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Monday, June 13, 2011

Secret Squirrel Comments On Donald Trump's Bullying Tactics Used On Scots

Secret Squirrel has had his attention drawn to a range war in Scotland, developing between some Scottish landowners,and one very belligerent and bullying American, one Donald Trump,of questionable financial accumen and practices.He has, you
know,filed for bankruptcy twice and still come out at the top of the heap,since in both instances, Trump's corporations have filed,not he himself,and his investors have lost,not he himself,in short he's a form of legal Madoff, the investors loose,the monies gone,but who knows where(Madoff at least knew where the money was, and is, but wasn't and isn't talking),he has no idea himself. So Donald Trump,still personally an impossibly rich person with a somewhat disagreeable reputation,neighbour to one Scottish citizen,British subject,British citizen,British passport holding,David Milne,whose home at Hermit Point on the Menie estate is near Donald Trump's planned golf resort site, is trying to stick a Scottish neighbour with an expensive bill for a fence, and a rather poor one at that, a fence of the slat like variety one puts up about trees, or uses as a windbreak in winter,one of those varieties,that rolls up and rolls out, a run of the mill variety.Without warning, Trump's contractors erected the new boundary and planted dozens of trees then sent an invoice for £2820 - half of the total bill.David Milne,the neighbour Trump is at odds with,said: "I could not believe it when the bill arrived. I priced the materials and I could put up the whole fence on my own for about £800,that'd be a £400 on Donald's side which Donald would be sure not to pay.The health and safety adviser said Trump's demand was "ridiculous" and that he would not pay a penny towards the fence.

He said: "I'm just ignoring the demand. There is no way I'm going to pay it."As far as I'm concerned it's just another attempt to intimidate and bully me. But it's not going to work. I'm not paying any attention to it at all. "It's made from the cheapest stuff available but that's the kind of standard we've come to expect from Mr Trump and his organization."Now his neighbour,David Milne, a Health And Safety Advisor,has happily lived there for 20 years, happily ,till the arrival of the American, Donald Trump, who intends to build a golf course round and about the property.Mr Milne has accused the tycoon of trying to harass and bully him by doing things like piling a huge mound of earth behind his property.Trump had decided that the demarcation of Mr Milne’s property was wrong and needed to be corrected.

Here you can see the fence for yourself.....

Quite simply the house, with it's road access, is in his way, his line of way,line of sight, or what ever, but whom now has the right of way? Well, the American has permission to create two championship courses, a clubhouse, a hotel and 950
houses.And he's decided he also needs adjoining land and has applied for planning permission for properties he doesn't own.Seems quite sure all things will go his way, and Milne will go away, for the 15% (imagine 15%,only) over cost of property he's offered to buy.But the sticking point is Milne doesn't go for the Americans bullying and strong arm tactics, quite simply, Trump isn't in America,and he's encountered some very obstinate thistle arsed Scots. BUT he does have heavy support from the Scottish (in this case pronounced Sottish if you please) Government,and has bragged heavily to that extend when he revealed he'd plans for the golf courses,etc, and had worries that he said the Scottish government easily alleviated for him, as they didn't want to stand in the way of the American,after all what are a few happy Scottish landowners to they, or they
to he.To quote the Donald on his plans, all of his plans,Government told me I'd win' DONALD Trump made the "explosive admission" that the Scottish Government called him after his golf course plan was rejected by councilors to urge him to press on, assuring him "you'll win".And he did too, and it seems, will continue to win?Trump's
claim that the Scottish Government offered him its support following the rejection is significant as it is supposed to remain impartial.What an incredible revelation we see, the SNP going against the democratic process when it suits them,we see the
SNP doing favours for Donald Trump an American. Milne is one of four homeowners at Menie who had been living with the threat of being evicted from their homes until Mr Trump announced earlier this year that he had ruled out compulsory purchase orders to help build his massive golf development.The Donald has in the past described the home as “ugly” and said he wants to flatten it,as with respect to the other three homes which are in his view, but Mr Milne will not sell,nor the other landowners at present.

Yes, the Donald can get what he wants, with full Scottish Government support, and the Scots be damned for living and being there, by all, including their own cherished government.But the American has also applied for planning permission for
adjoining land, on which Mr Milne's home at Hermit Point stands,and the others as well,you just can't stand in the way of Donald Trump nor the Scottish government,they will get their way.

Look here at......

and you will get a better overview of things as they are and are going to be.

Fence laws originated with disputes over livestock, which may wander off their owner's land and cause damage. Judges and legislators have developed three different schemes for allocating the costs of restraining animals. Countries or states with "fence-in" systems require ranchers to build and pay for fences to keep their cattle on their land. "Fence-out" regimes allow livestock to go where they please, and impose the cost of fencing on neighbors who don't want animals on their property. Lastly, a few Solomonic legislatures have split the difference, forcing neighbors to share the cost of a fence, even if one of them doesn't want it. But don't be alarmed, suburbanites. Most states restrict their fence-out and cost-sharing rules to less populated regions or to those who own livestock, so your neighbor probably can't stick you with a bill for the cost of his white picket fence.However, there are no cows present, at the time of the building of the fence by either,so the argument directly is no cows,livestock or what ever, have you, they don't ,either of'em, hence no direct necessity for the fence, as the law states...even as it states, there must be necessity. In future, should Trump decide to add livestock to the fields, he would still be stuck for any fence or improvement of said fence since the cows were not, as now, present in the first place in the first erection of the unnecessary livestock fence, hence, The Donald can have his fence, as he wishes, but entirely at his own cost and expense,according to the letter of the law,but what with there already being severe Scottish government
interference in the matter,things may not exactly follow the letter of the law,but rather the dictates of the SNP. There is,however much opposition developing against both The Donald Trump, and as a consequence concerning the developments,the SNP, as well, and support for the four Scottish landowners has emerged....

here view an article from The Scotsman.....

