The World Of Secret Squirrel

What's good for Squirrel,is good for the world,is good for you!
You'll see!
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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Secret Squirrel On The Validity Of Time Travel

Secret Squirrel has solid verifiable proof that time travel exists! It works! it's functional! It is! United Airlines Flight UA890, took off from Shanghai on 1st January,2017, and landed in San Francisco on 31st Dec, 2016. Why that's called time travel boy, time see it works..............Secret Squirrel has also proves that America is somewhat backward...............However from America, we could thence you see go forwards in time,going to Asia........that's time exists. You've just got to admit, Squirrel beats Stephen Hawking........

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP,Dunny On The Wold,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Secret Squirrel Spies An Economic Windfall In Foreign Currency Exchange And Sale

100 Trillion Zimbabwe Banknotes 2008 AA Series CIRCULATED
FOR SALE...........note the value sold at
 2 to cart for $56.40 each and save 1%
 200 to cart for $53.95 each and save 5%

From the Great American Coin Company.........
Note the real value......
1 ZWD =0.00276319US dollars
1 USD = 361.900 ZWD
They're making an enormous profit selling Zimbabwe pounds you know,the math is most defiantely utterly enormous such that the computer expressed a cry for mercy and utterly refused to do any of the calculations at all, and this, imagine, an AMERICAN company......well now........tell me....why ever can't the Bank of England do this, why ever didn't the Bank Of England do this................?? There's money to be made, I Secret Squirrel (MRL,Monster Raving Loony Party, MP,Dunny On The Wold), have come to this conclusion, I Secret Squirrel KNOW this.why doesn't THE GOVERNMENT know and do this......sad sorry state of affairs it is.........Government in England, sad and sorry....clearly there is vast profit to be made buying up Zimbabwe bank notes, and then selling them for sound BRITISH pounds.............just look if the yanks can do it for US dollars so too can we..............
Secret Squirrel says we should...............and if and since the British government doesn't see the sense in doing this Secret Squirrel DOES! There profit to be made! Secret Squirrel is off to Zimbabwe to engineer a deal to buy up Zimbabwe dollars!!! Or pounds or whatever it is............

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP,Dunny On The Wold,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Secret Squirrel Ponders The World Of Toilet Paper Currencies.

 The U.S. Department of the Treasury first issued paper U.S. currency in 1862 to make up for the shortage of coins and to finance the Civil War.They discovered that printing presses could print up mass quantities of paper currency so long as the supply of paper and ink didn't run out, and then again when "recharged".....The Confederate dollar, often called a "Greyback", was first issued into circulation in April 1861,beating out the United States, BUT the USA discovered by declaring Confederate currency worthless it had NO value.....while stating theirs did, gave their currency value..........and so in the USA printed currency started from there.....first the Confederates, then the USA....The first paper notes were printed in denominations of 1 cent, 5 cents, 25 cents, and 50 cents. Then they discovered they could print higher and higher short they just print money.
   Well now The U.S. Treasury decides to print money in the United States as it owns and operates printing presses.The Treasury Department is actually the entity responsible for printing paper currency and minting coins, overseeing the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, or BEP as they call it, and the U.S. Mint. As of August 2015, there is approximately $1.2 trillion in cash. Much of this is located overseas where, due to a lack of faith in local governance, U.S. dollars are used.When banks need cash, they request it from the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve electronically deposits it into the bank's account and charges the appropriate interest rate. When they have excess cash on hand, banks return it to the Federal Reserve, settling any accounts.
It can and does arbitrary amounts of dollars indefinitely without consequence, it can print enormous amounts just at the moment because there's currently an outsized demand for dollars which it's merely meeting. When banks need money it supplies the banks, and charges interest.......FED always print's USD as much as it wants, thanks to each and every nation in the world, who use USD for their trade , that way we all help USA to maintain the demand for USD high. Now In the USA they need money for wars and what ever and what have you's, the "President" etc decides they need so much money, they print up a Treasury Certificate for said what ever billions amount, the take it to The treasury Department as an I.O.U., they take it, place it on a pile of yet more of them, and print up the required amount, with the government promising to pay it's Treasury Department.The central bank(Treasury) is effectively financing the deficit of the federal government on a permanent basis by issuing large amounts of currency. So Squirrel discovered, on the internet, that there are rolls and rools of Toilet Paper printed up with US currency one them, some go cheap for 1$ bills, others, in the 100's(Ben Franklins). Well now isn't that all very interesting, Squirrel used to order from CHINA......toilet paper, with Celine Dion's face on it. Now money toilet paper, can be had for $3 a roll......270 sheets to a Ben Franklins at $100,that'd be $27000 per roll, US$. Now the US government prints it up and the toilet paper people print it up, but the toilet paper money is on fit to wipe your butt with, same value as Celine Dion on your toilet paper. When Dunny on the Wolds, initial independent nation surrounded by the colony of Canada was independent, the potato crop failed, not good when your currency is based on THE POTATO......however it went to a Principality, and then annexed itself to ENGLAND,becoming a rotten burrow requiring it's own MP,duly elected,a position held by myself,Secret Squirrel. Had I know I could then have printed up my own currency on toilet paper at 4800 rolls, at 3.75$ each...........things would've been different.........alas and alack, I was having Celine Dion's image printed on toilet paper a useless thing indeed except to wipe one's bottom with..but so it goes, and so too it goes with currency. The American Dollar is valued, by everyone, printed up just as so much quantified toilet paper, and IT has value, but NOT my bum wad toilet paper currency should I have it printed up......There's just no fairness in the world is there. So it is, Squirrel sits surrounded by piles of monetarily printed toilet paper rolls, that just nobody will accept as currency. No fairness in the world, just no fairness.....Squirrel, and the MRL must change all that.

