The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Friday, July 25, 2014

Secret Squirrel Explains His Unified Universal Hump Theory And How It Affects Our Universality.

Secret Squirrel's attention has been drawn to the plight of a Soviet, or Russian, if you will, satellite/spacecraft having extreme difficulties with it's orbit such that it is specifically falling out of its orbit, going off course as it were.Without a doubt, spacial, claimed to be, know it all, Stephen Hawking will state, quite plainly, that the said and aforestated satellite has failed,but Squirrel knows differently, Squirrel knows the actual cause of it's dilemma, a dilemma having its source origins,actually on earth, a  cause which affects the solar system(hence the universe), which affects earth, which affects and will affect all satellites and spacecraft of, and in, the future, a cause Squirrel has bundled in to Secret Squirrel's Unified Universal Hump Theory, which consists of three parts,The Spatial Hump Theory,The Planetary Hump Theory, and the Solar Systemal Hump Theory,all of which are in irrefutably in effect in the Universe itself.
   Now Squirrel shall begin.Having sex in outer space, is the stuff of urban legends and romantic fantasy,but it is something all the world's space agencies have pondered.Now the Soviets have taken steps to investigate this very thing,from what ever viewpoint they have,imaginable or otherwise.Witness now the proof of this at

It states quite plainly that "A biological experiment launched from Kazakhstan last week is feared lost.Ground controllers are unable to communicate with the Foton-M4 satellite.On board it has five geckos intended to reproduce and test the effects of microgravity on reproduction
But while the animals are alive, the satellite cannot be controlled.This means that the planned landing in two months might not be possible.

Yes it has gone out of control as Stephen Hawking would say, but further on Secret Squirrel will further explain,why and how.To continue,They were intended to be among the first animals to join the 350-mile-high club, but now a group of geckos sent into space to reproduce may be at risk.The five lizards - four male and one female - launched on a research satellite on 19 July to study the effects of weightlessness on their sex lives.But Russian space officials have now revealed that the Foton-M4 satellite is not responding to commands, and there are fears the mission may be lost.A similar fate befell gerbils, and mice aboard a Russian Bion-M satellite last year, which crashed shortly after launch.
A Foton-M craft was also launched in 2007 and provided a temporary home to geckos, newts, snails and Mongolian gerbils, with a study of the creatures noting that the gerbils had “moved chaotically” in space.Many have died in the Soviet experiments, but at least they died doing (hopefully, for the sake of science) what they loved.

So what is the significance of this?Well the Spacecraft has been affected by The Spatial Hump Theory,as,indeed, was the previous one. Not all spacecraft or satellites are affected by The Spacial Hump Theory, but this one, and the previous so mentioned, was,and has been and is being affected by it. You see firmly grounded in Theory as Squirrel always is, Newton's Third Law is and has been called in to play and is a by product of The Spatial Hump Theory, due to the activities of said stated spacecraft. Now what does Newton's Third Law basically state?Well, simply put,in terms even yet Stephen Hawking could understand and be unable to refute, For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. The size of the forces on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object. The direction of the force on the first object is opposite to the direction of the force on the second object. Forces always come in pairs - equal and opposite action-reaction force pairs.And what and how is the relevance of this. Well, let's get down to it, the geckos were put in to space to, put it quite plainly, to have sex, to copulate, to fornicate, and so too they did.,and in doing so, they activated the effects of Newton's Third Law,that of equals and opposite reactions occurring,occurring in a weightless or non weightless short,the geckos had been humping their brains out.Said satellite, affected by the humping movements within,was most severely affected and caused it's orbit to become totally chaotic.You see the Soviets had forgotten and ignored, and by their failures have actually provided proof theory of The Spatial Hump,The Spatial Hump Theory,(part of The Unified Universal Hump Theory  you see all that humping in space is still much like the humping in a trailer, so it disturbs the satellites/space station orbit.......The Spatial Hump causes orbital's part of my thesis theory on'll notice Stephen Hawking knows nothing about The Combined Spatial Hump Theory, or other component, The Earth Hump Theory, humping, not just in trailers, causes the earth's orbit to wobble,and earth to wobble on it's axis, to wobble,and of course, earth affects the orbits of all the other planets and so encompasses the Solar Systemal Hump Theory as it does.........also mine.Recall Secret Squirrel's, Boob Quake Theory being recently proved,(do read here concerning that...
MRL,Secret Squirrel Studies Boobquakes).It proves and shows the sexual influences affecting all things to do with Earth and Space.There have been secret NASA studies concerning the effects of sex in space, but the Americans, of course have only been interested, sadly, in the sex itself and getting the job done as it were.There is a confidential NASA report on a space shuttle mission in 1996. A project codenamed STS-XX was to explore sexual positions possible in a weightless atmosphere.

Twenty positions were tested by computer simulation to obtain the best 10, he says. "Two guinea pigs then tested them in real zero-gravity conditions. The results were videotaped but are considered so sensitive that even NASA was only given a censored version."Pierre Kohler, a respected French scientific writer, says in The Final Mission: Mir, The Human Adventure that the subject is taboo both at NASA and at mission control in Moscow, but that cosmic couplings have taken place.

"The issue of sex in space is a serious one," he says. "The experiments carried out so far relate to missions planned for the future International Space Station, the successor to Mir. Scientists need to know how far sexual relations are possible without gravity."They have concluded that the act of human intimacy, sexual activity and procreation distinguished by the state of weightlessness (precluding artificial gravity) presents difficulties surrounding the performance of most sexual activities due to Newton's Third Law.How ever this can be overcome, rather well, using bungie towards to entwine the two........entwiners. Now we see their interest in sex,sexual positions, but not the effects of same which Secret Squirrel has seen, and has proved and is herein documented.

 Now to continue, let us become grounded as it were,earthed. Just as boob quakes have been created, and soundly proven to been created, by breasts wiggling and jiggling about all over earth(again you are reminded to here view the proven documentation at turn our attention to the equally great affects of sex itself,copulation, fornication and whatever have you and we, down here on earth.Indeed just visit trailer parks late at night and in microcosm we can see the effects of sex on trailers as they bounce,wiggle, and jiggle about, both the humpers and the trailers. Well so too, does earth. This constant unrelenting humping by earth's unbalanced distribution of population, such humpings do in actuality, cause he wobbling of the earth, not only round and about it's axis(the wobble   being a proven scientific fact), but also the wobble of Earth in it's orbit..and so here is Squirrel's Second Part of the Unified Universal Hump Theory, that of The Earth Hump Theory.

Now, earth being the large mass it is, in orbit, within the solar system, earth's wobble, affected by the sex,the copulation,the fornications, of it's populations,therein affects the Solar System itself and it's erratic wobbly journey round and about in space,and,of course, therein as with each solar system,the entire universe itself, hence herein comes in Secret Squirrel's Third Part of The Unified Universal Spatial Hump Theory.

Now to be sure things and events of physics have been here thoroughly explained and proven to you in a way,and after a fashion, Stephen Hawking never would have..without a doubt The Unified Universal Hump Theory will no doubt make him drool.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering,
MP,Dunny On The Wold,
Monster Raving Loony Party.