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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Secret Squirrel On Canada Boycotting United Nations Conferences.

Secret Squirrel has decided to comment on Canada, a nation employing a strange political technique of the boycott,boycotting as in not attending, not attending social global interaction sporting events, and yet even United Nations conferences because the policies,politics, ideas,thoughts of other nations don't agree with their own. Canada employs the childish and ignorant technique of the boycott.Let us ponder Canada in its ridiculous boycotts,some of which are exampled here.

In 1980 Canada boycotted Moscow Olympics,(along with America) allowing other nations to garner the few medals Canada usually wins,and the large numbers America usually wins(not really wise for the Americans as there are a great many nations it doesn't like, and a greater number of nations which don't like it), shooting themselves in the foot there.The Canadians even yet boycotted an anti-racism conference in Durban,South Africa(along with America).......curious,anti racism,a conference to discuss anti-racism, and Canada chooses not to attend.

They,the Canadians,have also boycotted speeches by other world leaders,in and at The United Nations, unwilling to listen to them and their ideas, thoughts, perspectives and theories,in the free and open forum that is the gathered United Nations.Tch tch tch.....what if children boycotted schools, you know what that would lead to,what it has in Canada's government, idiocy.Canada's boycott of the Olympic Games 1980 was to protest the Russian invasion of Afghanistan.Perhaps Canada will now boycott(along with America), the Russia's 2014 Olympic Games at Sochi,will Canada boycott protesting it's(their) own invasion of Afghanistan? I think not.

So now Canada boycotts a UN arms meeting,because it disagrees that North Korea, whose turn it is to chair it,will chair it.Well, these disarmament conferences are mutual meetings geared to disarmament,trying to achieve it. Seems Canada is inclined to not to listen,heed the council of, nor respect the other nations of the world.In terms of peace and neutrality,Canada is not any of that,it has invaded militarily Afghanistan,presently also Libya,in short, it is on a belligerent course of action militarily,it is an aggressor nation,though it does nothing by itself,it does exhibit militarily pack behaviour.Canada cannot possibly say it has have every right, indeed the duty, to boycott a disarmament conference if the country chairing the meeting is North Korea,or any other for that matter. How is it possible to trust a country which claims it wants disarmament but won't discuss the issue?

Does Canada belong there in either case? No not really, they still haven't figured out how to successfully create an atom bomb for example,but if they actually ever do then they will pose a worse threat than the DPRK ever will, on the basis of their constant and continuing invasions of nations foreign to themsleves,whether or not they consider themselves liberators as that is the usual horn blown by all who belligerently invade.Should Canada ever chair such a meeting it would be “absurd” that one of the world’s worst offenders on foreign invasions should do so.The North Koreans invaded South Korea once,Canada has invaded foreign lands twice and counting. Canada claims that “North Korea’s chairmanship undermines the integrity of disarmament framework and of the United Nations, and Canada will simply not support that,” Canada will no longer “go along to get along” and will instead take principled stands on foreign policy, Canada will also press for reforms of the rotating presidency structure so countries like North Korea and Iran don’t have a chance at the seven-week helm,would it also push,perhaps, that Canada shouldn't as well.

Imagine Canada what with it's invasions of the Arab lands(for the oil supply of course),pushing some form a agenda at peace conferences!Could Canada be believed?Not really,no indeed.Canada is not a neutral,not a peace keeper, but really a belligerentnation(albeit not ever by itself).Canada is a member of NATO, a supposed defense alliance, but with recent invasions and activities in Arab lands, we see that this is really not so, NATO is, and has become, a repressive, suppressive attack alliance, garnered not to defense, but rather attacking lands, gaining political control of them, and then inexpensively sucking out the minerals and resources for their selective uses and applications,well under the guise of a fee charged for "liberating" the victim nation,Canada is part of such nations,a member of a group of such nations,and Canada is such a nation, yet they, the Canadians, condemn the North Koreans,the humungous kettle has called the tiny

