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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Secret Squirrel On Formula One's Ignored Rules

Secret Squirrel has seen and heard the outcome of the European Formula One Grand Prix race at Hockenheim in Germany, and has taken note of the controversial outcome of the race,and Formula 1 racing in general as a result of a major infraction of the rules adjusting the final finish podium race winners order,an infraction which once again brings the sport into disrepute. What has occured to result in Secret Squirrel's scrutiny of the Formula One (F1,Formula 1) race?

Headlines read Alonso takes controversial Hockenheim win,he did, and his teammate Massa took second,Red Bull Vettel's,third, but they shouldn't...they should have been disqualified, even after the fact, and the race podium rearranged,rewarded
and rightly so, to, Vettel first,Hamilton and Button respectively,second and third. Rules are rules, rules were broken, rules are there for all to follow, not rules for some,rules for none,and rules for all depending on outcomes and conduct of teams and drivers during a.........race. It is a race isn't it, a race to determine who's best in a race, a race for a trophy etc. a race for all run according to rules for all, but alas it still only occurs sometimes. So what was it all see a comment from......

"Fernando Alonso remains unmoved by the furrore surrounding Ferrari's illegal use of team orders in the German Grand Prix - saying he still has a 'great feeling' from his victory in the event...........

Although Ferrari was fined $100,000 and faces the possibility of further sanctions from the FIA for breaking the regulations in telling Felipe Massa to sacrifice the race lead for Alonso, the team remains unrepentant about what happened............"

The Sun has some comments made by Red Bull Racing Team...

"Red Bull Racing team principal Christian Horner is convinced F1 is a far healthier sport with team orders banned by the FIA........

Team orders were banned in 2002, after Ferrari told Rubens Barrichello to move over for Michael Schumacher in Austria."

Further we see a comment in The Sun made by Formula One race car driver Button, and a comment made by Ecclestone..

"F1 ringmaster Bernie Ecclestone reckons the ban on team orders should be scrapped in the wake of Ferrari telling Felipe Massa to move over for Fernando Alonso in Germany last Sunday...........

But McLaren ace Button, 30, who battles intensely with team-mate Lewis Hamilton in every grand prix, blasted:

"I'd not be interested in racing in F1 if, from the first race, you knew there was the possibility of being a No 1 or No 2 driver. What's the point?......."

And Button is right too,it is a race, a race by all to win, to win fairly, a race run by and governed by rules,the same rules for all.Alas and alack it seems this is not so. The race results were not overturned, and then we see Ecclestone's solution to the problem, to not have the team order rules banned.What's he to do now,
another race run, team orders legally,according to the rules,made,another driver moves over to allow his teammate to win, and then have Ecclestone go through due process with the furore, and once again ban team orders. Rules are the rules, they should be followed by all, when they're not followed there should be punishment meated out,clearly set out for all, and in the case of team orders being given affecting the race outcome, the race outcome adjusted such that they readjust the race results as a result of disqualification. Alas and alack, it is not so in Formula One, management and leadership of the entire whole is indecisive and confused at best. Formula One racing has become a farce, sadly, predictably, according to the rules.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Secret Squirrel On The Dinosaur Mystery

Secret Squirrel says let's talk mystery,let's talk dinosaurs,not Canadian Senators or American Congressmen,but real dinosaurs and the mystery of what happened to them, not really a mystery though, they all died, suddenly, in a huge cataclysmic event,but the mystery is in how they died,what caused their deaths(if dealing with Canadian Senators, or American Congressmen, it's probably from getting up off their seats,not from the battles of wits, which have been known ,however,to cause severe injury to them.).These massive creatures,massive though they were, equipped with
walnut size brains(perhaps for runners of our modern day politicians),ruled the earth 65million years ago,tons in weight, some over one hundred feet tall.How did these gigantic creatures so suddenly disappear from the face of the earth?

One theory has it that it was caused by a collision of a comet with the earth,a comet, being mainly simply a large chunk of ice. Odd that, since the dinosaurs all round the earth suddenly died off, and were fossilized as well, even yet sitting on top of their egg nests.Some claim it was due to a massive meteor collision with the earth.But there again we have a size limitation, not any real evidence of any huge impact on earth, and how'd it affect all round the earth? Doesn't seem likely.

