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Friday, January 28, 2011

Secret Squirrel Examines Australia's Sows Ear,Pig In Poke,Unsound,Unwise Acquisition Of American Aircraft.

Secret Squirrel has examined the acquisition of the American,Martin F-35 Lightning II aircraft and finds it remiss and useless in it's intended role and here encourages Australia, and Australians, to adjust their thinking of themselves in the world, and in the role of the defense of Australia from foreign attacks, and invasions and realize a proper defensive complement for Australia,Army, Navy,Air Force et all for the Australian Defense Forces.Let's ponder the new F-35 which we are increasingly seeing has utter and complete shortcomings in it's supposedly stated and intended role.Now, the F35 is not designed to perform air superiority roles,which would be necessary should Australia be attacked,and also in any war theatre, unlike the larger,and much more totally suitable and suited, Lockheed Martin Raptor F-22, and is not well adapted to performing the long range strike role,again which would occur should Australia be attacked,and again necessary in any war theatre.The F-35 Lightning II, catchy name for a worthless,valueless aircraft.Budget for them has now doubled over what was stated.I for one, expected this to happen, it always does when an American aviation builder is involved and development is concerned,it pads the bill,increases the profit,especially when nations foreign to America are involved. It obviously is much better to buy proven,provably dependable,all ready reliable,straight right off the shelf ready to go aircraft.An F-22 purchase would directly be stable and so is now utterly and completely, not only in terms of costs being stable and constantly unchanging, but the roles available for the aircraft to efficiently carry out are what is necessary for the defense of Australia.The F-22 is now at a greater value(in terms of monetary purchase.Face it, at this point the F-35 is a useless junk heap,unfit for the roles it is supposed to be for,unfit to trust the lives of ,and the defense of,Australians to. Development of the F-35,and its ability to do a role, continues to get ever worse, and in no ways better.The F-35 is ridiculously useless,insufficient,inefficient,incapable of fulfilling requirements, at a cost aircraft only suitable for the ridiculous South and Central Americans, Africans, and Canadians.It is utterly unfit for the defense of Australian humanity,and unquestionably isn't intended to do so.Purely it is a monemaker only,for America,for the American manufacturer and developer.It is an utterly overly expensive aircraft suitable for appearances only. Australia should seriously consider other options, the Europeans for example, who manage to develop far better and much more useful aircraft at far less than understated costs.Consider also the Russian alternative.Australia,after all, is a friend to all.............there is nothing wrong with the purchase and use of Russian aircraft.After all, Australia, IS a peaceful land, a non warlike land, a non expansionist land, a nation only intent of effectively,efficiently defending itself. Australia in the present day, IS a friend to all, peaceful,unintimidating. the NATO nations et all have attacked, invaded, occupied, and subdued,other nations,acquiring vast oil fields in the guise of whatever excuse they claimed for doing just that. The Soviets have problems round and about with their neighbours. The Chinese have problems in their spheres due to American policies and attitudes,militarily. Australia,need have no fear from the Chinese, nor fear from the Soviets.Does it needs be that Australia must fear NATO, or America in such directions? Well, on analysis,correct me if wrong, Australia is a most peaceful land intent on defending only itself from any invasion,incursion, etc that may or may not occur being directed at it.Therefor a mixed availability of aircraft capable of defending Australia is sound. Regard,for example, India, and Pakistan(which seems to suffer from the problems with the Americans assisting it presently),they both have mixed defense system, the so called Western, and Eastern, as in American, and Soviet and Chinese equipments. Well, it seems this is the route to go, to get the most bang for the buck, the most value for the money, and acquire the equipments necessary for the Australian role of defending itself from other friendly nations which should not be attacking it in the first place. So all things being considered, let's consider Soviet aircraft purchases, the present Sukhoi, SU-30MK.Well they say, in terms of proper wisdom.....Eagles may fly, but weasels aren't sucked into jet engines.The Sukhoi can so totally carry required intercept missiles, and also yet, perform magnificently well, the required role formerly filled by, but now a vacuum void,the dear departed F-111,in short, it fills the bill in it's entirity, is proven effective, fulfills the role, and is sound,secure,reliable,functioning.Various other countries in the Asian region ARE getting the SU-30MK.There is also the Chinese J-20 (said to be a Lockheed Nighthawk F117),which is also so totally role suitable for Australia,and could be acquired much more economically as negotiated than the ever increasing in cost(hardly surprising when dealing with Americans is it really now).The American F22 is said to match the SU-30MK, but face it, the F-35 most certainly,utterly and completely,does not.The Americans are far less likely to present it, at economical true value cost(versus their usual profiteering standpoint),and so as Australia's neighbours which have stable,sound,friendly relation with China,Russia, and Australia, easily acquire, inexpensively, at true value costs, the SU-30MK.Australia should see what it truly is within the world, within it's Asian sphere station and place. Australia should turn its attentions to it's status in the world, it's requirements for defense,as do it's neighbours,and like and in kind, and so too should soundly and properly fill out those requirements.Australia should reach out, and expand its defense capabilities, it should reach out to its friends, and so see to the defense of Australia.For far less cost, ones sees Australia's friends filling their defense requirements with vastly superior levels, for sharply reduced costs.Americans are charlatans,hucksters,profiteers, the traveling medicine show of military aviation sales to nations outside of itself.Australia must realize this at this point, adjust it's thinking, and so properly arm the nation for the defense of itself.

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