The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Secret Squirrel's MRL Great Crocodile Experiment.

Indeed yes, Secret Squirrel has realized that something has to be done, had to be done, in efforts to protect Britain,to defend Britain, from outside influences, those of the illegal immigrant variety,wetbacks etc, those getting ideas,perhaps, such as the French,particularly,and whomever else etc., who might take it in to their minds to swim the moat that is The English Channel,to escape France,to escape Europe, to achieve the shore of the highly civilized paradise that is England.Indeed we could even yet have Mexicans boat,or fly, across and so as to train the would be Europeans in wetback techniques.

Indeed things are adversely progressing in that area, for in America it is now not politically correct,and results in a great deal of problems and adverse publicity, for calling said Mexicans,wetbacks,those clearly part of a nefarious immigrational plot,that of denying the particular technique used, seeing to it such that it cannot be referred to,hence not defended against, in speech,in writing and in counter actions.In short for them, wetbacks and the technique therefor,and thereof, no longer exist. Well,wetbacks are a reality, the reality,and I had,and
have,pondered the problem of those who would be wetbacks,those who would be Kings of Immigration,illegal immigration.

There are techniques to counter this wetback attempt,event,by anyone in particular.I considered,firstly,even yet having,perhaps, nuns,parade up and down,patrolling,the shore of England's English Channel coastline, considering, that they seem to be referred to as being Canon.Well, Canon, or not, the difficulty lies in having said nun or nuns go off on encountering an illegal wetback would be immigrant.Evidently their method of being Canon and going off, is rather much in the likes of yelling and screaming at the top of their lungs, something much similar to, or exactly as,or a variation of, the phrase, "'Ugger Orf You Evil Git!". Well, being English it has little or no effect on those of Europe,they not being English. So what was to be done.

Well, I considered, imagine now,filling the English Channel with alligators, or something similar.Well the technique has to be,and must be,tested,and it has been,but I settled on the much more durable and hardy Crocodile,these being larger,hardier and much more readily attainable in our being close to the source of said crocs,Africa. In either case, I must profess that the resultant Crocodile experiment has been carried out off the coast of France, particularly it was spotted and has spread a huge amount of terror amongst the beachgoers there, those whom clearly are pondering swimming across the Channel as wetbacks.Clearly the papers have been full of the news of the crocodile having been spotted, the huge,gigantic, horrific crocodile,in such respectable papers as The Telegraph,The Sun, and on the BBC News Services.

Well, the best laid plans of mice and Frenchman and
others, have gone aglaa as it were,now they have something to ponder. As of present,though, the papers,and the BBC now claim that the crocodile was a log, but rather the log was introduced by myself,a technique of misinformation learned
from father, a suitable base canard I have introduced to hide actual intentions to protect the coast of England, and the sanctity of the British soil,protecting us all from those of Europe.Indeed the actual working plan has been suitably proven to be effective,extremely effective. All that remains is for we, of the MRL,The Monster Raving Loony Party, to achieve power,to achieve government, to achieve proper control of the government,and set about to protect the people of Britain by introducing a working English Channel defense system, that of introducing crocodiles to that great moat that surrounds us,introducing what is to be referred to, as The Croc of La Manche-a.

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