The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Secret Squirrel On America's Senatorial Weiner Sex Scandal

Secret Squirrel has looked on, with amusement, yet another American Government sex scandal,and in his infinite wisdom has decided to analyze and comment on the events of the day, which happen each and every day.Let's start by considering that earlier this year, Rep. Chris Lee, a married Republican from New York, resigned within hours after it was revealed he had sent a topless photograph of himself to a woman he met on Craigslist.Hmmmm topless,were they absolutely huge man boobs (moobs or whatever they're called),fantastic hooters, huge gazongas,enormous zoomers,or what ever.I wonder, but mind I run about topless too, very provocative in the country environment I'm presently in,and so too do others,and its exceptionally daring in a city like Montreal where female cops have threatened to take in men going topless. So the Republican lad resigned at a snap of the Republican.Democrats don't resign, even Clinton allowed himself to be impeached and didn't resign(why should he, none of his own Democrats would vote to kick him out,and none did).But zounds and zooks, the
very air abounds with political sex scandals over the years,massive amounts of them.According to Newsweek, there were,since 1976,27 Democrat ones,and since 1980,26 Republican ones,in 35 years, 53 2010,thereabouts,roundabouts in major government(and probably more yet as well). Of course there is no lack out of The House as it were,face it State,local etc etc etc.

So now Rep. Anthony Weiner, a Democrat from New York,Weiner,the central subject of Weinergate, admits he lied about his sexual conduct, but it is his private sexual conduct, embarrassing yes, a revealtion which, in marriage, may lead to divorce as grounds for that would have been achieved,but it is his private life.He has also lied about sexting (and what ever else) on government is a lie about his personal life, but the issue, if anything,for The Senate Ethics Committee, is whether he used government resources to do so on the taxpayers time, and money...there is the issue,the issue on which they could remove him should it prove true, but his private personal life is an issue only with himself and with the electorate.

According to The Atlantic Wire...

His wife wants him to remain in office. Weiner's wife, Huma Abedin, with her close relationship to the Clintons, is a powerful figure politically. She is also pregnant, and appears to be standing by him. He may think that she can clean up after him. As the Times reported, Weiner repeatedly told Pelosi that he could not resign now because his wife, Huma Abedin, was traveling abroad with her boss, Hillary Clinton -- "an assertion they viewed as an unpersuasive pretext." The Wall Street Journal also reports that Weiner has been privately telling colleagues that his wife wants him to remain in office.But Andrew Breitbart thinks even Abedin's influence with the Clintons won't be enough. On Fox & Friends Saturday morning, Breitbart said an “impeccable source” had told him that “Obama and Clinton spoke to him yesterday and said ‘Get the hell out of here,’”

Of course, that's his decision to make,though others would like to make it for him,for example the Senate Ethics Committee.But what of morals?Morals aren't ethics,and Senate Ethics Committee,in the American Senate deals with money issues,things like misspending,misappropriating,abusing,public funds,the money of the taxpayer for personal misuses.Face it their private life is their own, albeit highly disordered and amusing,looking at Schwartzenegger,Woods,James, et all and lets look at the MANY politicians who have had many of these interesting sex scandals, lads who had to bring in hookers by train, by plane, lads who even yet had to fly out of the country to meet their whores,errr mistresses, err girlfriends, lads who had problems getting their wives to provide free sex in marriage or whatever version of it,or lack of it ,they evidently hadn't any,or were refused it,denied it.........yes, and then there's the President,Clinton who had an amazing time.Hey, would we have known what else we could do with cigars without him? I must admit I have spent some of my time encouraging my girlfriend to take up cigar smoking,I even yet offered her a Tiparillo from time to time.If you try enough times they will take up smoking cigars to please you(I'm not a politician and that pleases her).

This one Weiner sends naked pictures of himself and various parts of his anatomy to women.It could've been worse in the school of public opinion, could've been men,and or both as in underaged, as in Senate pages.We've even yet had political,scandals as they're called,of politicians having affairs with underage pages,male and female,which leaned to the interesting side as they were the ones who came up with and enacted and exacted legislation and laws which have imprisoned the common ordinary citizen for doing the very same thing.What we have in reality,in American government, is one huge orgy open to the exclusivity of the politicians.It has been noted that politicians are above the laws for the greater part, whilst they are in government, in trouble when they fall out of government, and it has been noted that in America companies have
fired, or let go,laid off and what not, employees who have had extra marital affairs or variously distinguished themselves in the field of rentals of various women, and men.But government doesn't presently do this,so very not. But it IS their private
lives,the private lives of anybody, you know. The Senate ethics committee is interested only on the financial side of things, what they term to be abuse of funds, of government funds, of the peoples money,you,the citizen, who entrusted them with it all. It does not deal with morals,morality,or behaviour in the bedroom,theirs or others.......or in the backseats of cars, or the beaches or the forests and alleyways of America et all.

I myself am considerably amused to hear what becomes written in to the political Book Of Revelations, and also in seeing the women they had affairs with, basically as to their taste in things, in other words, was their taste in women on the side of what can only be termed fat or dumpy, and/or coyote ugly?

Ultimately it is for the electorate to decide.They,his fellow politicians, can try force them to resign, if they find various forms of dirt on him, his party,the Democrats, can evict him, yes, but he would remain as a Representative still yet, Independent or not sitting as whatever he labels himself, but for re-election attempts he would be on his own. Or the party can keep him, and take a chance on the broad scale electorate turning a blind eye to things, and you know, with respect to the electorate, a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse.

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