The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Secret Squirrel On Attempts To Emulate America's Previously Unfathomed Monetary System.

Secret Squirrel has noticed something,namely, that the US national debt keeps growing and growing and growing, and American government keeps spending and spending and spending, giving those it spends to, vast amounts,ever increasing amounts, of American currency,for things it purchases or spends on, such as the military,gifts (subsidies and such other named differently gifts)to corporations etc et all, except for it's people on whom it spends as little if possible if anything. Now what with the US debt, being firstly, millions, then billions, and now trillions and whatever else comes next,in the United States, it'll be 1000 billion. In most other countries, it's "quadrillion". The dollar remains a dollar,regardless, to Americans and the rest of the world, regardless of debt, whilst in the rest of the world, America it seems, screams overprinting and it seems that currency is devalued against the US dollar standard of the world,and everybody elses as well,and in turn their against the American dollar and everybody elses as well.

It's the strange way of the world, the world of global currency,high finance,economics and whatever else they call it. It's been noticed the Turks tried to print up a million dollar bill, in their currency, the bir, well they have lots of birs but one million birs can be purchased for the price of 90cents US,in old aged birs,or lirasi as they're known.It's all because old birs go stale and so only new birs are worth it.What's to be said for it all, in light of the above?Well,as the song says, "Money,money,money,must be funny, in a rich man's world."

Well I have fathomed how America is doing this all.It's because the rest of the world has been tied to the US dollar in value and with the US basically overseeing what it claims are monetary overprinting infractions. What the American government does, is quite simply print up Treasury Bills(Certificate or some such),of any value they particularly require,and then they go to the US Treasury Department, which then happily takes said certificate(bills as they were), and then it prints up and gives to the US government,whom ever presented said bill/certificate
the equivalent in currency. This repeats each year to pay the debt world wide and whatever have you, while the Treasury Department debt mounts,but is ignored and everything's all right as long as they have the certificates on file.

One wonders what happens if they should loose said certificate, would this have a reducing effect on the national debt of America? I should think not, because if it did, they surely would be doing just that, in all wisdom. Regrettably the other
nations of the world are not as wise as America being tied to the American currency. One wonders now, if they would wisely tie their currency, to their own currency as the Americans do,thence they follow the American system of setting up a
Treasury Department, printing Treasury Certificates of the desired values, and having their Treasury Department print up their currency as they need.You notice I did not refer to printing up US Treasury Certificates and going to their Treasury
Department as I do believe the Americans would consider that to be counterfeiting and similar to printing false currencies based on their treasury certificates.

What ever shall we do? Not wishing to test the American waters ourselves,we could
try,perhaps, a test printing of a US Treasury Certificate, and have the government of Britain send, say, Rosencrantz Martin Luther King, and Guildenstern Martin Luther King,Jr attempt to cash said certificate for the good of the people of, and on the behalf of, the people and government of Britain. Mind there may be some who would consider that a for of use and abuse of the ignorant,and so not being considered to be politically correct as we are out of the times of The Empire,then moving with the times, we must pursue yet another course of action. We go with an alternate plan. We have say,with some suitable encouragement,I was initially going to suggest Iceland for the test as they're flat broke, or the Irish, equally so, but then again there is the previously mentioned politically incorrect aspect to things with respect to them, and the french who were not mentioned as they would never believe we were doing them any great favour. So, let's say we try with the last friend we have in the world,and equally as in dire straits as we are, we go to the New Zealanders. We encourage them to join our club, The Clube Des Billionaires, The Clube Des Trillionaires, The Club Des Quadrillionaires, much as the sardines are,after all the plan is a real Kipper,and indeed things being as they are, an American dollars based on the system they use to procure them are worth, in reality,in the light of financial sanity, one sardine,except they won't as yet acknowledge it as being so.

So, the New Zealanders set up their Department Of the Treasury. The Government procures a printing press which prints the new Treasury Certificates(Bills, what ever have you as the Americans do and you don't,or perhaps can't), and then they take those printed Certificates, printed with certain required values of currency on them as necessary, be it millions,billions or trillions and whatever else as the years progress, and the New Zealand Department of Treasury then prints up the money as the New Zealand government sees fit. We then sit back and watch the reaction of the US government and the rest of the world to a system parallel to that
of the US government and it's Treasury system.

It works so well for the Americans, it must be just that we never knew how they did it and nobody thought to do what they do.In either case,we'll never know till we try,err till they try, the New Zealanders that is, and having given it the good college try as it were, should the New Zealanders for some strange reason fail as it were, they will still be, after all,our remaining friends.

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