The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Secret Squirrel Ponders Implications Of The Phone Hacking Scandal

Secret Squirrel has monitored the emerging British Phone Hacking scandal,as most call it, the Rupert Murdoch Scandal,as some call it, and feels it is necessary to comment on the scandal ,at present being investigated,and emerging events of the day concerning it. This scandal, at present,just that,but Squirrel surmises, it WILL, reach epic and gigantic proportions, proportions as yet unimagined by many.It WILL be a far reaching hummungous scandal reaching far in to the past, and having deep present day repercussions, and reaching out well in to the future,altering the fabric of the sanctity of the lives of Britons,citizens of Britain,citizens ruled by Parliament,the citizens under the British Monarchy.

There has been revealed, through a mole,a quesling,or what ever you term said person(one Sean Hoare) who first revealed the phone hacking scandal(he was one of them involved in actually informationally hacking as things had been set up for him,by as yet persons and persons unknown and anonymous,yet hidden by others,in short,he WAS a spy,of sorts,perhaps out of sorts), of the massive intrusion in to the private lives of Britons, of members of government, in short an event which may yet emerge to involve not simple journalists,nor journalism,but rather spies, spying, directed by foreigners, citizens of a foreign power, a power alien to Britain,events emerging most definitely indicating occurrences to the detriment of the British citizen.

Hoare had told the New York Times that reporters at the NoW (News Of The World)were able to use police technology to locate people using their mobile phone signals, in exchange for payments to police officers. He said journalists were able to purchase the mobile phone tracking data from police for just £300.Where there is crime, there must be punishment.Looking at events,from what may occur, dependent on whose phone has been hacked we're looking at something very much like this.People were located via their mobile phones,locationally traced.

Now what is the legal side to all this.Well now,dependent on how a crime of intrusion in to a politician,member of governments position,there is a definitional change in crime designation, phone hacking is a crime with respect to anyone,yes, but it changes when members of government,politicians are involved,dealing with them in that fashion can result in things like charges for treason,that's right, treason,where we shall first commence and proceed from there.

In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more serious acts of betrayal of one's sovereign or nation. Historically, treason also covered the murder of specific social superiors, such as the murder of a husband by his wife. Treason against the king was known as high treason and treason against a lesser superior was petty treason. A person who commits treason is known in law as a traitor.Treason is committed by citizens of the nation, in this instance,Britain.A
citizen's actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation]." In many nations, it is also often considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government, even if no foreign country is aided or involved by such an endeavour.Since the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 became law, the maximum sentence for high treason,crime against the Monarch,members of the Royal Family, in the UK has been life imprisonment.For spying,in Britain, the maximum punishment is 14 years in prison.Ordinary treason, is somewhere in between.

Now in present day events,the scandal has been termed The Phone Hacking Scandal.Let us first examine the method used, that of hacking cell phones, in the first instance.The modern cell phone originated with Martin Cooper; however, in order to completely understand the invention of the cell phone, you actually have to go back to the year 1947. It was then that the underlying technology that makes cell phones possible was invented. Known as hexagonal cells for mobile phone base stations, cell phones were invented through a joint effort between AT&T and Bell Labs. They were not actually used until the late 1950s.Doctor Martin Cooper invented the modern cell phone. He invented the technology responsible for the cell phone when he was the Director of Research and Development at Motorola. Dr. Martin Cooper is also known as the first person to make a call on a cell phone. His revolutionary call took place in April of 1973 in New York. He is currently the CEO of an antenna corporation.That's where and when it all began, in America, the country which controls the technology, and security technology,and computer technology, of the modern in use cellphone.There were and are internet enabled smartphone devices as well, and as we know, they have had problems recently with nations complaining they wished the codings for said system such
that THEY could monitor calls made with those devices.One recalls the Canadian Blackberry for example, and calls by foreign nations such as Pakistan,India,some Arab lands, etc which wished THE TECHNOLOGY to be able to penetrate and monitor such device use, in short, they wished to be able to hack in to said types of "phones" NOT BEING ABLE TO DO SO THEMSELVES, in short they THEY, a GOVERNMENT had not been able to penetrate the Canadian security of said,device, but OBVIOUSLY ,CANADA, and the company which made said device, COULD. In short penetration of said security of such devices is not easy, BUT is available and can be done with sufficient knowledge provided by the system designers etc,do take careful note here.Can it be done? Yes, but knowledge, extreme knowledge computer codings of the system, are required, not something just anybody can
get their hands on, massive technological help at the highest levels, IS required, not a simple task indeed.

