run.It's national debt is placed at 58% of it's GDP, but this is far below the
% GDP debts of many European countries, and those regarded as being stronger economies.America's is 58% of GDP,yet they had a massive crisis.Why ever did they have a humungous crisis, and not those other nations yet more of a crisis.

Well,through it all the massively indebted nation of Canada remained undisturbed at a colossal 84% debt versus gdp, the UK is quiet at 76.5% and so too is France at 83.5%,and Germany at 78%.So,technically,if fiat money printing was linked to debt, the Americans should not be in any kind of a particular problem at all,concerning the per centage of GDP relationship, but strangely it was. What does it all mean?

Well let's confuse the issue by examining things as they are. Now the Australia national debt is at a paltry 22% of it's GDP,shall we say they're THE best of what we can call the Old Order,Old Economic Guard,nations. Now with canada at a whopping 84% debt of gdp,if dollars are equating, shouldn't Australia be allowed to further increase it's "debt" to the Canadian level, and increase dollar values out by 4 times..........great spending spree that'd be for them, and deserved as well,or conversely, shouldn't then a Canadian dollar be 25 cents versus the Australia(or increase to 4 dollars canadian equating to 1 dollar Australian.Well clearly Canada is an utterly inept and economically incompetent failure versus Australia.Wouldn't it be better for the Canadians if Britain gave Canada to the Australians to regulate,run,rule could be ever so much better..........!!!!!!!!!!Mind you it would still have winter.Now with the UK debt 76.5 % of gdp, and per capita productivity taken in to account,the Aussies rank above UK, and Uk also above Canada like per person per capita debts of respectively,41,39,31 thousands in terms of per capita debt ownership of the individual citizen, not that any citizen would wish to, nor does wish to,own his or her share of their national debt generated by governments regarded generally as being aliens of some sorts to them.So what is a dollar worth?It's not based on any value of gold or any other precious metal. It's not based on a national debt as percentage of GDP system.........obviously it cannot be else all of the above concerning Australia.
Now the USA is at 58% of the GDP debt.

Let's continue in the same vein.So the Aussie dollar ought to be worth 2us dollars to the Aussie dollar........the UK dollar value(even if pounds), 1 Aussie dollar worth 3.50 uk dollar values.But it isn't so is it.Well such is this thing of economics and finances.Now we find the US WANTS the Aussies to raise the value of their dollar versus the US dollar.They claim that by having a lower dollar value versus the Australians they force others to buy more from them,America, and the Aussies more,particularly, from whatever including America.But if the Aussie dollar was higher and got more dollars, the Aussies should be getting more bang for their buck in America, as in the car values in America say.Imagine a $18,000 car average
value, would be and should be accepted in exchange for said car 9000 Aussie bucks, BUT they want 18000 US bucks which at present is at par (or a touch higher cent of two aussie favor)as in equal value.But,they, the Americans, would not give the Aussies 2 US dollars in exchange for 1 Australian dollar,so the Aussies can't spend what they don't have but are entitled to,since when they want it to have it and use it, the Americans won't give it to them. Anyway you look at it,things are confusing,and the Aussies are getting the short end of things.

Things are getting more yet confusing.Imagine now they,the Americans, want to go back to the gold standard.What of things of gold?Under a gold standard, paper notes are convertible into pre-set, fixed quantities of gold.

The gold standard is a monetary system in which the standard economic unit of account is a fixed mass of gold. There are distinct kinds of gold standard. First, the gold specie standard is a system in which the monetary unit is associated with
circulating gold coins, or with the unit of value defined in terms of one particular circulating gold coin in conjunction with subsidiary coinage made from a lesser valuable metal.

Similarly, the gold exchange standard typically involves the circulation of only coins made of silver or other metals, but where the authorities guarantee a fixed exchange rate with another country that is on the gold standard. This creates a de facto gold standard, in that the value of the silver coins has a fixed external value in terms of gold that is independent of the inherent silver value. Finally, the gold bullion standard is a system in which gold coins do not circulate, but in which the authorities have agreed to sell gold bullion on demand at a fixed price in exchange for the circulating currency.The total amount of gold that has ever been mined has been estimated at around 142,000 metric tons. This is less than the value of circulating money in the U.S. alone, where more than $8.3 trillion is in circulation or in deposit (M2 deposits). Therefore, a return to the gold standard, if also combined with a mandated end to fractional reserve banking, would result in a significant increase in the current value of gold, which may limit its use in current applications.economic recessions can be largely mitigated by increasing money supply during economic downturns. Following a gold standard would mean that the amount of money would be determined by the supply of gold, and hence monetary policy could no longer be used to stabilize the economy in times of economic recessionMonetary policy would essentially be determined by the rate of gold production. Fluctuations in the amount of gold that is mined could cause inflation if there is an increase, or deflation if there is a decrease.

