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Monday, October 4, 2010

Secret Squirrel Ponders A Possibly Ballooning Housing Development.

Secret Squirrel has pondered mobile housing at times, and is encouraged in what could,perhaps, become a problem solving application of existing technology applied to English cottages to solve problems such as overcoming and avoiding flooding,or the question and expense of housing in hotels at vacation time.Often times we hear people speak of the ballooning housing market, but yet nothing much yet ever comes of it. Interestingly here consider this found at......

The Daily Mail headline reads.......

The giant airships which can carry entire buildings hundreds of miles
By Daily Mail Reporter

Invention could see disaster-relief centres dropped into remote areas
Giant balloons that can carry loads over long distances could one day even transport entire buildings.
Australian firm Skylifter is developing a piloted airship that will carry up to 150 tonnes more than 1,200 miles.

Indeed yes, hardly a new concept,merely reapplied.Recall the film, The Fiendish Plot Of Fu Manchu, indeed the simple English cottage of Sir Dennis Nyland Smith, was able to deploy,up and out the chimney, a balloon, which airlifted the cottage and he was able to fly the cottage to Fun Manchu's Tibetan lair.It's an interesting concept, only now coming to be,perhaps realized. But what with this Disaster Relief Center beneath the balloon, well,Britain certainly isn't Kansas, but the Australians could perhaps better apply the concept to our simple English cottages,houses,as it were. Thence,say in event of flooding, we could simply inflate the balloon and fly off to another,safer,drier location. Or, indeed, much as caravaning was and still is the rage, we could simply inflate the balloon and pack off with the house to a suitable "cottage" caravan like site etc, or pack off from the city to a suitable vacation country location. Or, indeed, air routes could be established and, complete with cottage, we could fly off the handle to the continent for a nice vacation in our own home. Of course, the caravan people, and the hoteliers will have none of it,and so, sigh, nothing much will come of it.Sad.But we in the MRL must encourage the continued development of this fine Australian project and encourage them to channel their energies to the much more useful,for us, area, that of Britain's ballooning housing market.

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,(MP,Dunny On The Wold).
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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