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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Secret Squirrel Ponders Stephen Hawking.

Secret Squirrel has pondered, Stephen Hawking,and asks himself the question,"Has Stephen Hawking reduced himself to blasphemous scum by saying there's no Supreme Being,no God and God is redundant,that God didn't create the universe?"Yes,he has.
Could it have been bitterness over his being cursed with ALS that made him say that?Hawking, is only able to speak through a computer-generated voice synthesizer, has a neuro muscular dystrophy that has progressed over the years and
left him almost completely paralyzed,a curse.From experience dealing with people with chronic diseases, they often tend to blame God or revert to the fact that no God can exist and allow suffering. If Stephen is smart enough to figure out how the world was created, why can't he cure his own medical condition? Scientists are always careful about how they handle the God issue. They never directly say there's no God. They always give a scientific explanation for the creation of the universe without mentioning God. Hawking is the first scientist to flat out say there is no God and really made himself look ignorant,retarded, idiotic,by saying that God is redundant.

"God did not create the universe" says Hawking. But who also cannot wait to totally disagree with him,virtually all of mankind,humankind. There is no way to tolerate to Hawking's blasphemy,it is quite clear in Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.Hawking asserts, that the universe came out of The Big Bang theory, but then has to assert that whatever, always existed? But not directly what nor how. He asserts the universe is expanding, yet infinite,out of itself, out of what,and expanding to where?

The Universe, is God's Grand Design.A Universe created from nothing,but from God. Such a massive thing can be created created out of nothingness,the nothingness of God.Let's look at Hawking himself, by his own analogies,Is there anyone here who has ever felt Hawking's Brain, touched or Smelt it?No one appears to have done so.
So, according to the Established Rules of Empirical, Stable, Demonstrable Protocol,
Science says that Hawking has no Brain, a simple provable,no brainer.Science, can't even explain a Thought,nor can Stephen Hawking.

People who believe in evolution would say from monkeys. or worms who evolved to be monkeys, and then became men.Then where did the monkeys came from after the big bang, and why is it only the monkeys evolved ?? why not pigs? or horses? or dogs,or cats ?? why did we stopped evolving,not to be something else??? And why are there still monkeys??The only monkey shines, seem to be Stephen Hawking's, who for the life of him,frequently sits in his own poop.

"The universe could not have arisen out of chaos but was created by God."
Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton rest in peace;Stephen Hawking rest in ignorance.
"God" designed the laws of physics that has created everything before our eyes and the natural cycles of these "things".

There's a joke in there somewhere,the scientists come to God and say: "You're irrelevant, God. We've figured out how to create life from dirt, just like you!" God: "Great, let's see you do it!" Scientist: "First you take a handful of
dirt---" God: "No no no, you gotta make your own dirt."

God gave us the wisdom to understand that just because we can figure out how something works doesn't mean that God doesn't exist, and that we have not created how something works.Remember that science is the "HOW" and religion is the "WHY".
Hawking's book?"In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth" that is the only book I'm putting my money on.

As an Atheist,a denier of God, Hawking stands condemned,his soul stands condemned,according to most ALL religions of this earth which acknowledge a and The Supreme Being, by whatever name,God, his burial fated to non hallowed ground,his soul ignored,God's hand averted from Him,His back to Hawking,as it should be.Nietsche declared God dead,falsely of course, But Hawking has attempted to kill God.Hawking's mortal and condemned remains,when his time comes,best be incinerated, and his ashes scattered over a British landfill,honored only by the Greens, for his one redeeming characteristic with regards to this earth,is that he is fully compostable. Hawking has reduced himself to a simple frustrated retarded cripple,who has denied,and doesn't believe in,the existence of......................God.

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