The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Secret Squirrel Comments On The Pork Sausage Ban In Germany.

Secret Squirrel has seen shocking headlines, shocking headlines coming out of Germany,concerning the dictational misrule of Germany by Angela Merkel, Squirrel here shows thearticle link that has shocked Squirrel, and will without any doubt, shock you....
The shock realization that Angela Merkel, the minority leader of a coalition of parties ruling Germans as if she was a Hitlerite Chancellor, has banned German beloved pork sausage wurst because, she claims, it offends muslims. Her ban extends to be much adored and frequented outdoor, sidewalk,terrace,and indoor cafes and of course.....their equivalent of pubs where pork fricadellen are consumed(pork hamburger). German can do nothing about Merkel, but Squirrel is on to the response. As we speak in the hidden privacy of their homes, apartments, basements, Germans are secretly making their own, bootlegged,  pork wurst sausages, mother's are frying up pork,hamburgers,bacon and of course, pork sausages, for their children, secretly. They leave,  secretly, by day, going to farms, farmers, markets, groceries and buying up the beloved illicit pork. By night trucks drive to replenish the pork stocks, seen speeding, speeding, silently, on the autobahns of Germany, skulking about the city streets, replenishing stocks of.......pork.
Speakeasies are springing up, secret chinese door protected speakeasies, password entry protected speakeasies, private clubs and speakeasies, where the Germans consume.....the banned........porkwurst sausage. Merkel has pushed the consumption of the pork wurst sausage underground. Mobsters will now take control. Mobsters will make millions of dollars from illegal pork wurst sales. In addition to the rise of the mob-run black market, many citizens simply ignored the law. Well do they know that Angela Merkel's political age, has turned ugly and banned their sausages........well do they know that Angela Merkel hates................porking.

Indeed Angela Merkel is out of control, due to her unchecked powers. You see, sadly for the German people of the day....the 1949 constitution gave the Chancellor much greater powers than during the Weimar Republic, while strongly diminishing the role of the President. Germany is today often referred to as a "chancellor democracy", reflecting the role of the Chancellor as the country's chief executive who has the constitutional authority to establish the guidelines for all fields of government policy.The Chancellor cannot be opposed by German Parliament, much less the people, so she has banned porking, banned the pork wurst sausage of the German people.
Soon too she will ban the pork wurst on the Deutsche Bundesbahn(the trains), and.........she will ban, of course, bacon, being served for breakfast the same locations. Next also, without any doubt, Merkel will attack and ban that very great public nation wide Pork festival and celebration, The Octoberfest. Clearly in this time of tragedy for the German people, they must be a people out there marching and organising and voting,voting anti-Merkel in the soon to be had election, anti-Christian Democratic Union.Each and every vote MUST count and be counted, and not one vote cast in further support of that party of the greatest abomination and atrocity. Soon too, there will be porking police, coming round,checking for porking, and to inspect the illicit back yard bar be cues, for the presence of, and smoking of, cooking of, illegal pork chops, pork sausages, checking eaily due to the presence of the smoke.......but perhaps they will turn a blind eye, perhaps they can be......influenced.
Clearly also, there are disturbing reports,coming out of Germany, how easily the common paedophiles have lured thirteen year olds and younger, with promises of ballons,candy, ice cream, chocolates,liquor etc(and.......qualudes used by the utterly and completely mentally deranged perversities). But now they are flocking to Germany to lure them to pork, luring them with their sausages.
Sad and sorry state of affairs it is in Germany. Squirrel sees the rise of porkleggers,the Porking Mob, the rise of Pork Speakeasies(Porkkneipen), the people shall persevere, as we all may have to even yet in Britain with our laggardly ridiculous government of the day.
Here Squirrel states.....
"We shall go on to the end. We shall eat them in France, we shall eat them on the seas and oceans, we shall eat them with growing confidence and growing strength in the airliners, we shall defend our pork wurst, whatever the cost may be. We shall eat them on the beaches, we shall eat them on the landing grounds, we shall eat them in the fields and in the streets, we shall eat them in the hills; we shall never surrender our pork wurst."
-Secret Squirrel.
You may quote Squirrel.
Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP,Dunny On The Wold,
Minister for Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.