The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Monday, February 9, 2015

Secret Squirrel PROVES The Speed Of Light CAN Be Exceeded,Just NOT By Light.

It is NOT a well known fact that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light,merely the belief by scientists,and Stephen Hawking, who have misinterpreted, and have not seen that the actual proof that the speed of light CAN be exceeded HAS been proved, by mathematics,mathematical equations, and by logic as being so, by Einstein as a direct matter of fact and mathematical equation, and by Squirrel, by logic.

Now the speed of light, (or the speed of a photon) in a near-perfect vacuum is exactly 186,282 miles per second. We perceive photons (light) traveling at this speed because they are massless, or have no ‘weight’ (but they do have kinetic energy, more on that in a bit). Light itself cannot go faster than 186,282 miles per second, but the photons that normally travel at that speed can be slowed down. An example of this can be seen in water where light is slowed to 3/4th of its normal speed.So light can be slowed, as can anything, speedy or not.Einstein once called the speed of light The Universe's speed limit. Is this a speed limit that can be broken?

Each of the letters of E = mc² stands for a particular physical quantity. Writing them out in full we get:

Energy = mass x the speed of light squared

In other words:

E = energy (measured in joules, J)
m = mass (measured in kilograms, kg)
c = the speed of light (measured in metres per second, ms-1)

In order for the equation to be correct we need to "square" the term c (the speed of light), i.e. we multiply the speed of light by itself: hence c² is the same as c times c. This allows us to be write the equation in another, slightly unusual, but equally correct way:

E = m x c x c

The equation tells us that energy and mass are the same thing, and how much energy is contained in a given mass, or vice versa. In other words, mass is really very tightly packed energy. That energy and mass are really the same thing is quite an extraordinary claim and seems to go against two laws that had been established by scientists before Einstein came along:Einstein showed via his now famous equation was that mass and energy are in fact the same thing.

Converting one into the other doesn’t therefore violate either of the two conservation laws. Both quantities are conserved, although the state of the mass/energy may have changed. Energy becomes mass, mass can become energy (forms of), but have the same qauntity as it were, but a change of proper form.

Well it does state, you know that one becomes the other, mass, becomes energy, only when it is accelerated to the square to the speed of light (the speed of light times itself, for the required value), hence 34,700,983,524 miles per second, very much faster than light eh! Whot! Indeed it is! Yes, but it is NOT light which has attained this speed of direct violation, the mass has reached that velocity and become we can conclude the speed of light isa limit of speed of light only, and has not to do with anything else but light, so,the speed of light can be exceeded, but not by light itself. So Einstein's equations, by simple logic, are correct, and he is correct that the speed of light is a speed limit, BUT it is not imposed on everything only on light itself, everything else can achieve different and varying acceleration and even yet exceed the speed of light when suitably acted see else the equation E=mc(squared), doesn't work you see, simple logic dictates that, else the equations are wrong,so IF the equations are right,then Secret Squirrel is right, and we can then achieve the square of the speed of light as the proving equation has been suitably supplied by Einstein, merely being misinterpreted.It's been proven, argue with the irrefutable logic of it. So says Squirrel.

Secret Squirrel,(MRL).
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering,
MP,Dunny On The Wold.