In 2001, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad proposed a new currency that would be used initially for international trade among Muslim nations. The currency he proposed was called the Islamic gold dinar and it was defined as 4.25 grams of pure (24-carat) gold. Mahathir Mohamad promoted the concept on the basis of its economic merits as a stable unit of account and also as a political symbol to create greater unity between Islamic nations. The purported purpose of this move would be to reduce dependence on the United States dollar as a reserve currency, and to establish a non-debt-backed currency in accord with Islamic
law against the charging of interest. However, to date, Mahathir's proposed unified gold-dinar currency has failed to take hold.But present holdings in Muslim nations total 1328.3 Tonnes, or US 18Billion.This is interesting, it would be a workable
economy within the global economy, respting on participating nations having faith in their currency,their exchange standard.It magnifies and exposes the concept of the global economy and problem of the day. This idea of his should work,it is a mdoel of a workable economy, and economy in the world as it was, but isn't,it is the gold standard value economy.

The United States used gold as the basis for valuing the U.S. dollar successfully for roughly 180 years before President Richard Nixon embarked upon an experiment to end the practice in the 1970s that has contributed to a number of woes that the country is suffering from now.By restoring the gold standard, the United States would shift away from “less responsible policies” and toward a stronger dollar and a stronger America, he said. “If the dollar was as good as gold, other countries would want to buy it.” Forbes believe the US will return to the gold standard within 5 years.But here we have the starnge the dollar......with what, gold they no longer have having cleared out their reserves.....some haven't noitcably the arab countries where it has been cherished and believed in from the beginning of time...but others cleared it out, almost entirely,So,now everybody has to go back to the gold standard?Most nations just spent their time getting away from the gold standard and getting rid of their gold. Why this sudden urge to go back to the gold standard?

Well, let's look at the tables.......

Top 10 Nations by Gold reserves :(tonnes)

Country Dec-09 Mar-09 % of reserves
United States 8113.5 8113.5 68.7
Germany 3407.6 3412.6 64.6
Italy 2451.8 2451.80 63.4
France 2435.4 2487.10 64.2
China 1054.0 1054.00 1.5
Switzerland 1040.10 1040.10 28.8
Japan 765.2 765.2 2.4
Netherlands 612.5 612.5 51.7
Russia 607.7 523.7 4.7
India 557.7 357.7 6.4
All other 26780 26349 10.2
Total 47825.5 47167.2

Well,US holds the maximum gold reserves in the world. At the end of Dec 2009 the US has 8113.5 metric tons of gold in its foreign reserves. 68.7% of America’s foreign reserves are in the form of gold – highest by any country in the world. China on the other hand holds a mere 1.5% of its reserves in Gold. It is a big fan of green back and holds close to $2.5 trillion in foreign exchange, most of it in USD.Australia only holds about 8%,or 79.7tonnes, Canada 2% 3.4tonnes...hardly anything at all really,UK 312.2 tonnes.Europe,less Uk holds 13681 tonnes total,184 billion US.

But there is another stranger side of the coin as it were...let's talk a walk on the wild side, let's follow the left hand path, let's see what's on the dark side...that of things sinister.....


Rank Country/Region Gold production (kilograms)

1 China 320,000
2 Australia 210,000
3 South Africa 210,000
4 United States 205,000
5 Russia 205,000
6 Peru 180,000
7 Indonesia 140,000
8 Canada 95,000
9 Ghana 90,000
10 Uzbekistan 80,000

Now to give an idea of production per year,let's exmine Australia's production.Now with gold at (per Kilo) $56,496.90, given Australian output at 210,000 kilos per annum, this equals in US Dollars, $11,864,394,000 which is 11.864 billion, or .118
trillion.Now One tonne is equal to 1000kg.So Australia's production is 210 tonnes per annum.It would take Australia, keeping all of it's own production, 38 years to equal America's present 8113.5 tonnes of reserves.Australia is a have, a very big have, so too are other seemingly poorer nations, but what then of the have nots?

The United States is in great field position,pretty much all round and about,massive debts or not,and their debt isn't the most massive in the world,Japan is at 225% of it's gdp take note, and plugging along quite nicely,thank you, in spite of it
all,facing no economic crisis what so ever,strangely enough.Yet the US debt,who's dollar is used as a world exchange currency,the world standard currency, has a debt of 14 trillion,at 58% of gdp, the Japanese at 225% of their GDP have a debt ot 9.8 trillion US dollars,the UK has a debt of 9.12 trillion but their is vastly less of it's gdp,only 76.5% of it's gdp to be exact.

China is also in really good field position, the best really within the world,in either case, debt based,fiat money based or gold based economy, but all the other nations with high gold reserves, aren't gold producers.What of the gold producers, would the Australian's then have to produce gold to give to the US for US dollars? But what of the non gold producing nations.

Obviously then the gold producing nations become the king nations of the new economic order over night.Indeed yes,why should they or do they have to sell gold at all, and for how much as well, in exchange for what and what ever also as well. Why shouldn't they not keep their own massively produced gold?Just look at Australia, South Africa, Russia, Peru, Indonesia, the economic colossus they would thence become, and should be,even yet today,but curiously aren't.

Obviously things are very very peculiar in the world of today, the world of money...........


"Money Money Money"

I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay
Ain't it sad
And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me
That's too bad
In my dreams I have a plan
If I got me a wealthy man
I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball...

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It's a rich man's world

A man like that is hard to find but I can't get him off my mind
Ain't it sad
And if he happens to be free I bet he wouldn't fancy me
That's too bad
So I must leave, I'll have to go
To Las Vegas or Monaco
And win a fortune in a game, my life will never be the same...

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It's a rich man's world

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It's a rich man's world

It's a rich man's world

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