The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Monday, January 4, 2016

Secret Squirrel Suggests Ways To Solve California's Lack Of Water

Now Secret Squirrel has been pondering California's great water shortage. And, of course, Squirrel has solutions to the problem, solutions that the American government sadly is not obviously considering nor implementing. Now what is the OTHER MOST IMPORTANT thing in the world besides water.....t'is OIL! BIG OIL! Now each year America imports, in oil, in barrels,
160 million barrels from Saudi Arabia 1 barrel equates to 34.9723 IMPERIAL gallons,or 41.9 US,or 6,704,000,000 imagine if this was water imported from foreign nations sent in to California......

Now each Californian uses 181 gallons each day....which means 7,022,800,000 gallons consumed per year,by the sum total population of California, population figure being placed at 38.8 million, this makes a deficient of 318,800,000 gallons. Of course did I mention it's JUST Saudi Arabia, and it's oil? Well now what if these oil tankers were water tankers, then, you see water could be transported to California from foreign sources, and notice the tanker capacity in oil,thence transferred to ability to carry water, we see the NUMBERS of tankers necessary just easily matches the numbers of oil tankers, in short, all is possible. Now we DID see a total shortfall, BUT we didn't include ALL foreign oil imports requiring tankers. So IF America built a huge tanker fleet comparable to the Big Oil tanker fleet, it COULD supply California with water from foreign lands.....but it doesn't want to. Tch Tch Tch. Such laggardly government Americans suffer from.

What did America do and fund for the Saudis, and the Israelis who were also short funded, and built.............salt water water desalination plants,many great numbers of them,in ever increasing sizes. Does the American government do this and fund this, for California and Californian? Nay it does not.

Now there have been ideas,proposed by Americans, when it was realized that the Saudis wanted water, that ice berg be towed to Saudi Arabia and there melted to supply them with water.
Well, Secret Squirrel, says, tow icebergs to California to supply California with water.....but does the American government do this, nor suggest this to itself...nay it does not. But what did it do in it's place.....

What did America do and fund for the Saudis, and the Israelis who were also short funded, and built.............salt water water desalination plants,many great numbers of them,in ever increasing sizes. Does the American government do this and fund this, for California and Californian? Nay it does not.

Squirrel also eyed BIG OIL's pipelines, and suggested that California have pipelines built for it,funded by the US government as BIG OIl's pipelines are,and pipeline in water from neighbouring states which have water!! Does the US government consider nor do this for Californians? Nay it does not.

So Secret Squirrel suggests to America to do all suggested water supply methods, for the Californians, for the government of the State Of California, for their fellow Americans. So says Squirrel. Why doesn't America do this........."Forget it, Jake; it's Chinatown".

Secret Squirrel,
MP,Dunny On The Wold,

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