The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Friday, January 15, 2016

Secret Squirrel On The Huge Canadian Dollar Crash

Secret Squirrel has noticed a sharp drop in the value of the Canadian dollar..............the Trudeau Canadian Dollar, in short they're taken short, it's worth 68.93 cents against the US dollar.Well does Squirrel have a solution? Yes, you just somehow know he does!! Squirrel has noticed at this URL....

wooden nickels, 1967 offered at $4.95. The company will ship free on orders over $500.......well now with the Canadian dollar at 68.93cents.......a wooden nickle at $ very much worth to keep and go to it's value won't drop. So as the Canadian dollar will drop yet more, the Canadian government being enormously befuddled and duddled in the financial sector world wide...take wooden nickels,convert to wooden nickels.Also note the company printing up the wooden nickels makes financial sense and success......we most definately have to get their management to replace the Trudeau Befuddled and Be duddled Canadian government,that makes just know it does...Squirrel knows it does,Squirrel saves Canada! Squirrel saves the Canadians!! Squirrel knows how!

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP,Dunny On The Wold,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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