The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Secret Squirrel's Plan To Speed Up Earth's Lost Rotation Speed.

Secret Squirrel has noted, in his researches,that the earth's rotation is perceptibly actually slowing down.This is a dangerous lifestyle threatening situation for us all,since the earth slowing down will decrease,slowly, gravity generation as well,and eventually,the atmos will escape, and we'd suffocate slowly, and or else, we will simply fly off, not being held down any longer.However, engineeringwise I have discovered a solution to said problem, and I shall simply use wind power,create electricity & bring Earth's rotation back to normal.Thence we
shall not suffocate slowly, and not fly off in to space either, instead we shall enjoy life as it is,and shall be, and at the same time benefit from the oodles of electricity I shall greenly generate whilst saving earth, and you, mind.

Now, presently we are now encountering vast and dangerous chicken littleism in the
fields of green energy generating systems and also Tidal movement is causing a continual loss of mechanical energy in the Earth–Moon system due to pumping of water through the natural restrictions around coastlines, and due to viscous dissipation at the seabed and in turbulence. This loss of energy has caused the rotation of the Earth to slow in the 4.5 billion years since formation. During the last 620 million years the period of rotation has increased from 21.9 hours to the 24 hours we see now in this period the Earth has lost 17% of its rotational
energy. While tidal power may take additional energy from the system, increasing the rate of slowdown.The ever increasing use of tidal generating propeller(impeller) systems cause slowdowns in the tides, affecting the rotation of earth drastically such that earth slows down now with the tides, and also by causing back pressures to produce the same effect. Well, politicians do not see the sense and the immense danger in things since slow down of earth's present rotation is such that only a second or so is lost each year. Well the warning signs are
there.............slowing the rotation of the earth, causes the earth to slow such that gravity will lessen,the earth will commence to loose it's atmos, resulting in our eventual suffocation, and we will all fly off.

Well, there are effects that reduce the rotation of the earth, provable effects.....most definitely proveable,scientifically proveable, and acknowledged to be so, the slow down of the earth, not Chicken Littleism, but actual scientific fact and truth, horrible scientific fact and truth..........and as such as it up to us to correct things before things get drastic and they can be corrected...........we must go to and encourage the use of, windmills to generate energy,more and more windmills,wind turbines.......indeed we can see and prove,that these generating propeller driven systems, in the hundreds, going in to the thousands, to reach hundreds of thousands in numbers are actually physically capable of speeding up the rotation of earth to compensate for this horrid effect,indeed much as airplane propellers were proven to pull an aircraft through the sky by pulling on the wind and directing it to the rear of it's propellers, so too will the principle of wind turbine,windmill, propellers work, in and after the same fashion, they being fastened to earth in place of the propellers being
fastened to aircraft to work.Proven working physics,proven working scientific fact, engineering in action.

We know that globally the wind blowing from West to East will increase,
so the Earth's rotation will decrease.The days will be longer - and the nights won't be shorter to compensate.It means 24 hours won't be 24 hours any more. It will be something a little bit more.The threat is there,this will be the shape of things to come.

We are seeing the effects of this today.......Leap seconds were first introduced in 1972, but this is the first to be applied for seven years.Well what must be done, is we must compensate for this effects of the earth, the rotational slowdown, and speed up earth.......but how..............well.......The prevailing wind,generally, is from West to East. The direction the Earth spins is from West to East. If anything, the wind turbines should speed up the rotation of the Earth,with the blades configured such that the blades angle with respect to the applied wind, is such that the propeller like pull form them is with the wind in effect, helping the wind along, helping to pull the earth forwards and faster such that we can compensate for the slow down effects we presently are feeling.Yes, we need more wind turbines, not less, indeed they ARE so configured such as to pull themselves
forwards, whilst connected securely and directly to the earth,with the prevailing winds driving them and earth FORWARDS!! Yes! Success! With more wind turbines!! Not only will wind turbines help us generating electricity, but they will help earth increase and compensate for the earth's present slow down!!!!!!!!

Further yet, there is more yet on the plus side for windmill power........what is used to balance out and cool the heat in our living fans...........air fans...........they cool the room,they cool us, proveably by scientific fact they cool, hence large amounts of windmills,while generating free power electricity for us,will also get the earth's rotation back to normal speed,preventing us eventually flying off in to space,but also serve to combat and reduce the effects of global warming,in and after the same fashion that a fan,directed at your face, noticeably and most definitely, and proveably, cools you!!!! All round pluses for these marvelous devices. Of course, there is a downside,what if it's actually global cooling taking in to account the actual weather of the day, then thing's'll get worse, but what the heck, the politicians believe it's too hot,in which case they can be packed off to Antarctica to cool off and be forgotten about.

Secret Squirrel,

MRL,(MP,Dunny On The Wold),

Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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