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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Secret Squirrel On The Lack Of Proper Treament Of MS In Canada.

Secret Squirrel turns his attention to Canada, and the ridiculous nature of that land, in the field of medicine,in the field of alleviating human suffering,those suffering from M.S.(MS),Multiple Sclerosis,with regards to a simple procedure to unblock blocked veins,through the use of tried and true,medically,surgically proven, stints, and so easily alleviate human discomfort.Of course the reverse is being done by governments,particularly the Canadian Federal government, and some provincial governments,hardly surprising in looking at them and their natures.But here we must point out their folly,their
idiocy,their inhumanity,their contribution they make so happily to human suffering,their retarded natures,that of politicians making their usual chaotically wrong decisions.

What does the headline read.........?

Ottawa won't fund controversial MS therapy

......."The procedure, developed by Italian researcher Dr. Paolo Zamboni, involves using balloon angioplasty to inflate the (.blocked......)veins in a patient’s neck to help blood flow from the brain to the heart. The theory is that the brain and spine can be damaged when blocked veins do not allow blood to freely flow...."


Ontario waits to make decision on new MS treatment

......"Ontario will not follow Saskatchewan’s lead and pay for the clinical trials of a promising new multiple sclerosis therapy but the Liberals have yet to shut the door on future funding.
Saskatchewan is now the first province to fund tests into liberation treatment, an experimental procedure that opens up veins carrying blood from the brain to the heart of MS patients. Italy’s Dr. Paolo Zamboni pioneered the therapy,
which some hail as a medical breakthrough."..............

So, in Canada some do some don't,provinces that is, allow a valid medical surgical procedure.Quite simply it has been found to greatly alleviate the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis. The argument they present, is,basically, it's regarded
as experimental. Well, in actuality there's nothing experimental about it, angioplasty, and the insertion of a stint,to unblock a blocked vein, is nothing new, nor experimental.It works,it's safe,it's proven to work, it's proven
to be safe. Now a blocked vein, is a bodily hazard to anybody, a blocked vein to the brain, is worse, considered to be damaging, impairing the brain's ability to function normally. So, now what is the ethical argument against unblocking
said blocked vein? There can't be any. In fact, morally and ethically, we are obligated to open the blocked vein to improve the blood flow in the very least,to restore a body to as near normalcy with respect to blood flow and any
resultant improvement in either and all cases. Now,why in Canada, is there a problem, why is there a hangup in the attempts to alleviate the sufferings of MS patients, and restore them to a right,just and proper life. To Canada, the
provinces, and any other nation which does not allow this procedure to proceed, you are morally and ethically wrong,and in the same fashion, unfit to make decisions on the behalf of claimed humanity. Oh the inhumanity.

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