The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Secret Squirrel Ponders A Probable Invasion Of Mexico.

Secret Squirrel has had his attention brought to Mexico,the sad and sorry state it is in at the present,a touch worse and worsening than it is most of the time and has ever been historically.Indeed Mexicans have always been portrayed in US films as mostly criminals,drunks,drugged out and poor,and so it seems at  present it is across so very many levels, especially in the areas of the border near to America.It
seems,strangely, the populations there are really ruled,over ruled, and controlled by crime lords, much as in Somalia,who seem to be inundated with weapons of all sorts.The difference between Mexico and Somalia in that area, are that the Somali crime lords are visible, whilst the ones in Mexico remain invisible, but in all cases the crime lords rule they areas they are in.The Americans are becoming concerned and worried by the situation,and Mexico is in high visibility of US government view.

Look here at

Mexico is one of two countries that "bear consideration for a rapid and sudden collapse," according to a report by the U.S. Joint Forces Command on worldwide security threats.The command's "Joint Operating Environment (JOE 2008)" report, which contains projections of global threats and potential next wars, puts Pakistan on the same level as Mexico. "In terms of worse-case scenarios for the Joint Force and indeed the world, two large and important states bear consideration for a rapid and sudden collapse: Pakistan and Mexico."The Mexican possibility may seem less likely, but the government, its politicians, police and judicial infrastructure are all under sustained assault and pressure by criminal gangs and drug cartels. How that internal conflict turns out over the next several years will have a major impact on the stability of the Mexican state. Any descent by Mexico into chaos would demand an American response based on the serious implications for homeland security alone."
So at high levels this state of affairs was seen as developing.

A retired CIA operative,one Sylvia Longmire,has written and informative, enlightening, and perhaps predictable book,inflammatory in title, "Cartel: The Coming Invasion of Mexico's Drug Wars".


"A retired US Major General has proposed a US invasion of Mexico “to protect and secure the American people.” Major General Paul E. Vallely’s blinkered response to the increase in violence in Mexico, fuelled by US demands for illegal drugs, seems to overlook the failure that a military response has had to curb drug use in the past. He states “now if I were the Commander-in-Chief, I would be on a war-footing and I would have my military commanders planning and executing a strategy that will defeat swiftly and decisively these cancerous enemies.”
He further details, in an article written for the right-wing blog Family Security Matters, how he would conduct his military strategy to protect the USA. He states that the best strategy would be to position three “Border Task Force Groups” of 5000 “warriors” each on the US side of the border. These forces will “conduct offensive and defensive operations on the Mexican side of the border.” Interestingly the retired general does not think that these military incursions into Mexican territory would be in violation of any law and he cites the Posse Comitatus Act of 1848.General Vallely compares the violence in the northern states of Mexico to the lawlessness of 1846 and states “therefore, it is in the National interest of the United States to invade, and restore order because of this clear and present danger to US Citizens and our economy.” So clearly a military invasion of Mexico is in the mind and thoughts of the military."

Gov. Rick Perry,of Texas,as far back as 2010,said he would support sending U.S. troops into Mexico to fight the drug war.He also repeated,at THAT TIME his frequent statement that he doesn't want to be president. Asked if his refusal was "Shermanesque," Perry didn't seem to understand."Shermanesque? Help me on that one," Perry said.The reporter explained it meant if nominated he wouldn't run, if
elected he wouldn't serve."How about Perryesque?" the governor said. "The fact of the matter is I'm not running for the presidency of the United States - don't want to be the president of the United States."Well It seemed it was Perryesque Shermanesque,or Shermanesque Perryesque as you will have it as he has entered his candidacy for the Office Of The President of The United States.Texas Gov. Rick Perry said Saturday,October 1st,2011 that he would consider sending U.S. troops into Mexico to combat drug-related violence and stop it from spilling into the southern United States.“It may require our military in Mexico,” Perry said in answer to a question about the growing threat of drug violence along the southern border. Perry offered no details, and a spokesman, Robert Black, said afterward that sending troops to Mexico would be merely one way of putting an end to the exploding cartel-related violence in the region.

Mexico has been invaded before by America and vast tracts of it's territory were removed from it, and profiftable ares they were at that,perhaps now they consdier going in for it all? Well Let's look at what set the American precedances for invasions of Mexico.

The Mexican–American War, also known as the First American Intervention, the Mexican War, or the U.S.–Mexican War, was an armed conflict between the United States and Mexico from 1846 to 1848 in the wake of the 1845 U.S. annexation of Texas, which Mexico considered part of its territory despite the 1836 Texas Revolution.American forces invaded New Mexico, the California Republic, and parts of what is currently northern Mexico; meanwhile, the American Navy conducted a blockade, and took control of several garrisons on the Pacific coast of Alta California, but also further south in Baja California.

Another American army captured Mexico City, and forced Mexico to agree to the cession of its northern territories to the U.S.The major consequence of the war was the forced Mexican Cession of the territories of Alta California and New Mexico to the U.S. in exchange for $18 million. In addition, the United States forgave debt owed by the Mexican government to U.S. citizens. Mexico accepted the Rio Grande as its national border, and the loss of Texas. Meanwhile gold was discovered in California, which immediately became an international magnet for the California Gold Rush.Quite a profitable undertaking,and it was, as casualties were enormous, but what with the gain, as always, were swept under the rug.

