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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Secret Squirrel On The Dinosaur Mystery

Secret Squirrel says let's talk mystery,let's talk dinosaurs,not Canadian Senators or American Congressmen,but real dinosaurs and the mystery of what happened to them, not really a mystery though, they all died, suddenly, in a huge cataclysmic event,but the mystery is in how they died,what caused their deaths(if dealing with Canadian Senators, or American Congressmen, it's probably from getting up off their seats,not from the battles of wits, which have been known ,however,to cause severe injury to them.).These massive creatures,massive though they were, equipped with
walnut size brains(perhaps for runners of our modern day politicians),ruled the earth 65million years ago,tons in weight, some over one hundred feet tall.How did these gigantic creatures so suddenly disappear from the face of the earth?

One theory has it that it was caused by a collision of a comet with the earth,a comet, being mainly simply a large chunk of ice. Odd that, since the dinosaurs all round the earth suddenly died off, and were fossilized as well, even yet sitting on top of their egg nests.Some claim it was due to a massive meteor collision with the earth.But there again we have a size limitation, not any real evidence of any huge impact on earth, and how'd it affect all round the earth? Doesn't seem likely.

Some have claimed it was the arrival of a massive ice age.Well, there we have a
problem.We can't really account for the earth suddenly being converted to a massive ice ball all round and about, and then for some reason suddenly unthawing when all claims are to the sun slowly burning out,therefor cooling down, not being given to huge massive hot and then almost nothing cold, rather being a constant,slowly petering out as it were, burn.Another has it that it was due to massive volcanic eruptions on a cataclysmic scale.This one could cause a global kill off, but not the fossilization.The volcanoes can preserve this in form,hollow form,surrounded form,but only in form.They could account for the great evidence of burn,fire, in the Petrified forest and other such fossil areas,BUT, volcanoes cannot and do not create solid rock fossils.Fossilization is different from mummification.Mummification results in a drying out, fossilization requires water,and earth(mud) as it were. Now
fossilization is the key.What could cause massive quantities of water,flooding earth, creating the earth mud,burying the dinosaurs et all, and then subsiding leaving whatever remained encased in mud,and busily fossilizing?"Clearly any successful extinction theory must explain not only why the dinosaurs became extinct, it must also explain what happened to the marine ecosystems, that so many lineages of plants and animals were wiped out. It must also explain why so many organisms were able to survive the catastrophe. It is estimated that somewhere in the range of 20% to 25% of all species extant at the beginning of the Late Cretaceous were extinct by its close.There is also the great presence of is the presence of soot within the clay layer of the earth. The presence of soot usually implies that a
large global fire had at one time occurred.But how? So what combines all such conditions...a massive global sudden explosion of fire,however brief?Yes!

Well, quite simply nitrogen,said to be inert, can act as a catalyst, necessary for a certain condition,while not actively participating in the event,but bringing about a condition,contributing to a condition.Well now, consider this, the atmosphere finally reaches a condition where we have an explosion possible, so a flash explosion occurs,ignited by atmospheric electrics,occurs.Suddenly, the dinosaurs have the life sucked out of them.The flash causes fires(petrified forest shows signs of charring..effects of fire).What is a by product of a flash explosion......water. The atmosphere releases a deluge of water that floods the earth, creating the mud, the dinosaurs sink in the mud.All life does not cease, the seas are safe,and so areas of earth where there are different gas mixes.The water subsides, the process of fossilization of things buried beneath the mud,begins.

Or,perhaps, the dinosaurs were wiped out by Baldrick's underpants.

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