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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Secret Squirrel On Politically Incorrect Behaviour By The Cities of Chicago, Boston and San Francisco.

It has come to the attention of Secret Squirrel that Chicago,Boston and San
Francisco banned a business for having supported and funded anti gay
groups.Squirrel finds this curious as they have not banned businesses
which have supported and funded pro gay groups.This most definitely an
inequity,and inequity, one which shows immorality and proves unethical
practices going on in both city governments.It is inequality and most
definitely a violation of The First Amendment.Let us look at what the
headlines read...........

Chicago Alderman Moves to Ban Business for Politically Incorrect View
on Gays,
that is what the headline reads at

 Here I quote in it's entirety the article for you to view yourself....

 And here starts the quoted article...


In Rahm Emanuel’s Chicago, the Alderman controlling Logan Square wants
to block Chick-fil-A from opening a store because its CEO opposes gay

Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy said last week he believes in the
biblical definition of marriage as between a man and a woman.
“I think we’re inviting God’s judgment when we shake our fist at him,
you know, [saying], ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a
marriage.’ And I pray on God’s mercy on our generation that has such a
prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we would have the audacity to
try and redefine what marriage is all about,” Cathy said.

“Same sex marriage, same-sex couples — that’s the civil rights fight of
our time. To have those discriminatory policies from the top down is
just not something that we’re open to,” said Moreno. “We want
responsible businesses.”

In other words, business that does not tote the political agenda of
government – and the United Nations – will not be allowed to operate.
Like the former Soviet Union, Chicago will only permit business (called
“enterprises” in the Soviet Union) to exist if it follows the political
dictates of government.

If an alderman (essentially a Mafia don) disagrees with the personal
opinion espoused by a business owner, he will be run out of town after
a self-righteous tongue lashing.

“If he’s in the business of selling chicken in Chicago, he should be in
the business of having equal rights for everyone. Period,” Moreno told
the Sun-Times. “If it looks like a chicken, talks like a chicken, walks
like a chicken, it’s a chicken. If you’re saying you don’t respect the
values and rights of same-sex couples, that trickles down through the
organization. … That’s paramount to the way the company behaves.”

Chick-fil-A had received zoning approval for the restaurant in the 2500
block of North Elston on Chicago’s westside. The company still needs
City Council approval. This may not be forthcoming thanks to Moreno and
Chicago mayor Emanuel.

Chicago’s godfather agrees with the alderman. “Chick-fil-A’s values are
not Chicago values. They’re not respectful of our residents, our
neighbors and our family members. And if you’re gonna be part of the
Chicago community, you should reflect Chicago values,” Emanuel said

“What the CEO has said as it relates to gay marriage and gay couples is
not what I believe, but more importantly, it’s not what the people of
Chicago believe. We just passed legislation as it relates to civil
union and my goal and my hope … is that we now move on recognizing gay
marriage. I do not believe that the CEO’s comments … reflects who we
are as a city.”

Unquote, and so here ends the epistle presented informationally.Now

Squirrel comments....
Squirrel sees that this means essentually that if you are anti gay or
express anti gay values, which may even yet stem from religious
opinions and convictions,or indeed your own personal one, or those or
your peer group, or other group, then you are not welcome in Chicago or
San Francisco,basically as a person, and also as a business,but if you
support those views which are and go against your religion's and many
religions of the world, and openly support those and fund those,such as
support of the so-called gays, or broke backs or whatever,and even yet
fund those, you are welcome.In short if you do not hold certain
opinions ,which you will find out as you go along, you may or may not
be welcome and free to express those and fund those at any particular
time,which may even yet extend to political opinions and the support of
political parties,or whatever.In short, the Mayors and alderman of

Chicago and San Francisco and such places claim to be THE opinions and
morals and ethics of all Chicagoians and San Franciscans,and at any
particular time. Recall, in both cities it was not so long ago that the
dead could and did vote even if they did not have the right to do
so,and also many council decisions were ruled by the application
of.......shall we say chicken schmaltz (or chicken fat, the fat of the
land,the grease of the land). Perhaps the chicken franchise did not
apply the proper amount of chicken schmaltz which both cities have been
known to run on. Recall also, that the citizens are free to frequent
any chicken franchise they please, or should be, and or not forced to
frequent nor custom such places,as yet at any rate. But one sees the
day coming,indeed the day has arrived, when such chicken places may do
business should they adhere to the public and private opinions of the
mayors and alderman, at least evidently of those two cities ...that is
the reality of America,the new public and open reality of America.In
THAT America,their version of America,you are free to form and hold
your opinions, and support and even yet fund organizations that support
them ,as long as,in the cities of San Francisco, and Chicago, they
conform to the stated opinions of the Mayors and alderman of those
cities,and NOT if you don't. Here both cities have clearly violated the
right and freedom of expression, of opinion, of supporting any opinion,
yea,nay,one way or the other.

Clearly both cities are in violation of The First Amendment,and quite clearly they are trying to enforce and enforce their own opinion in any specific psycho-socio-political area.Both cities have quite clearly mentioned, and indicated their area of their infraction.Clearly these cities must be taken to task by Federal,State and local judicial processes and MUST be forced to retract,and cease and desist entirely from further and future violations in the areas of supposedly allowed public expression of opinion.To be forced to espouse the opinions of city governments such as Boston,Chicago, and San Francisco is to follow and go down the road that Stalin and Adolf Hitler fashioned, so says Secret Squirrel.

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