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Friday, July 13, 2012

Secret Squirrel Comments On Massive Radiation Increases In Food.

Secret Squirrel has considered that it is time to remark on radiation,
radiation  which has found it's way in to food,food you may eat, due to such
events as Chernobyl,and Fukushima, the levels of radiation that the government,
in ever changing fashion,considers acceptable for YOU,and the measurement of
the self same said and stated radiations. Well, consider this, what with
Fukushima, as it developed, and develops, radiation levels have been detected
in such things, in Japan as tea,and various other foods, foods exported to
other countries,and fish, every and all fish, fish such as tuna.Well, the
governments had studied things and all things considered, they do actually
monitor imported foods for radiations,and have released guidelines,based on
scientific studies of what is termed to be, or were termed to be, safe levels of
radiation. Well lo and behold, what with Fukushima, they have,strangely,
upwardly raised levels of what they term to be acceptable levels of radiation
in YOUR foods, food YOU eat, everywhere and particularly from there, Japan in
these times. Europe has reacted so, America has reacted so. Well let us snicker
and look at their strangely termed and explained reasonings of the day.

PAGs (Protective Action Guides) being proposed by the EPA (Environmental
Protection Agency),specifically, deal with how the EPA should enforce laws such
as the Clean Air and Water Act in relation to disasters, and particularly now,
with respect to Fukushima,the present massive nuclear disaster. Although PAGs
had already been established by the EPA in 1992, the agency now plans to amend
these guidelines to much higher levels of acceptable radiation,that would raise
the acceptable levels of radiation allowed in the environment, food, and even
the general public themselves in the event of a nuclear emergency,though based
on what is anybody's guess you know, take one yourself,why
inflation, as the number of nuclear accidents increase, so too will,and do,
acceptable levels of radiations in foods,and people for that matter,in the eyes
and minds of governments, of politicians.So much for all the studies that
originally medically and scientifically,based on their studies at the time, their
actual realistic findings,set the safe limits lower than the ones the
government now wishes, on the basis of.....well,what really, their thoughts on

No congressional approval is legally needed to makes such changes, because the
EPA is a regulatory agency that sets “policy” and, although these types of
agencies can be directed by congress or the president, they often form their
own policies. All that is required when agencies such as the EPA wish to change
their policy is that they first publish the proposed changes in the Federal
Register for a designated period of “public comment.”So it seems scientifically
gathered evidence on which the earlier lower guidelines were based, are now as
nothing, as nothing as and as valued as, public opinion.according to PEER
(Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, the new standards would
result in a “nearly 1000-fold increase for exposure to strontium-90, a 3000 to
100,000-fold hike for exposure to iodine-131; and an almost 25,000 rise for
exposure to radioactive nickel-63” in drinking water.

Now in Europe,the new EU mirror of EPA policy,actually set as far back as 1989
(by amending standards set in 1987)EU ordinance 297/2011 raises the Maximum
Levels of radiation and radioactive isotopes for food and feed to rather
serious levels. In some cases, such as the case of Cesium-134 and Cesium-137,
the levels are actually twice the amount of previously acceptable levels. Many
of these increases are allowed in products such as infant formula and baby

It should be noted that the new EU changes only apply to food imported from
Japan. The justification behind this is that in the event of a nuclear
emergency the traditional levels of acceptable radiation should be ignored so
as not to cause a food shortage as a result of legal constraints.The European
Union has authorized radioactive load in foods in Japan has increased
substantially. Until now, a maximum of 600 becquerels of radioactivity (cesium
134 and cesium 137) per kilogram allowed, but since last weekend for example
oil or herbal suddenly 12,500 becquerels per kilogram, more than 20 times as
high. The increase was recorded in Emergency Ordinance 297/2011 on March 27 and was in force.

While politicians talk about “enhanced control measures” and “special
protection standards” they are universally silent on explaining,rationally,if at all, the huge increase in the allowable limits of radiation in food in,and FROM, Japan. Nevertheless we are reassured with the assurance that we have no worry about radioactive products from Japan,or the presence of elevated levels of radiation in food,especially coming from Japan.Curious,an increase, then increase the allowable(err "allowable"?) level of radiation in food.Much similar in fashion to rape as a crime, decriminalize it and then there's no problem.

Explain why a 20 times as high value allowable of radiations in food would make no difference for the consumer safety.

(EU-Verordnung 733/2008) applies to food and food imports
for cesium-134 and 137 and typically limits of 370 becquerels per kilogram for
infant formula and milk products and 600 Bq / kg for other foods (EU regulation
733/2008). The Emergency Ordinance 297/2011, which entered into force on March
2011, has increased the European Commission of these borders to products from
the affected regions Japanese clear: to 400 becquerels per kilogram for infant
formula, to 1000 Bq / kg for milk products and to 1250 Bq / kg for other foods.
Certain products such as fish oil or spices may even exceed this value by ten
times, ie up to 12,500 becquerels per kilogram to be charged – a 20-times the
previous limit.

Now,that you understand what's going on, and who's doing what to YOU and the
food YOU eat,or rather, must eat,very much similiar to forced to eat.

 I've saved the very best,for last........

Background for the increase is about the Chernobyl disaster in 1987 adopted EU
Regulation 3954/1987. Accordingly, in the event of a “nuclear emergency” to be
raised the ceiling on allowable radioactive contamination of foods to prevent
food shortages. ‘These rules now to bring into force is absurd, because in
Europe there are no nuclear emergency, and certainly no shortage of food’.
Imports from Japan to play for the security of European citizens not matter,
“said Thilo Bode and Chris Hacker.Fascinating isn't it, the reasoning. In the
event of a nuclear disatser,there is an emergency,even with no food
shortages,what with food being available worldwide, procureable,purchasable,
importable,and so you just have to eat food with higher levels of radiation,
from any particular place where and said stated nuclear explosive event

Scientific?No.Are politicians sane and intelligent? No.Vote for insanity,you
know it makes sense.

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