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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Secret Squirrel Encourages The Banning Of Ownership Of Exotic Wild Animals.

Lions & Tigers & Bear,Lions & Tigers & ain't Kansas, Dorothy.Secret Squirrel has noticed that it really isn't Kansas, and not the land of Oz either, but there are, in Ohio,lions and tigers and bears on the loose, and this has resulted in interesting headlines here as evidenced at...........


and,of course, others.

One Terence(Terry) Thompson,had evidently let loose the animals he'd owned, and then killed himself,in his inhumanity,he let'em loose on humanity, on the human race, on Americans, on his fellow Americans, wild animals........lions and tiger and bear and whatever else all..........loose, out of their now the entire city is on lock down as police have to hunt and kill the animals, wild, animals a direct threat to ever man woman and child, as well, of course, their pets,lest we forget,and forget we not, as they search for...........FOOD, people are their food, lots of people, meat sacks running about, and their pets,of course. So now we have to question US laws which don't ban such things as the keeping a wild animals, classed as exotic or whatever they refer them to. Is there a reason to keep such animals, and so many.No there isn't it makes no sense.The Federal government in it's inadequacy doesn't act.Lions and tigers and bears.Lions and Tigers and Bears. All loose........loose because somebody was allowed,by law, to keep lions and tigers and bears.Lions and tigers and bears. Mind you the ridiculousness extends to all wild animals as such doesn't it, cheetahs,cougars,wolves,foxes whatever et all..and this occurrence is the epitome of the idiocy of the lack of laws banning the keeping of any exotic wild animal.Do you think for one minute the Federal government sees the sense in such a ban, or the State governments, or the local governments?No, idiots all,Americans, ruled by idiots, Americans live in the midst of an idiocracy, idiocratic governments,governments of ignorance and idiocy, making laws,all sorts of laws, laws for everything, but not sane laws such as banning the keeping of exotic wild animals,lions and tigers and bears,lions and tigers and bears,the lot of them.Of course we acknowledge that the local constabulary did a magnificent job, totally,utterly ,completely, and fortunate all round and for the people it was so, magnificent.But they should not have had to do that,they would not have had to do that should there be a law banning exclusively all exotic wild animals.

But,sadly, it is not so.Of course there are some who will not support and do not support such a law, those who keep or would keep such wild animals, but here we see the hazards,the dangers of keeping such wild animals.Interestingly he had complied with permits et ceterra as required for those animals, however, there should NOT have been any permits for such animals as it should never have been permitted to own such animals.As of November 2010, most US states forbid the possession of exotic pets, but 9 states have no license or permit requirements, and quite obviously these states are in dire need of such laws, especially Ohio.To commence with, local areas such as counties,cities and towns and whatever,in states lacking such laws, must initiate such laws at the earliest for their areas, enact and enforce them, whilst they wait for their state to follow the lead of the other states.Also it is for the Federal government to also enact and enforce their own ban on the keeping of such exotic wilds animals, and see to it that the states toe the line on those laws,for the good and safety of the American Citizen,there is a clear and present danger.

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