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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Secret Squirrel Solves California's Water Problems.

Secret Squirrel says here ponder
California: 93.91 percent of the state is in severe drought or worse.Well now is there a solution to the problem the American government, AND the State Of California, have not considered,nor looked at? Yes indeed, there always is you know.Desalination........Saudi Arabia has always had an acute fresh water shortage problem. The problem has been so severe that a proposal was once considered to literally tow an ice burg from Antarctica all to way to the Kingdom for use as fresh water.

The practicality of constructing desalination plants to extract salt and other minerals from sea water became a much more practical plan, and 27 have now been constructed in the Kingdom, supplying 70% of the country’s drinking water as well as more than 28 million megawatts of electricity.

A new desalination plant, hailed as being the world’s largest, has now been completed in the new Jubail II Industrial Zone in the Kingdom’s Eastern Province. The plant, which cost 16 billion Saudi Ryals (US$ 3.8 billion) is expected to create 800,000 cubic meters of water for cities in the Eastern Province, as well as generate 2,750 megawatts of electricity.

Like other countries on the Arabian Peninsula, including many of the Emirate states, desalination has proven to be the most effective way of solving the country’s water needs,even yet at the city level, treated wastewater is being reused for landscaping, irrigation and in industries such as refining,where drinking quality water isn't a requirement. In Riyadh 50 million cubic meter per year is pumped over 40 km (25 mi) and 60m elevation to irrigate 15,000 hectares of wheat, fodder, orchards and palm trees.Water conservation measures, such as awareness campaigns through the media and educational pamphlets, have been carried out. In addition, in Riyadh a leakage control program has been carried out and a special, higher water tariff has been introduced. Furthermore, free water appliances (taps, shower heads, toilet boxes) were distributed, reportedly resulting in a decrease of residential water use of between 25-35%.

The existing desalination plants carry fresh water to Saudi cities by means of more than 2,500 miles of water pipes.In 2011 the volume of water supplied by the country’s 27 government-operated desalination plants at 17 locations was 3.3 million m3/day (1.2 billion m3/year). 6 plants are located on the East Coast and 21 plants on the Red Sea Coast. Saudi Arabia is the largest producer of desalinated water in the world. 12 plants use multi-stage flash distillation (MSF) and 7 plants use multi-effect distillation (MED). In both cases the desalination plants are integrated with power plants (dual-purpose plants), using steam from the power plants as a source of energy. 8 plants are single-purpose plants that use reverse osmosis (RO) technology and power from the grid. By far the largest plant, Jubail II on the East Coast, is a MSF plant built in subsequent stages since 1983 with a capacity of almost 950,000 m3/day that supplies Riyadh. The largest RO plant is located in Yanbu on the Red Sea. It supplies the city of Medina and has a capacity of 128,000 m3/day. The MED plants are much smaller. Mekka receives its water from plants in Jeddah and Shoaiba just south of Jeddah. In Ras al Khair, the largest plant of the country with a capacity of 1 million m3/day was under construction as of 2012.[12]

Solar desalination also goes on,imagine. The first contract for a large solar-powered desalination plant in Saudi Arabia was awarded in January 2015 to a consortium consisting of Abengoa from Spain and Advanced Water Technology (AWT), the commercial arm of the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST). The $130 million reverse osmosis plant, co-located with a photovoltaic plant in Al Khafji near the Kuwaiti border, will have a capacity of 60,000 m3/day(all water is measured in cubic metres take mote, m3). The plant relies on grid power at night and its operator expects to sell electricity to the grid in the future. A ten times larger plant at a hitherto undisclosed location is due to be launched once the first plant has been commissioned as part of a national plan to massively expand solar desalination launched in 2010 called the King Abdullah Initiative for Solar Water Desalination.

Floating desalination also is there. In 2010 the largest floating desalination plant in the world with a production capacity of 25,000 m3/day (9 million m3/year) was launched on a barge in Yanbu. While this capacity is just a small fraction of total installed desalination capacity, it is sufficient to supply a city with more than 100,000 inhabitants with drinking water. Just like smaller desalination barges that operate since 2008 they are designed to meet high seasonal demand for potable water anywhere along the Red Sea coast of the Kingdom In a land where summer midday temperatures often reach as high as 130 degrees Fahrenheit , having adequate amounts of electricity and fresh water is crucial to the Kingdom’s development, as well as it’s very survival. And so too it is of California, note also the electrical energy generation plus, a very big plus isn't it. Remember also that US foreign aid, and investment has built those plants in Saudi Arabia, and MANY other Arabian nations as well, you,the US taxpayer, the Californian taxpayer.....know. Also do note, that America likes to build pipelines all over the place,oil pipeline, carrying oil vast distances.......Squirrel also suggest America build pipelines, but safe pipelines,water pipelines, bringing water to Californians.Why just recently the USA cancelled a very expensive and partly constructed pipeline..........the money involved being so very much piffle to the US government.Piffle,the US government is loaded down on piffle, spending their time and piffle on sending armies round and about the world,bombing people, destroying nations.....piffle,so much piffle.Well now,America having piffle money available,can easily spend the piffle on building useful pipelines to carry water to the good citizens of California.But do they,does it, and why not then. So the solution IS at hand, Secret Squirrel HAS the solution, but the US and Californian governments must quickly implement and apply it.

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP(Dunny On The Wold).
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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