The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Secret Squirrel Presents A Plan To Run Amtrak On Time.

Secret Squirrel knows considerable about the railroads, and indeed, America's in particular. Squirrel romped about Europe, taking trains, in Germany, Squirrel made a 5 minute train exchange, as in 5 minutes BETWEEN trains,and Squirrel noted that German trains ran on time, like clockwork, arrival and departure,the Deutsche Bahn. Squirrel has taken trains in Canada as well,The Via Rail, not stolen of course, but has rode them, and they have been on time. Squirrel has noted that there are timing problems with trains in Britain, but they are all privatized, foreign owned as such and there really is willy nilly no real control over them beyond paying ever increasing rates the government said would'nt occur when they privatized British Rail.

However, America's AMTRAK, does really have a central authority as the passenger trains,The Amtrak, is owned by and operated by, GOVERNMENT, the Americans didn't,haven'and have stated they won't, PRIVATIZE The Amtrak, as they wished Britain's rail privatized,thinking it wasn't a good idea for THEM, but was for the British government. Squirrel suspects the American government was up to no good for the rails, and the people of Britain when it told the British governmnet to privatize British rail. Well, so now there is a central authority to control things, idiot or not depending on your view of the American politicians,the government.

Now Squirrel knows, what happens in America, is that each and every freight train has priority over The Amtrak where ever the Amtrak is or runs, on all rail lines.The net result is The Amtrak waits on a siding for a freight to pass it,of course, increasing the time it is late. Well, Squirrel suggests timing The Amtrak, the different routes and noting the average late time,start to end. So, knowing that, we now redo the schedules,using the sensible actual time rates, and publish those for the Amtrak schedule. Now, there are times IT MAY,be still actually late, but nowhere's near by as much now, and the schedule can be further modified to reduce even that. Also the train,The Amtrak, may now actually also arrive ON TIME or, even yet EARLY!, In deed the latter two have a 66% odds,or 33% each on chance  early or on time! And only a 33% LATE!!Huzzah!

Huzzah!Huzzah!Hooray for Squireel, solving The Amtrak lateness problems!No need for the American government to thank Squirrel, hands across the puddle eh whot!!! Of course Squirrel mentions, that the same could be applied in Britain for notably late,always late,British trains, but then Britain doesn't own them,as the Americans do,so the British government can do nothing about it, UNLESS, the British Government, wisely follows The American lead, and PRIVATIZES British Rail, come now,the Americans can hardly object.

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP,(Dunny On The Wold),
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.