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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Secret Squirrel:The People Of England Are Second Class Citizens In Great Britain.

Secret Squirrel is amazed by the British Government, which sets rules,regs,laws, and dishes out financial supports round and about Great Britain, which comprises, England,Scotland,Wales, and Northern Ireland, and sees, as financially the English
themselves have seen(the English being those referred to as being and residing and being citizens in England),that those in England itself are most severely second class citizens as compared to those who are living in Wales,Scotland, and or
Northern Ireland. Secret Squirrel sees that it is those of England who are suffering financial hardships,sees that those in Wales,Scotland,Northern Ireland, have benefits far in excess of what is made available to the people of England.There is vast inequality,inequity,iniquity. This has been seen in the fields of public health and welfare,costs of prescription drugs and drug benefits,home heating,transport, tuition fees,higher benefits to those in Northern Ireland,Scotland,Wales, and lower to those in on.........

Just look at what the latest headlines read, under the new coalition government of the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats.......ponder this here found at The Daily Mail..........

Punished for being English: Welsh students join Scots in being spared tuition fees rise ...............(Additionally)According to the TaxPayers’ Alliance, public spending per head is 14 per cent more in Wales than in England as a result of the controversial Barnett formula, under which money is handed out by the Westminster
Parliament to the devolved administrations.In 2007/08, every man, woman and child in Wales benefited from £1,042 more in public spending than in England.The row centres on Westminster plans to allow the cap on tuition fees in England to rise to
£9,000 a year from the current £3,290 for students starting university in September 2012..........move by the Welsh Assembly government – a coalition of nationalist Plaid Cymru and Labour – is a pointed snub to the plan.The Assembly pledged to pay the difference between current fees and the new £9,000-a-year charges for all Welsh
undergraduates, as well as students from elsewhere in the European Union studying in Wales.........(NOT for those from England studying in Wales)........English students now will have to pay the full amount to study in Wales but students from
other EU countries will not.Welsh education minister Leighton Andrews described access to universities as an important principle.‘We are preserving the principle that the state will subsidize higher education and maintain opportunities for all,’ he said.‘In Wales, we remain committed to helping the most disadvantaged access education.'The waiver will benefit approximately 70,000 Welsh undergraduates who study in Wales each year, and about 16,000 who study in England.It will also go to around 7,500 non-UK European Union students.At the same time, the poorest students in Wales will be able to access grants for living costs of £5,000-a-year, higher than grants proposed for England..................Scottish undergraduates studying in Scotland do not pay tuition fees, although they are liable if they study in England, which affects a very small number.English students studying in Scotland pay fees of £1,820 a year or £2,895 for medicine.

And so here ends the excerpt from The Daily Mail.

But wait, there's more, and this was under the New Labour government of Tony Blair,and thence Gordon Brown,cast your eye on this...........

Secret Squirrel has passed on some thoughts on the unfair treatment that English taxpayers received under Labour,here, as seen below:From the London Evening Standard..........

And so here the headlines read.................

Divided Kingdom: English foot the bill for Scots prescriptions

"English taxpayers are to foot the bill for Scots to have free prescriptions.
Chronically-ill patients north of the border will not have to pay a penny for their drugs from April.And the Scottish National Party plans to extend the benefit to all within four years.The move, which will cost English taxpayers £50 million a year, is seen as deliberate provocation by the SNP, which ousted Labour last month and wants to break up the historic union between England and Scotland.

Prescription drugs

English taxpayers are to foot the bill for Scots to have free prescriptions
It revived demands for an end to the total £22 billion "subsidy" paid to Scotland, creating a divided nation.Scotland receives about £1,500 a year per head more than England to spend on schools and hospitals, an arrangement which has infuriated English MPs and prompted demands for Gordon Brown - himself a Scot - to order a Treasury review.

Among the many benefits enjoyed by the Scots are:

• Free tuition fees for all students from 2009, while students in England and Wales must pay up to £3,000 a year for their studies.

• Access to expensive state- of the art drugs for illnesses such as Alzheimer's and eye disease, which are not available on the NHS in England.

• Free personal care for the elderly

• Free central heating installation for all pensioners

• Free eye tests and, by the end of the year, free dental checks

• Better rates of public sector pay for nurses and other workers.

• Discounted bus travel for teenagers and free travel for pensioners Prescription charges have already been abolished in Wales, where they ended in April, with politicians claiming that it was "the biggest move to improve public health in
decades".But in England, the charges have recently risen by 3 per cent to £6.85 per item."

(Here ends the excerpt from The London Evening Standard)

So, since Labour has provided all this for Scotland, I propose that we in The M.R.L., simply provide for the British people

what is provided to Scotland,in all equity,equality and fairness.We will endeavour to provide the British people equality with the people of Scotland.Also,now, since wales can locally subsidize not only it's own,shall we say citizenry, in place
of residents,so too then must England see to it that the English Government, must then also subsidize it's own people, those being of England, in equity,and in equality all round.Sadly we must state that we can understand the great demonstrations against the present coalition government,in efforts to either bring about equity and equality with the rest of Great Britain,or to have the coalition government roll back,rescind,withdraw, it's intents to raise the tuition fees of those in England itself,must be applauded.Indeed there is much at stake here, for we do so in many sectors that those of England are becoming second class citizens with respect to the rest of Great Britain,specifically Wales,Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

One, at least I,Secret Squirrel, and probably,and one most certainly hopes, a great many others as well,feel that there must be a basis, a base,of equality,of equity, within all areas of Great Britain, within England,Scotland,Wales, and Northern
Ireland.The present ridiculous second class condition being created by consecutive governments,of all parties,with respect to the people of England, must be corrected.England must have equality, equity,with respect to the Scotland,Wales, and Northern Ireland. The present condition of inequality,inequity, and iniquity, must be corrected, must end, there must be equality for all in the governmentally controlled sectors,but presently, in government,their is neither rhyme,nor reason,equity,nor equality.In England, the government members,the Right Honorable Members,are the Lords Of Misrule.

Secret Squirrel.

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