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP,Dunny On The Wold,
Minister For Re-Derange Re-Engineering.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Secret Squirrel Advises The American Government How To Reduce It's National Debt To Zero AT ZERO Cost.

The America government, through not fault of it's own, has not consulted with Secret Squirrel on it's economy,nor has the British government for that their great detriment. However, in demonstrating Squirrel's sheer economic genius, Squirrel has decided, as an example of his great mental cunning, fortitude, intelligence, nay need I say cosmic genius to solve America's great national debt crisis.
Indeed Squirrel CAN SAY, and indeed does, that he has studied, directly ECONOMICS under John Kenneth Galbraith, writer of many many great economics works,and Economics advisor to President Kennedy, and under Dr. Sani, in Canada, one time Economics Advisor to the Canadian government. So knowing that you just know Squirrel has a solution to America's debt crisis.
Firstly I must explain the American economic system,financial system, based on the US dollar, on which the world seems to be dependent and uses as a marker of value of their currency. Indeed secondly, nations build up debts, great debts, and due to various debt factors their using the US dollar as standard economically, their currencies fluctuate against the dollar, dropping against,it, but never rising above it.....since it is the standard used.
Now in America, they use The American dollar, now as the United States builds debts, it needs money to run itself, and of course, it's very very many great foreign wars,pay for it's massive military, pay for it's massive government bulk etc, such that it cannot afford National Healthcare as other nations do. Well, when a government, the American government, runs out of money they have massively bloviationally fired crisis in government, in the end with much strainings and fartings, they agree........and the Government then prints up Treasury Certificates, with massive dollar amounts on them, an I.O.U. really is what it is, it then approaches the Federal Treasury with it, the treasury takes it, looks at the amount, and prints up the stated amounts of US dollars.
The Treasury certificate is thence placed away on a pile of other such certificates.Of course, the figures printed up add to the National Debt. So How will America solve it's now 19 trillion and mounting National Debt, how will it pay it off? With the printed certificate dollars GIVEN to other nations to pay off their debts?
No it seems not.....but that IS YET ONE WAY to pay off their national debt to other foreign nations, BUT the US government is loath to do this. So how is America to do it. Well in some ways exactly like that.......Now, figure this, there are 15 nations with debts in the TRILLIONS, the rest are in the paltry BILLIONS.
Now consider this, 19trillion, divided by the other debt ridden nations, over a trillion in debt,each, which total 14, gives 1.35trillion each.
Now picture this you American there, the American government goes to The Treasury..........not....what the government must do is go to each Nation of the 14 debt miscreants, and each MUST be told. This brings Hong Kong,Belgium.Australia to ZERO debt, Canada has then 100 Billion, Switzerland 300billion, China 380Billion, Singapore 400Billion, Spain 1 trillion, Italy 1.3 trillion, Japan 1.5trillion, Luxembourg 2.1billion, Germany 4.3trillion, France 4.4Trillion, UK 8trillion.........all other nations keep their debts as they are.
All he has to do, really without bothering with the print up currency process, is just present each nation with the certificate, pronounce their debt reduced by 1.35Trillion, and take back the certificate, indeed he need not print up certificates for each, just use that one in line for each, thence return to The Treasury Department, pronounce America's debt at ZERO, and burn all the existent and existing Treasury I.O.U. Certificates, and start again.
NOW all those 14 nations have been paid, their debts have been reduced, well they should be happy, and America, has really spent no money, and it's debt is thence at zero, and it should be happy, and can commence to increase again by the same rate and whatever and where ever.
The Treasury department can thence simply burn all those I.O.U. which have thence been paid on return to the united States from those 14 foreign nations which have had their debts reduced, and thence the I.O.U. Treasury Certificates can ALL be burned, and the system entirely restarted. It works............Squirrel has seen it. The USA now has ZERO debt having PAID out to those nations each 1.3 trillion lowering the US debt to absolutely zero.......The only problem the United States and it's dimwitted government is to get those foreigners of those foreign governments to accept the 1.3 trillion payout towards their debt..............BUT.............................what?  Is the American government wise enough and intelligent enough to do it...........??
Well, for one thing the US government hasn't had, no it seems shall ever have, the utter genius to think about that and just do it.......too easy is it..........sad sorry state of affairs it is in America's government, getting worse every day, and gotten far worse and will get yet more ridiculously and laughably worse......Or will they sulk it having been Squirrel's economic idea.....?
We shall see...we shall see.....we shall see....but any American government which doesn't follow Squirrel's and must be utterly and completely.............mental.
Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP,Dunny On The Wold,
Minister For Re-=Deranged re-Engineering.

Secret Squirrel Discovers The Secret Of Ireland

Ah yes, only the English could have been so subtle....not seen it all this time?
No? What not? what's up with that eh? Whot!
Well, you see, IRE LAND..............the land of IRE..............IRE you see IRE IRE defined, take you pick but the English seem to have thought that all apply.............

Word Origin and History for IRE


c.1300, from Old French ire "anger, wrath, violence" (11c.), from Latin ira "anger, wrath, rage, passion," from PIE root *eis-, forming various words denoting "passion" cf. Greek hieros "filled with the divine, holy," oistros "gadfly," originally "thing causing madness;" Sanskrit esati "drives on," yasati "boils;" Avestan aesma "anger").

Old English irre in a similar sense is from an adjective irre "wandering, straying, angry," cognate with Old Saxon irri "angry," Old High German irri "wandering, deranged," also "angry;" Gothic airzeis "astray," and Latin errare "wander, go astray, angry" (see err (v.)).

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP,Dunny On The Wold,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.