The idea of incorporating Mexico as several new states of the United States has existed ever since the Mexican–American War of 1846–1848, when the All Mexico Movement proposed annexing Mexico by force. Today this idea stresses the strong economic and political connections between Mexico and the United States and the high recurring cost of defending a 2,000-mile (3,200 km) border. In 1913 during border skirmishes between the United States and Mexico, it was proposed by some that the U.S. annex Chihuahua.Incorporating Mexico would add over 100million to the United Satates population, of a mostly subsistance living near starving extremely poor people,heavily equipped with guns of various varities,which have strangely multiplied greatly in recent years.

There have been various break away republics formed within Mexico,but they have been short lived as they were not supported,nor annexed.

The northeast region, consisting of the states of Tamaulipas, Coahuila, and Nuevo León (where claims about federal taxes and water usage are similar to the proposed U.S. states complaints) is frequently alleged to be more alike in general mentality to Texas than to the rest of

Mexico. These three states formed the core of the short-lived 19th century Republic of the Rio Grande.

In 1853, filibuster William Walker conquered the Mexican states of Baja California and Sonora with the intent of adding new slave states to the Union. Within three months he had incorporated both states into the independent Republic of Sonora, but a lack of support from the US Government and increasing pressure from the Mexican Government forced him to retreat.

Mexico could be invaded and annexed of sorts,and split in to states, thence admitted in whole or in part, in to the United States,but there are rules,it seesm they do have them for such doings.Following the precedent established by the Enabling Act of 1802, an Enabling Act must be passed by Congress as a prerequisite to admission. The act authorizes the people of a territory to frame a constitution, and lays down the requirements that must be met prior to consideration for statehood.In light of modern times and American designs, one can easily see the sudden emergence of several constitutions of the required nature, similar in required nature,appearing with great and mysterious speed and rapiditty.
Why would this occur, why ever would America attempt to absorb Mexico? Well Mexico, in spite of it's people being poor, is rather like the Arab states, great in resources.Mexico, America's southern neighbor, has been for centuries and continues to be a hellhole of political corruption, poverty and despair. It is indeed remarkable that a nation this vast, with great resources such as an abundance of oil (Mexico is a major petroleum producer), can be worse off than most Third World countries. It's no secret that Mexico is routinely ranked as the most corrupt
country in the world, even surpassing Nigeria.Mexico is of a much greater vital interest to America than, say, Libya. And, ironically, Mexico also has large oil reserves,(need I mention this again?)and vast natural resources,resources such as petroleum, silver, copper, gold, lead, zinc, natural gas, timber.
Well.........timberrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,there's oil there, lots and lots of oil and so very close to the USA as well, just admirable for pipelines to suck the oil to the American oil companies,and if it's one thing American oil companies like, and send the USA to wars of acquisition for, and control of, it's oil. Well, let's see the effects of invading Mexico, the possibilities,the probablities,the mechanics of the thing.

First. America has all along denied any purpose to interfere in the internal affairs of Mexico and the St. Louis platform declares against it. Intervention conveys the idea of such interference.And modern blow hard politicians no advocate such intervention,and should they achieve power can and will do it, indeed even yet Obama might.

Second. Intervention would be humiliating to many Mexicans whose pride and sense of national honor would resent severe terms of peace in case of being defeated in a war,which is what the interevention would be.Occupied or defeated, the Mexicans are heavily armed, even yet more heavily armed and spread out and in far greater numbers than were and are the Arabs of Iraq.

Third. American intervention in Mexico is extremely distasteful to all Latin America and might have a very bad effect upon Americas Pan-American program, of peace love and amistad and whatever they call not invading any iof them at any particular moment,for the time being,they'll just have to be placated by telling them, "It won't happen to you,Amistad lad!".That'll do it for sure, and it will too since there's nothing they can do about it in either and all cases.

Fourth. Intervention, which suggests a definite purpose to “clean up” the country, would bind America to certain accomplishments,such as occupation, which circumstances might make extremely difficult or inadvisable,there being so very mandy weapons no round and about and in the hands of Mexicans at large,Mexicans who are wisely ,and ever increasingly,arming themselves with what ever they can get their hands on.

Fifth. Intervention also implies that the war,of intervention would be made primarily in the interest of the Mexican people,it being billed as such, while the fact is it would be an intervention America forces onthe Mexican Government, and, if we term it intervention, we will have considerable difficulty in explaining why we had not intervened before but waited until attacked.

Sixth. Intervention with America's favorite attack group,the Coalition,the NATO Alliance attacking a nation for it's own good, as in all the NATO partners, as in for the oil, share and share alike,which suits all of them just fine,and especially the oil companies who are the huge driving force between all of the present wars of acquisitional intervention(for.............oil).

Will there be an intervention, and invasion of Mexico? Yes I see it in the cards.An acquisitional war of intervention of Mexico? Ye,s but for control and acquisition of natural resources, especially the oil.Will there be an entire absorptive acquistion of Mexico? No,I see that as being far too expensive and a drain an America,a simple less costly occupation is the most likely course of events accomplishing, but at high cost in lives, yes, the control and acquistional farming of Mexico's resources,especially of course, the oil,after all one simply just must make them pay for themselves for having necessitated the military intervention so indicated.I see that as the future of and for Mexico and Mexicans.

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