Canada's presence actually undermines the integrity of any particular discussion on nuclear disarmament, and on any other military type of discussion due to its belligerent invasions of,presently, Arab lands.It is not for Canada to decide who
should host or who should not host any discussion forum in the United Nations in the first and any place, indeed all nations should in all equity,equality, and global fraternity be chairs at specific terms, whilst Canada should learn that chairs will
not be nations it specifically approves of and are within it's political and economic policy dictates.Canada has presently a pattern of driving a poorly defined agenda within international bodies such as the UN,when it should have a policy of toleration, respect and equality for all.You have to ask yourself what they’re trying to achieve here.After losing a bid for a UN security council seat Canada risks being further sidelined and more irrelevant by pursuing boycotts instead of showing
leadership on issues of any particular variety.Canada doesn’t seem to be definitive on issues that are going to get results and move things along – it seem rather to be blocking things that they don’t like or things they don’t appear to be in line
with,they're not providing what the alternatives are.The Canadian attitude seem to be, with the swelled head that the present government of Canada demonstrates,is a dictatorial attitude of it controlling the game, and not liking the direction the game takes, the sad snotty little nation takes it's ball and goes home.And,need we add,Canada ranks(really now), fourteenth (14th), in international arms sales.......

1. USA
2. Russia
3. Germany
4. France
5. United Kingdom
6. Netherlands
7. China
8. Spain
9. Italy
10. Sweden
11. Israel
12. Ukraine
13. Switzerland
14. Canada
15. South Africa
16. South Korea
17. Poland
18. Belgium
19. Norway
20. Brazil

Oh dear,North Korea didn't make the top 20.My, should Canada be allowed to chair arms conferences?Why no, it would have to boycott itself.One simply must look at Canada now, the Canadian government, and its political position, as being
abusive,schizophrenic, and...racist, quite obviously.

BUT the game's afoot, and there is more than one ball in play in the game of international politics, and so, the game continues, without the sore looser.Canada seems stuck on North Korea having nuclear abilities, but rather curiously Canada
seems happy with the Pakistanis having it, the Israelis having it. Canada can never now have the ability to have a positive influence on these negotiations,it has a revealed agenda,nuclear bombs for nations it likes, not for those it doesn't like.By
withdrawing from the conference, Canada is abdicating its responsibility to act and to be heard on important issues such as nuclear non-proliferation and giving more radical countries like Pakistan,Israel,North Korea and Iran an even greater
influence on the outcome of the negotiations.Canada does not regard North Korea as a credible chair, but then the pot has called the kettle black, and Canada is by it's actions,also not a credible chair, just as it was not a credible chair for the
Security Council.Canada even yet argues that the UN has accused North Korea of selling weapons to Iran, Syria and Burma,other nations,not liking those nations, but does not complain about nations such as Israel,France,Britain,America and whatever and whoever also selling weapons round and about the world,to whomever they do, nor itself really, ranking,again, fourteenth in world arm sales.And need one add, it,The Canada, likes the nations it sells arms to.

It ,the UN,also said the country,North Korea,in it's arms sales, mislabeled shipping container contents, falsified information about the destinations of goods and used "multiple layers of intermediaries, shell companies, and financial institutions,which just goes to show you they have learned much from nations such as Britain,France,the United States,Israel.It is a global domination issue,a control issue, a subjugation issue,and Canada is itself a part of that very process,a very belligerent part of that process.Canada will resume its role on the 65-member body on 19 August, when North Korea's turn as president ends.And so the tardy child will have returned from truancy,to find that it has missed the the discussions, the educational enlightenment,the exchange of ideas and thoughts between nations, which took place while it was gone, and so,when the time comes for it to face its test, it will fail out of its own ignorance and stupidity,the ignorance and the stupidity of its own government which holds only its views and opinions in high regard and disclaims the views and opinions of other nations of the world in the global fraternal order of the United Nations, nation members in equality, equity, fraternity.Canada is a disgrace, it disgraces the United Nations, and it disgraces itself,by it's mere presence there.

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