The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Secret Squirrel Makes The National Debt Work For You

Secret Squirrel has seen that there is a great problem what with the economics of the economythe,National Debt, not only that of the UK,that is Britain,(England), Northern Ireland,Scotland and Wales, but all other nations within what was the EEC (the European Economic Union) and is now known as The European Union,(the EU),problems it seems pointed out by the Americans,of course, they do enjoy pointing out other nations problems, that nations besides themselves are in danger of defaulting their debts and this displeases the Americans who are pleased to be in a similar situation,which the other nations seem not allowed to mention nor reference nor refer ,nor infer to, but in not mentioning it to anybody in particular, and America hopes that they,the other nations, and our government incumbent, won't notice,and don't,notice.A successful ploy it is too, workable, sadly. So we seem to be forced in to a situation of reducing our increasing meager national debt in order to please the Americans whose national debt of bloated and ever burgeoning to grotesque obscene rates. well, the governments,of the UK, incumbent and past,were and are unable to solve this problem with the Americans,and one is quite sure that if they,the governments of the UK, if they ever had an original idea, it would die of loneliness,and so we,I,myself,Secret Squirrel, you and the MRL, have a problem of what they call the National Debt.So lets look at our field position with respect to that.

The US debt lists at 54 printed currency,theirs,not ours.The UK debt lists debt at 1.1 trillion,in dollars, no doubt hoping that the Americans can count it,or perhaps miscount it,and England is handicapped and saddled what
with Northern Ireland,Scotland and Wales,so there is a lot to play with here, in terms of figures and data,mathematically speaking. Now how do we get money in to the hands of the people to fuel,fire up,run,drive and whatever, our economy.Well, let's give our retirees a break, and use them to help us.What we do is give each 1 million pounds for example on retirement.This will encourage early retirement, making more jobs available for the unemployed and so fuel the economy on the job scene, the fluid cash flow area. Let look at the figures involved in that.25000 retire each year, time s 1000000 gets 25000000000 or 25 billion each year, 1 trillion every 4 years,which is what that scheme would cost.............but at 500000 that'd halve all, 1 trillion every 8 years,so we have an option, a Plan A at 1 million pounds, on retirement, or a suggested Plan B, at half that, halving costs. But giving that to retirees would allow them to spend that and so would fuel the economy quite nicely.Also to be considered,on their deaths, the inheritances would pass on the available economic fuel currency.Now all that remains is can we economically finance it all to the satisfaction of the ever irritating nuisances in things of the global economy and the internal economies of all the nations of the world, aside from it,the Americans.

We can, consider this,the American system itself, working for them, as we will make it similarly work for us,not that the Americans like to work for anybody else.Face it the United States,has a huge ever growing, massively,economic debt,and we find that it actually fuels,errr, pays, it's debt, by printing up Treasury Certificates whenever it needs extra money what with all the where with all and wars and invasions it runs,and these Treasury Certificates have monetary values printed up on them, the money the United States government wants and whatever needs for whatever it wants. So the government goes to the Treasury Department,and gives them The Certificate to keep and put safely away.The debt figure is then simply incremented accordingly,to the Treasury Department, and thence the Treasury Department,through the United States Mint, prints up the
currency value demanded. That's how that works. Well,surely the UK could well do the same, never mind Europe. Currently the Americans were and are after respectively or not, Spain,Iceland, Greece etc concerning their debts and possibilities of default over there debts, never minding that America is about to default on its debt,and hence to escape must again print up more Treasury Certificates.That's politics, that's economics, the politics and economics of the United States with respect to the rest of the world in sum toto, which means directly, in it's entirety.

So why again, can the UK not simply print up said Treasury Certificates as it needs? Not part of The System?Well, it could be. under an MRL government we could simply print up Treasury Certificates as well,and lacking the American Treasury Department, we could simply present the Treasury Certificates to them, for them to print up the money required for us.Surely they wouldn't complain, but would be accommodating.Failing that, as is most likely with our fair weather friends, that being the Americans, well, we could have the Bank Of England do and adopt the same system with respect to the UK could we and they not?We could further assuage the Americans who for some reason might object as they object to the possible default of Spain,Ireland,Iceland,Greece etc and whatever et all,meaning including.

What we also could do, and I do mean also,at the very same time,is to generate yet more additional funds,meaningful funds, to actually take in currency,to please the Americans,by further reducing OUR national debt, is very simple in it's mechanism, so unique and so cunning it is yet no surprise it has not occurred to any incumbent and previous government aside from myself, and so hence the MRL,through myself.Quite simply put, the government dishes out the DOLE,not the pineapple,but welfare as it were, funds for doing nothing, funds for not working,not being gainfully employed etc and whatever.Well, they receive their dole, currency, from the government, which hands it out as THEY need it. Of course it is increased when those on the dole need or ask for it,which renders the immune to and from everything, including fuel purchases,heating costs,food purchases, electric uses and rates,clothing costs,rental costs and increases,water rates and uses etc etc etc etc.Well now, what about taxing said dole folk?Yes, you see we tax those on the dole, and at higher rates than those who are forced to work for their living and pay for it all, and those on the dole.We tax those on the dole, they can't really complain and grumble as they simply go to the government to pay for it all with money the government would give them to do so, and so the government would then take in monies and us it to proper use, such as reducing any accruing National Debt. Ah you see the sense and sensibility in it all now don't you! A system which actually works,works for you, not against you, works to paying off a national debt, and seeing to it you're comfortable in your age! Yes,indeed! All that remains is for you to get and have it all.....and the only way you can get it,is to vote MRL!!

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,(MP),Dunny On The Wold,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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