The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Secret Squirrel Ponders Various Prison Solutions.

Secret Squirrel has turned his attention to Britain's problems with those who belong in Her Majesty's Prison For The Extremely Naughty.Quite frankly, they're expensive, but necessary to house.Let's have a look at a recently built facility those lads given to naughtynees.H.M. Prison Magilligan, near Coleraine,450 prisoners cost 200 m pounds to build(319.62 million U.S dollars),that's 444444.444 pounds per prisoner(in US dollars that's $709333.333,matter of fact we'll switch to dollars,much easier,the Americans print it all up, we could too, and would they ever notice?I think not. So to dollars it is,US dollars).Other housing would in fact be very much cheaper.

Take for example a cruise ship, let's look at Oasis of the Seas Luxury Cruise Liner. The 16-deck ship, which has an estimated build cost of $1.24bn,(1,240,000,000) is the largest cruise ship afloat with a tonnage of 220000gt (43% more than the Freedom Class Cruise ships),compares somewhat with the Titanic.It has a personage capacity of 5400 at double occupancy (2700 personages at single occupancy. For our purposes we'll go with double ocupancy, no use making things for our naughty inmates a true paradise. Now at Billion $ 1.24, that's $229629.63 per prisoner isn't it.By heavens it's much cheaper than H.M. Prison Magilligan isn't it,and we're accomodating 12 times the number of prisoners!!( If we splurged at single occupancy we'd be at $459259.259,rather the same cost as the prison then, be no saving you know). But in either and all cases, such a ship puts those given to mad dogginess,or dodginess if you prefer,at sea,surrounded by water, unable to escape really,a natural moat. Now the cost is certainly attractive per prisoner isn't it!They could hardly complain, even yet they'd be living in abject luxury at cheap rate cost to Her Majesty too wouldn't they. But hey, we can further reduce costs to Her Majesty and even yet increase the accomodation of those who have misbehaved in a manner displeasing to Her Majesty.

Consider now Edith Maersk,a container ship and the sister ship of Emma Maersk, thus the world's largest cargo ship,a construction cost US of$145,000,000,. It has capacity for 13500 containers.Consider modification of a container to housing,
including kitchen and toilet, double occupancy, that'd give a capacity of 27,000 prisoners, a cost per prisoner of only,yes,only,$5370.37037,and house more than 60 time H.M. Prison Magilligan. The ship has a length of 397.00 m (1,302.49 ft) and a beam of 56.00 m (183.73 ft). The depth of the vessel is 30.00 m (98.43 ft) and while fully loaded the ship can reach a draft of 17.5 m (57 ft). The deadweight of the container ship is 156,907 metric tons, while the gross tonnage is 170,794 gross
tons.You see a ship is less expensive to build,far there would be no escape from there surrounded by a safe sea moat.Consider the size of the container rooms,20 by 8 container at 8ft 6 inch height,living area 170 square feet
l,studio 12 x 8 for 6 x8 kitchen,toilet 5 by 8 bathroom.Not bad.

Now consider the size of the vessel that the containers are stacked on in terms of Length x Breadth: 398 m X 56 m,giving 22288 square meters for containers,generally speaking. But consider now another idea, surrounded by the sea, an island as it were, specifically an abandoned and otherwise useless island, surrounded by the sea, an island such as Diego Garcia. One sectional island of it has a fully useable space of 173529203 square metres for Diego Garcia, this works to a collassal multiplier of 7785.76826,in terms of available space for containers, yes that times the containers in the same space aboard the ship, that works to 13500 containers aboard ship in the land area times that figure,gives 105097500 prisoners to be accomodated in that area,single occupancy,double occupancy twice that to! I'm not even yet going to figure the cost per
prisoner, but cargo containers can be had for $1500.Cheap, Effective.However in all of the above sceanarios, we do have to heat their facilities,provide them with air conditioning,provide them with prepared foods, provide them with hot water and sanitation facilities, and also recreational facitlities and whatever the where with all and have it all that intails incarceration in Britain in what ever facility of Her Majesty's Prisons For The Extremely Naughty.Cheap, Effective.Job done. But then consider is there a far far cheaper way? Yes,there certainly is.Consider.

Conrad Black is British, a citizen of Britain,just Britain. He wants the Americans to deport him, when he serves his time in the American prisons,to Canada.Well he isn't Canadian, he isn't from Canada.BUT if the USA can deport him to Canada, then we can deport all of our naughty miscreants to there also,for simply the cost of one way air fare, Heathrow To Montreal.......$1000.That's it, no further costs what so ever per prisoner,and, we're rid of them.It all hinges on the Canadians taking a deported Conrad Black.

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP(Dunny on The Wold),
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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