The World Of Secret Squirrel

What's good for Squirrel,is good for the world,is good for you!
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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Secret Squirrel's The Shape Of Things To Come.

Secret Squirrel came across what is, and what has to be, to everyone, an absolutely and utterly horrific headline.......

Metro grinds to a halt as huge power cut hits hundreds of homes and businesses in Newcastle
which was so noted to be found here...

  Well, Squirrel showed no fear, Squirrel knows no fear, for Squirrel sees the world of the future,the shape of things to come, no gas, no oil, no natural gas, no electricity, but Squirrel shows no fear. Nay, Squirrel knows what needs to be done about it all and what shall be done, what MUST be done.Squirrel knows that we must all present our backsides to the future. And so looking in hindsight, here, today Squirrel presents his solutions to the problem. Do read on, and, yes, do visit the links presented to see how Squirrel envisions the solution to all problems to do with transportation, with our daily lives, problems which we now face, but problems which they saw in days of old, problems that they solved for us then knowing we would need that very thing, now, and in the future. Here see Squirrel's wisdoms, the wisdoms of our forefather's, the wisdoms of the ancients.

Yes Squirrel does not only see problems, but foresees problems, and rather than causing problems, Squirrel solves problems, problems of the day, with utterly sound, proven and proveable highly advanced high tech as it were. Well, how will Squirrel solve the problems, of no electricity, no gas, no oil and etc for example? Here we continue and commence with the solution.

So, firstly, it'll be back to the rickshaws..........

and also

Fine examples these are, and present yet today by those saving vastly on gas prices, beating the oil companies, and in yet a very, very green fashion as well. That'll work in Britain and elsewhere, but that'll involve the importation of vast amounts of Chinese,still they eat mostly only rice, or Ramen at best, and far better, of course, they than we.
 However should this not be possible, or the Chinese won't do it, we could introduce a work for welfare program and so employ those on the dole, have them work for their keep and kippers. One does also recall the semi rickshaw type pedicabs at Man and His World, Montreal 1967, Expo '67, (Squirrel himself, did, indeed, ride about in one) really trikes (tricycles,for those not in tune with shortened words) with a back sofa seat, not dissimilar to this luxury chinese version.....

and hey, dolled up somewhat, it could easily become the newest most modern highly technological version of the Car I did mention car didn't I, well a full version is being worked on and is present in our modern day technology.Here we see the basic bicycle car, imagine now we simply top over it a suitable automobile shell.....

and indeed here we have a pedal powered caravan, that's trailer home to you yanks across the puddle......

and, for those too lazy to pedal well, here is yet another version of the caravan, the deluxe version so to speak,

but it'll be a little more costly as the horse must be maintained...

and , of course, we shall never loose the car if WE further adapt as so many have, mostly in Asia, Africa, Mexico, Central and South America,and actually parts of France and Spain (I've seen it)...


Now cities with trolleys can still keep their trolleys, no need for everybody to go off their trolleys. Recall in the days of wiser older wisdom, horses pulled them as we see here.......

The same goes for what was then called the omnibus..or bus as it is today,,_2010_Cobham_bus_rally.jpg

But hey, intercity bus, stagecoach, again pulled by the horse...

and here we can see what will one day be a modern freight train......,_ca._1903.jpg

Clearly also, passenger train can be kept, and let me tell you the breakdown prone Amtrak of the day is not all that far from this...

And well, we see that all work and no play makes jack a dull boy, what of recreational creations? Well here today,and certainly will be there tomorrow and in the future see these...pedal powered roller coasters here seen in Japan..

and yet another type at...

And did you know that a British filmmaker and festival director from County Durham is strengthening ties with the People’s Democratic Republic of Lao by taking a pedal-powered cinema to the capital, Vientiane, along with a selection of Wallace and Gromit films for Christmas screenings at the British Embassy. Yes, they pedal it about to
different areas, and also, of course, pedal to provide power to drive the cinema show, not to go in to detail,but your basic flat screen (light) TV and suitable dvd player powered from a pedal powered generator. Imagine in the present day solving a problem of the future.

 Of course this could be applied to the home, where one would, as in days of old, have a child or more, for pedalling these types of things for us and other such devices for various home needs. Imagine now our pedal powered car, telling the kid, "Come on lad! Time for a car ride!" T'is what our children are good for now,to pedal, if not imbecillic ideas, then at least........that.

So Squirrel is in no ways worried,nor are others of the day worried, nay not the followers of, and supporters of, Squirrel, of course.

Indeed in the world of today, now no less, there are some who live Squirrel's vision of the future, in Asia, Africa, South and Central America, Mexico, even yet certain pockets of the United States and the colony of Canada, today, and now,and for that matter, continuing on in to the future, as we all shall! In short, we shall be..........Living In An Amish Paradise...

Indeed, solutions Squirrel has! Yes, Squirrel will replace our single biggest problem, the source of ALL our problems of today and of the future, BIG OIL, with two,yes two replacements...........BIG BICYCLE and BIG HORSE'S ASS! Ever onwards, yes, forwards we must go, whilst looking in hindsight, we progress with our backsides to the future!

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,Monster Raving Loony Party,
MP,Dunny On The Wold,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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