The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Friday, September 16, 2016

Sceret Squirrel Deals With Rising Sea Levels And Falling Land Masses

Secret Squirrel has discovered that scientists believe that New York is actually sinking, NOT that the sea is evidenced at the url here......

Secret Squirrel asks, "Do you have that certain sinking feeling?" It has been decided that it is NOT the rising sea levels responsible for the rising seas, but actually the measure of all things American, is New York City, and THEY have determined that it is NOT rising sea levels, but actually New York City, SINKING, that is causing it to appear that the sea is rising.So any rulers stuck in by the sea to measure things being what they are or were or are not and will the land sinking not the sea rising.....oh well one or the other........either way have to equip with water wings and waterproof inflatable undies if we are to save our selves. But there may well be another solution, and Squirrel as you know, has suggestions, solutions for problems......

Secret Squirrel has figured out an engineering project such that we can no longer have to fear the effects of ANY global warming, if it exists at all.In short any rising seas will not trouble us at all,whatsoever, nay not even yet ever!
Isn't it all easier to put the colony of Canada to good use, we simply excavate it all out, and then lead a trench in from the sea, but a trench joining the sea, at sea level as it were, such that as and IF the sea rises, or the lands fall, the excess will thence run into and down the trench.....this huge created inland sea will absorb ALL the excess water from any global warming effects, and also compensate for the falling of land masses such that there is an effect of the sea rising, and so not necessitate us to do anything at all else and certainly not inconvenience us further. An alternate selection to the colony of Canada is, as Squirrel likes to put forwards and present alternatives and alternates, is,of course, the trouble makers of Europe, the France and Germany........they also could be used, individually and or in twain....but then, to be on the safe side,why not the lot of them? Eh! Whot!      

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP,Dunny On The Wold,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.