The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Secret Squirrel,Clocks In For Savings Times.

Secret Squirrel has looked at our time travel tendencies, namely that of turning back the clocks, a journey in time, in time travel,sometimes called going to Standard time (British or otherwise), and then Daylight savings time,and whatever names this process is referred to in lands round and about the world, when the clock is turned back one hour to benefit more light in winter,and to achieve the same thing in the summer area. It's all to do with saving and utilizing much more,daylight,natural daylight.The idea came from Benjamin Franklin, and it works in applied practice, to a point,in short it can, indeed should,and MUST be changed to derive the maximum in tended benefit.Adding daylight to afternoons benefits retailing, sports, and other activities that exploit sunlight after working hours.Traffic fatalities are reduced when there is extra afternoon daylight.

Well,it has been noted, that this one hour doesn't give all that much light,it does continue to get dark very much more earlier,and in fact, turning the clocks back two hours,would in fact, be very much better over the stretch of time this is supposed to be better for. We do this normally now,the turning back of the clocks(and forwards again at the summer area date). But why not ,then ,turn back two hours, to get a better maximum benefit of daylight in winter and so save all round on electricity and et cetera?

Too much at one time? Yes,it would be and is, but not if it was turned back as it now is, and then, three,or four(better four) weeks later,turned back yet again.The times for winter would be good as they are and or would be for the first extra hour. As to recovering, the present time for recovering the hour is practical, but for the extra hour of more light,useful light, we then turn ahead to recover the full time, three weeks,or the better four, after this.It's not rocket science, it causes no harm, it causes no confusion as it's done in the lands it's done in, and it is done all for the common good and the benefit of one and all.

We would all,in those lands that adjust present clock time, experience a maximized and increased benefit and savings all round for every body, a true savings, and a vastly increased safety factor for those traveling about the cities etc., such as children going to school etc ,whilst we,and the cities, and the businesses, also save on electric lighting costs.All that needs be done is to take a tried and true and applied principle, and increase it's utility to the maximum.

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