Here commences a synopsis of an epistle from The Scotsman....

Herein Donald Trump fights back over 'Menie: The Movie'A BITTER war of words has broken out ahead of the Scottish premiere of a film about Donald Trump's controversial golf course project in Aberdeenshire.You've Been Trumped was made by a two-man team who spent a year following the story and questions the decision to back the proposed "best golf course in the world".Director Anthony Baxter yesterday said residents fighting the plans claim they have been "bullied" and "victimized" and the development would sabotage a sensitive environment.The film will be seen for the first time in Scotland next Friday in Aberdeen.Mr Antrhony Baxter,The Director, from Montrose, described the film as an "environmental parable for our celebrity-driven times".The film-maker, along with producer Richard Phinney, was detained by police following a complaint of breach of the peace.On the arrest of Mr Baxter, Grampian Police said officers were called to the Menie Estate regarding a complaint of breach of the peace on 30 July last year. "As the allegations were corroborated by independent witnesses, two men were detained by officers and subsequently, after careful consideration of the facts, given formal adult warnings in connection with the incident."(This is interesting in light of the view that the estate they were on is surrounded by docile farmland as viewed above in the mentioned overview).He said: "I hope (the film] will change attitudes as for the first time the public will be getting the truth about the way the police have been policing the development and the fact that Trump is bullying residents."He added: "The people there feel victimized, bullied and feel a landscape that they know and feel very passionate about as an environmentally sensitive and important piece of ground has been bulldozed and sabotaged for the sake of precious little."He is also seeking an apology from Grampian Police after being detained following an incident while making the film.

Here ends my synopsis of the epistle found in The Scotsman...

There's more of course to it all..

And here commences a synopsis from The Daily Mail..........

Mike Forbes Is another who stands in the way of plans of Donald Trump to build a resort on his land.For the problem is that Mike, Molly and Mike's 60-year-old wife, Sheila ? currently hard at work in the fish factory down the road live slap bang in
the middle of Trump's site.So far, he has rejected offers of £350,000 and more recently £375,000. Trump, meanwhile, insists that unless Mike and Molly sell up, he'll simply build around them.So Molly will be able to wave at the golfers from her
window in Paradise and will be a mere hop and a skip from the five-star hotel, spa and the majestic Tarmacadam sweep of the £1billion resort's main access route, Trump Boulevard.It's not difficult to see why Trump is keen to get them out.The dispute mirrors the plot of Local Hero, the 1983 cult film by Bill Forsyth in which an American oil tycoon tries to buy a tiny Scottish Village ? actually filmed in Pennan, just a few miles up the coast and turn it into an oil refinery, but changes his mind when he comes to visit and sees how gorgeous the place is.Except for The Donald,of course, it's the reverse,such is the benevolence and friendship of the American,Donald Trump, in reality.Mike is furious and insists the tractors are used to
drag his fishing nets and their frames in from the sea, while the oil cans are homemade braziers for burning rubbish."Of course I was offended. I wasn't against the golf course from the start.""I was helping him out, repairing their roads and
things and then they just went mental because I wouldn't sell.""They said they would make my life a misery and suddenly it's all got a bit personal. I don't say personal things about him...though there's a lot I could say."Such as?
"Well . . . his hair looks like a dead squirrel, for starters."

So has he been bullied?
"Put it this way, in the last few months I've had visits from animal cruelty, the RSPCA, environmental health and the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency.Oh, and a couple of weeks ago I had the police round saying I had a shotgun with no
license. I don't even have a shotgun.It all seems a bit coincidental, don't you think?"He's also withdrawn access rights from my land down to the beach ? I need a tractor to drag the nets, so without it, I can't fish."He has also had lawyers' letters accusing him of damaging Mr Trump's property, which he denies."Well, I always said that when I retired I'd sell everything and go on a world cruise, but I know one thing, I'll never sell to Donald Trump. Never ever."

And here ends the synopsis from The Daily Mail.

No in all fairness and equity to all Scots,to all Scottish citizens,citizens of Britain et all.......the government may not care, but it is clear from Mister Trump's own admission that the impartiality of the system is most severely compromised with
the Scottish National Party's Mister Salmond in charge.The nationalists think that the machinery of government is there to be
used and abused, and that they are not subject to the law of the land.The Scots are entitled to fair dealing from the government, and it is plain that Mister Trump believes that he was given fair passage in advance of the process. Scots who
believed that they would get a fair hearing have been deceived.Any permissions given to Mister Trump must be suspended immediately, and a new process begun, under judicial supervision.Separately, a parliamentary inquiry must be begun. The Lord Advocate must commence an inquiry alongside the police to see if corrupt practices have been used.

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