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Monday, November 8, 2010

Secret Squirrel On The Happy Meal Ban,Or Don't Worry,Be UnHappy.

Secret Squirrel has turned his attention to the so-called Happy Meal Ban, or at least, the attempt to ban those things referred to as happy meals, namely the inclusion of a child's toy, with the meal the child receives.Secret Squirrel is worried,he's unhappy, and he NEVER got a toy with his meal.So,go on now, what is it really all about?Do you really know?Happy Meals are soon going to come with a sad surprise for children in the US.Lawmakers in California have voted to ban toys from being served up with McDonald’s burgers and fries.Officials claim the free goodies, often promoting a new film or popular cartoon characters, lure children into eating foods with high sugar, sodium and fat.Previously there was an attempt to ban,specifically,Happy Meals.As it occurred ,voting against the measure was Supervisor Donald Gage, who claimed parents should be responsible for their children.

‘If you can’t control a three-year-old child for a toy, God save you when they get to be teenagers,’ he said.

‘Ultimately, parents decide what their children eat and whether a meal includes a toy or not – that is the role of a parent,’ added Jot Condie president of the California Restaurant Association.

‘The county government does not need to serve as the parent of the parents.’

The attempt at this measure,each measure, as the measure is proposed, claims to battle an obesity epidemic sweeping California and the rest of America.
While supporters insist the ban will force restaurants to offer more nutritious food to children.But face it,are they in there every day? No. What do I see,at,say, McDonald's? I see slim secretaries,walk in slim,walk out with a bag of food, or stay and eat, and they're back there the next day, same thing.But they're staying slim.Months later she's still slim,not having to walk sideways to get through the door to get to the food.I see lots of them,it's habitual,it's addictive evidently, this food thing is. Is it really though, what you eat, and not so much as how much you eat?What will you eat, what will your child eat?Their fill.Would you want them to eat less?The obesity rates started to skyrocket in the 80's, there Food companies,and whatever food marketing companies, started putting foods everywhere, encouraging snacking, making it normal for kids and adults to buy all kinds of
sugar laden snacks,choc bars and whatever have you that you see in vending machines all round and about you,and encouraged people generally to drink sodas all day long,by being equally available. The list goes on of available snacks.Yes, you are what you eat,when and where and how much, it all adds up, and those candy bars add up to quite a total from a very small amount.I know plenty of people who go into calorie shock when they look at a cookie and discover that it contains 670 calories.A present proposed Happy Meal law,would not allow the inclusion of a toy in any child’s meal with more than 485 calories, 120 calories for a drink, 200 calories for a single food item, 600 mg of salt or high amounts of sugar or fat.I want a cookie.Well you can have a cookie,yes,but not the toy.

Look now.I lost weight.I was at 180 pounds.I starved.I ate less.I enjoyed it less, I cut out almost entirely........sugar and had no soft drinks.I lost weight, I'm at 155 pounds.I have been so for months,with a constant feeling of hunger,I am UnHappily happily at 155lbs,they say this is good for me, for my height and weight.Yet why, then,am I discontented, and hungry?Why?Why do I WANT to eat more.I would eat more,I could eat more, and be happy, and back to 180, and back to being stated to be,overweight,obese,and yet I would be happy,and not feeling constantly hungry? Did MacDonald's cause that?NO,not one bit,my own cooking?Dare the government blame mine, or anybody else cooking? Ask the government,would they say I'm unhappy as I now am? Maybe not, but they'll say it's all good for me.THEY like me like this.What am I doing this for? I don't know,I'm not happy,I'm really tempted every minute of the day to eat my fill,again.Does the government say it's
the beef,the pork, the chicken?The way it's cooked?I cook the only way I and others know how to cook.Does the government want me to be a vegetarian?I cook a hamburger the same way as everybody else, I place it on and with,and between seasoned buns with lettuce,tomato,pickle et all,just like, and I have cooked it ,too, the same way,the meat.So what is it?Kids are taken out,Happy Meals or not, to places they're happy,to places we take them,to be happy,so they'll happily eat their fill.We don't want them to starve.Happy Meals? Sad for kids.But then,they're learning,that government exists, politicians exist,to make us all unhappy.Worry.Don't be happy, eat your UnHappy Meal, unhappily,that'll for sure keep them happy.Don't worry.

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