Phone hacking involves a highly technologically motivated enterprise.It is not easy by any means,face it you cannot do it you yourself. How would it be done, requires direction, ordered initiation, thence requires those with the technological know
how, those with knowledge of the phone networks involved,and those with a high grade of computer skills. It requires massive organization,and cannot be done by a joe plumber in the confines of his apartment.In short it is a form of say,foreign,
intelligence apparatus network abilities. Also, take note, IF you did this, you would go to prison, as well as those who assisted you, all the lackeys and minions involved, together with the brains and organization of the outfit. If such hacking
took place involving government officials, then the term for that is spying, if by locally directed, it is domestic spying, but spying nevertheless.If it involves foreign nationals,such as say, American citizens, it is spying by and for a second power, a foreign power, a breech of NATIONAL security by a malevolent foreign entity,regardless of nation.need one wonder to what purpose.Rupert Murdoch,owner of The News Of The World,owner of a newspaper and media empire,worldwide in it's situation, has tried to brand himself mostly as Australia,and is referred to in press(his) as an Australian American, but he was Australian,(and does NOT hold dual citizenship,NOT in Australia) and to expand his empire of owned newspaper apparatus in foreign nations,and to gain control of media in foreign nations,he had to become an EXCLUSIVE American citizen, and so dropped, and lost his Australian citizenship. At that moment he was no longer an Australian, those many years back, but ipso facto, an American purely and simply.To Britain, and Australia, at that moment, he became a foreigner,back in 1985.He is
ranked 13th most powerful person in the world in the 2010 Forbes' The World's Most Powerful People list.With a net worth of US$6.3 billion, he is ranked 117th wealthiest person in the world.

Interestingly high officials in Scotland Yard have resigned, having failed the British Politicians, the British people,all, not just those who were the victims of the phone tapping,hacking etc by and for whatever foreign directed purpose there was.For example Sir Paul Stephenson, commissioner of the UK's Metropolitan Police, commonly known as Scotland Yard, resigned (DailyTelegraph), following revelations that he had employed former News of the World editor Neil Wallis as a personal

"Wallis was arrested last week on suspicion of phone-hacking while at the newspaper, though Stephenson claimed that Wallis was not involved in the scandal while working for him in 2009. Stephenson said he had not told Prime Minister David Cameron about Wallis's employment so as not to "compromise" Cameron "(Financial Times), whose former communications chief, Andy Coulson, was also arrested for phone-hacking activities at News of the World,as well as police corruption charges(bribery and corruption, obtaining information from police through monetary payments, bribes,the pot de vin,schmiergeld,tea money.),the penalties for committing a crime under the Bribery Act are a maximum of 10 years' imprisonment, along with an unlimited fine, and the potential for the confiscation of property.Well that's a right plum job he had, and a really well based position for a mole to be in,an informative position,an invasive position,a job of massive available intelligence on Britons and Britain,and on of influence.If the lad could and would wear a dress, we would have a Profumo Scandal.The affair even yet deepens......most seriously.........David Cameron's friendship with Rebekah Brooks([BBC]Ex-News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks has been arrested by police investigating phone hacking and bribery at the News of the World.The 43-year-old
was arrested by appointment on Sunday on suspicion of conspiring to intercept communications and on suspicion of corruption.) and employment of Andy Coulson puts him at the very center of the phone-hacking story, writes the Daily Telegraph.Curious, they're the heads, the high heads, the dinner table party lads, not really functionaries who actually function.Questions,questions,questions arise out of this,questions we must have answers to,regardless.

why was Tony Blair so effiminent and ineffectual,unable to function when it came to dealings with the Americans.Was he more than their simply servile,smarmy patsy and the world's worst negotiator when it came to the Americans?Was there more to his ineptitude with respect to the Americans,were there things he didn't know that they knew,about British policies etc and himself?He certainly was Britain's most ridiculous and worst leader(loose term here applied,probably incorrectly).The Prime Minister raised the prospect of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown being called to give evidence to a phone-hacking inquiry today.Prime Minister Cameron said,"For the last 30 years at least, the British political establishment has lived in dread of
Rupert Murdoch. Although the real influence of his papers has been probably been wildly exaggerated, the Tories have always craved his support. Neil Kinnock loathed him, but Tony Blair actively courted the Murdoch press and until late 2009 one of
the unofficial rules of New Labour was: "never do anything that might offend News International."

The judge leading the phone hacking inquiry will have powers to call past and present politicians, editors and media deep does it go, so far back does it go.but to what purpose..simple..."news".Recall Murdoch's paper's revelations were hardly shocking things, simply so much gossip as to hardly even irritate, say a Hollywood celebrity,run of the mill smut and a touch of smarm.

At the Guardian.....

