The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Friday, February 5, 2016

Secret Squirrel On Profiting From The Confusions Of Cauliflower And Oil Barrel Prices In The North Americas.

Secret Squirrel, always scanning the world papers for global news, economic,political, and technology wise, has noticed the headlines, which state, as found in the New York Times, that Americans have noticed that up in Canada, what with their collapsing depression era economy (Two years ago, one Canadian dollar was worth 93 American cents, on Wednesday, it stood at 69 American cents),that Iceberg lettuce in the colony of Canada, sells for 3 Canadian dollars, up from the typical 90 Canadian cents. One head of broccoli goes for $4, compared with $1.50 past. Last winter, a head of cauliflower was selling for 2.50 Canadian. But NOW, Cauliflower,in the colony of Canada, costs $8..............much more than a barrel of oil.

Of course, this is all echoed and evidenced here in the New York Times article......

Squirrel has also noticed that BOTH the Americans and Canadians actually OWN farms in Mexico, farming them and thence importing food in to THEIR nations, in short Mexicans grow and supply them with food whilst starving themselves, and providing the exceptionally cheap farming labour. Squirrel proposes that what with this revelation,that BRITAIN do the same in Mexico as well, demanding equity and equality...and so on those farms planting, growing,harvesting and shipping, not to Britain, or the USA but to Canada, CAULIFLOWER, selling it to the Canadians at the $8 value, THENCE simply, buying up barrels and barrels of oil enormously cheaply, on the world market with the acquired Cauliflower as currency, and then selling THAT to the Americans and so garnering a HUGE profit. Canada is an enormously confused state, and with it's new Prime Minister is in a total state of confusion, and Squirrel sees all, knows all, and knows this.................there is profit in confusion.

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP,Dunny On The Wold,
Minister For Re-Deranged re-Engineering.

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