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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Secret Squirrel Discovers The Secret Of Ireland

Ah yes, only the English could have been so subtle....not seen it all this time?
No? What not? what's up with that eh? Whot!
Well, you see, IRE LAND..............the land of IRE..............IRE you see IRE IRE defined, take you pick but the English seem to have thought that all apply.............

Word Origin and History for IRE


c.1300, from Old French ire "anger, wrath, violence" (11c.), from Latin ira "anger, wrath, rage, passion," from PIE root *eis-, forming various words denoting "passion" cf. Greek hieros "filled with the divine, holy," oistros "gadfly," originally "thing causing madness;" Sanskrit esati "drives on," yasati "boils;" Avestan aesma "anger").

Old English irre in a similar sense is from an adjective irre "wandering, straying, angry," cognate with Old Saxon irri "angry," Old High German irri "wandering, deranged," also "angry;" Gothic airzeis "astray," and Latin errare "wander, go astray, angry" (see err (v.)).

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP,Dunny On The Wold,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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