Some have claimed it was the arrival of a massive ice age.Well, there we have a
problem.We can't really account for the earth suddenly being converted to a massive ice ball all round and about, and then for some reason suddenly unthawing when all claims are to the sun slowly burning out,therefor cooling down, not being given to huge massive hot and then almost nothing cold, rather being a constant,slowly petering out as it were, burn.Another has it that it was due to massive volcanic eruptions on a cataclysmic scale.This one could cause a global kill off, but not the fossilization.The volcanoes can preserve this in form,hollow form,surrounded form,but only in form.They could account for the great evidence of burn,fire, in the Petrified forest and other such fossil areas,BUT, volcanoes cannot and do not create solid rock fossils.Fossilization is different from mummification.Mummification results in a drying out, fossilization requires water,and earth(mud) as it were. Now
fossilization is the key.What could cause massive quantities of water,flooding earth, creating the earth mud,burying the dinosaurs et all, and then subsiding leaving whatever remained encased in mud,and busily fossilizing?"Clearly any successful extinction theory must explain not only why the dinosaurs became extinct, it must also explain what happened to the marine ecosystems, that so many lineages of plants and animals were wiped out. It must also explain why so many organisms were able to survive the catastrophe. It is estimated that somewhere in the range of 20% to 25% of all species extant at the beginning of the Late Cretaceous were extinct by its close.There is also the great presence of is the presence of soot within the clay layer of the earth. The presence of soot usually implies that a
large global fire had at one time occurred.But how? So what combines all such conditions...a massive global sudden explosion of fire,however brief?Yes!

Well, quite simply nitrogen,said to be inert, can act as a catalyst, necessary for a certain condition,while not actively participating in the event,but bringing about a condition,contributing to a condition.Well now, consider this, the atmosphere finally reaches a condition where we have an explosion possible, so a flash explosion occurs,ignited by atmospheric electrics,occurs.Suddenly, the dinosaurs have the life sucked out of them.The flash causes fires(petrified forest shows signs of charring..effects of fire).What is a by product of a flash explosion......water. The atmosphere releases a deluge of water that floods the earth, creating the mud, the dinosaurs sink in the mud.All life does not cease, the seas are safe,and so areas of earth where there are different gas mixes.The water subsides, the process of fossilization of things buried beneath the mud,begins.

Or,perhaps, the dinosaurs were wiped out by Baldrick's underpants.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Secret Squirrel On The British Government's Suggestion Box

Secret Squirrel examines the new Conservative and Liberal Democrat government coalition idea to have a website set up to allow input from the electorate as to suggestions as to what to do,laws to enact,enable,reform et cetera in Parliament,specifically in the fields of Civil Liberties,Cutting Business And Third Sector Regulations,and Repealing Unnecessary Laws viewable by all,as you do or do not have the time,but to submit, requires registration.I have noted that Take A Running Jump, is not an option, though I believe it may be snuck in as a suggestion under Civil Liberties. The site itself is found at...

This is Clegg's British Government Coalition Suggestion Site.

Well, it seems,THEY,the British people, WANT to marry horses,don't they,also commit murder(sounds like future,or wannabe, MP's?),and various other activities as have been suggested.However I do have one suggestion,perhaps,but it does have pros and cons, though, as do all things........

There is a law that states,basically, that "It is illegal to die in Parliament."Well, entire parliaments have been said to have died, so I see no perfectly good reason as to an individual not being legally allowed to do the same
thing,unless it is to avoid mass deaths as in the old saw "See parliament and die.",shocking experience,Parliament in action, that it is.Of course, allowing anyone to die in Parliament,including MP's, would be Democracy in action, and there are a rather great lot of British taxpayers who would like to see that. Perhaps one we could well for go that one?On the other hand it could be a quick way out,of course,but the,politicians,certainly don't want to expedite matters there,make it easier for anyone,to take the easy way out, as it is said, and escape it all,by dying.However,there is the legal problem of it all being so illegal,not
a way to go out,nor the thing to do.In much the same fashion is the law stating that it is illegal to commit suicide, but not if in, trying, fail to do so,that's all right Jack!But then has that really stopped anyone from suicide,or dying for that matter. Just look at the American law for America and the world, banning the Kamakazi, as in suicide bombers et cetera.That too has failed.So, perhaps Parliament itself then,is also a failure,in having ridiculously failed, or unenforceable laws? One very well can't prevent somebody from dying for example,if as they say,their time has come, in whatever convenient or inconvenient place and appointed time of the arrival of the Grim Reaper. Oh well nothing much works, unemployment is on the rise,a sure sign of it.It's also said that Parliament doesn't work,as in they've nothing better to do,so they're politicians as it were.Perhaps there are things best left unchanged. They do have an adage, "Let sleeping dogs lie.",and so they do,the politicians et all,the Members of Parliament,the MP's,all about,and layabouts and throughout Parliament as well.Perhaps the best change is no change.We might do well to suggest that.Ah "Let Freedom Ring."

Secret Squirrel,(MP)(MRL),Dunny On The Wold.