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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Secret Squirrel On The American right To Keep And Bear Arms

I ,Secret Squirrel have decided to enter the fray in the attempts by the American government to erode the rights, the stated, and guaranteed Constitutional rights, of all America, specificly with respect to the Second Amendment which is, and states, quite plainly The Right To Keep And Bear arms.Now we're sure it's
Keep and Bear,and most definitely Keep and Bear as it is so written, yes, it is written,enshrined.And you(they,the Americans) should be entitled to that right, to keep that right,sacred,never be ashamed of who you are... You're
warriors... be proud.Of course we, the British, may question their right to Keep and Bear arms,we question this stated right of theirs,the entitlement to the right to Keep and Bear arms, by themselves,considering the war of independence,being what it is and was,and whence they,the colonists, the Americans, decided to leave England, this nation Britain, and all it entailed.But it seems they did and have decided to retain the right to Keep and Bear arms, and enshrined the right to Keep and Bear arms, and, well, rightly so.

We the British, and Scots, and welsh, and Irish, have our arms, and we do keep them.From the beginning of the 15th century laws were passed by rulers in Europe forbidding anyone to display arms unless he had them by right of ancestry or by the grant of lawful authority. In England the right to display arms only
by inherited right or by grant of lawful authority was established by a writ of Henry V in 1417.Indeed we're very proud of them, Americans should be also,yet we don't notice them all exercising their right to Keep And Bear arms,their is no proud display of this, the arms.The right to Keep And Bear arms came to be hereditary as
early as 1390,in England.By the 16th century, it was the rule practically everywhere in western Europe that new arms could be displayed only by grant of the sovereign,indeed out with the old and in with the new was the order of rule in the rest of Europe, but we, the British, proudly ran about the city streets, the countryside, the nation, proudly carrying our arms. This was translated to the Americas, the colony as it were, and so it was their right,at the time, in keeping with the times, at all times, and anytime.

Most Americans have only a hazy understanding of the original significance of arms, and no appreciation of how they are regarded elsewhere, and hence the problem in modern times with the Second Amendment Right To Keep and Bear Arms,a constitutional right virtually constantly under attack and erosion.However,the
habit of displaying Arms in American homes is not likely to disappear in the near future, and hardly anyone in America regards this as a serious matter.Indeed we do see arms on the walls of many American homes, hanging here and there, usually on top of a mantlepiece, or above the fireplace, warms the cockles of the heart it does.

There were glitches with respect to the Right To Keep and Bear Arms, as a study of American History reveals the colonists agreed to forever give up the right to Bear arms.But there was much laxity involved, as they were attracted,still, very much, to the Arms.However,The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights that protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms. It was adopted on December 15, 1791,
along with the rest of the Bill of Rights,and so it is enshrined, the controversial Right To Keep and Bear Arms.I encourage the Americans to challenge their own government's erosion of said stated and supposedly enshrined and guaranteed right,hold your arms high, proudly place your arms above the mantlepiece, above your fireplace, attach them to your walls for all to see. Be proud of them,for you
have a noble British heritage to keep.I commend you, I salute you, I encourage you,stand up for your rights, stand up and be counted, stand up to your Right To Keep and Bear Arms.

Yes, the right to Keep And Bear Arms,a sacred right, an enshirined right, a right guarentanteed by the American Second Amendment, a right given by The Constitution of the United States of America, so do view your entitlement..

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP(Dunny On The Wold),
Minister For ReDeranged ReEngineering.

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