The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Monday, April 27, 2015

Secret Squirrel Calls For Electoral Reform In Britain.

Secret Squirrel Calls For New Electoral Reform Regulations.

Secret Squirrel calls for new regulations.............Mayoral elections, and indeed all elections at all levels, should require,manditory that said person running for election, and if elected, MUST be a British citizen in the very least, if not in fact British born......Secret Squirrel came to this conclusion on the threat of an American retread, as it were, Bill De Blasio,a Mayor of New York, an American City, might well run for election to the Office Of The Mayor Of London.........Squirrel was NOT pleased.

There is another election rule which Squirrel wishes implimented, on the resignation of a Prime Minister,for example, that within THREE (3) Months of said resignation,removal,ouster, or sadly incapacity of sorts or a death of same, that there be an election held............let the people decide their selected Prime Minister, not having one directly NOT elected to the position hold sway and swagger over them.

So says Squirrel.

Secret Squirrel,

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