The Guardian has commented.......Pressure is building on the Metropolitan police to expand their phone-hacking inquiry to include a notorious private investigator who was accused in the House of Commons on Wednesday of targeting politicians,
members of the royal family and high-level terrorist informers on behalf of Rupert Murdoch's News International.Guardian inquiries reveal that the former prime minister Tony Blair is among the suspected victims of Jonathan Rees, who was
involved in the theft of confidential data, the hacking of computers and, it is alleged, burglary. According to close associates of Rees, he also targeted:

• Jack Straw when he was home secretary, Peter Mandelson when he was trade secretary and Blair's media adviser Alastair Campbell;

• Prince Edward and the Countess of Wessex, and the Duke and Duchess of Kent, all of whom are said to have had their bank accounts penetrated, and Kate Middleton when she was Prince William's girlfriend;

• The former commissioner of the Metropolitan police, Sir John Stevens, and the current assistant commissioner, John Yates, who later supervised the failed phone-hacking inquiry for 19 months;

• The governor and deputy governor of the Bank of England, whose mortgage account details were obtained and sold.Rees, who worked for the Mirror Group as well as the New of the World, is also accused of using a specialist computer hacker
in July 2006 to steal information about MI6 agents who had infiltrated the Provisional IRA.

Here ends their epistle.

At CNN.........

Blair suffered personally, some, and maybe more.........

Personal details about Tony Blair that appear online were apparently not hacked from the former British prime minister's computer systems, but from the email account of a former staffer.Responding to a report about a hacker group that claims to have accessed Blair's personal data, a Blair spokesman said Saturday, "This information has not been obtained from Tony Blair or any of his office systems."

Here ends the epistle from CNN, but there may be more, known,unknown,made public,kept private.where there is politician, where there is government, where there is Prime Minister, there is image(the portrait with the stink lines air brushed
out),there is embarrassment,there is keeping up appearances.

There is far more to the phone hacking scandal than meets the eye.It has implications of, being yet far deeper than ever was the simple,by comparison now, Profumo scandal, it is of rather great epic proportions,and indicates a great depth and direction of operations involving foreigners,directed by foreigners,and those within Britain,moles and operatives of a nefarious foreign power penetrating the national security of the politicians of Britain,and the security of Britain itself. Actual penetration of the British phone system could not have been prevented, only in technological hindsight,nor known, until there was a leak from within that (domestically inclined or otherwise) newspaper intelligence apparatus.Also the technology of the entire

system, cellular, is, in fact, foreign, it's coding etc and and security anti-bugging,anti-listening, anti-hacking, is thence also foreign, and in the case of cellular communications, American.Those in Britain with the knowledge of the security system computerized and whatever to prevent hacking and thence initiate hacking, in Britain, are there for very very few and far between,but those with said knowledge withing America and it's system, are in fact a great many,if not commonplace,but sworn to the Omerta of Americans with respect to the system. A newspaper organization is a vast intelligence network, but the one of Rupert Murdoch, was extremely up to date, high technology,with capabilities far yet exceeding even yet say, Scotland Yard itself.

As of present, the scandal is of humungous perspectives, but even yet a far greater,far vaster vista is yet opening up, the surface of this occurrence has hardly yet even been scratched.Direct and massive investigation is required,but looking at the nature of things being what they are, one commences to already doubt whether or not the government itself will be able to afford,or even yet allow full revelation of things. The present coalition is extremely lucky, it has been in power only a few months, in the revelations of what has occurred,and was the fledgeling government of the people of Britain which detected it.But such penetration occurred far early and went on many yet years,quite probably, undetected,hidden by the secrecy of the organization.

The plot thickens, Police say Sean Hoare, the whistleblower reporter who alleged widespread hacking at the News of the World, has been found dead.Police said Hoare's death at his home in England was considered to be somewhat suspicious, according to Britain's Press Association news agency,since forensics teams were called in.Recall he had stated before his death, that there would be yet more revelations, but in light of everything,his statement in particular, suicide becomes a highly dodgey label to place on it. The whistle blower would gain the public notoriety , the adoration of having revealed, not a smashed and shattered life by any means, but rather a rather,perhaps, envied, life, now in the limelight, hardly having let the people of Britain down, he had uplifted them to the point where he himself would have been in fact,publicly worshiped for his brave actions, his actions on the behalf of the British justice system, his actions on the behalf of the British people. Yes indeed, but now he is gone, removed,out of the game,making investigations yet more difficult. Indeed the game is afoot, a high crime game, a high stakes game.This is not a simple home invasion, a simple hacking of cellular phone system, but also, the hackings of the phones of politicians.Why whatever for, whatever and whomever,would such phone tapping etc benefit, and who would suffer to the detriment.Who indeed is behind this foreign invasion,this foreign intrusion?Who indeed.

And how and whom is responsible,whom is to face,and how many are to face, the British Justice System, and the British penal system, and for what ever charges...........yes, the game is afoot.

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