The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Secret Squirrel Says Sell Salt Water To The Iranians.

Secret Squirrel’s attention has been peaked by seeing that Iran has a salt water lake which is in the process, of what is called, dying, a specificly a varient of dying, drying up,evaporating, disappearing actually. It’s Iran’s biggest crisis, its shrinking lake,Lake Oroumieh,the country’s largest body of water which has shrunk by 80% to only 400 square miles in the last ten years.Face it the shrinking contiues, it isn’t getting any better.Experts fear the lake – famous as a tourist spot and a stopping point for migrating flamingos, pelicans and gulls – could disappear within two years.
Climate change, nearby farms using it for irrigation and the damming of rivers is being blamed for the shrinking,but they,and the rest of the world, don’t know what to do about it, to halt, or to improve it, but you know Squirrel has a idea here.I am surrounded by political and scientific
idiots….indeed, yes,idiots who have not an idea what so ever to do. BUT Squirrel does, yes indeed, Squirrel can,could and will save the lake, and it will grow,it will wax fatter that a U.S. governor, and Squirrel will turn a hefty profit doing it as well. Squirrel proposes to build a pipeline from a
selected seaport to the lake ,yes, then British tankers, sadly idle for some reason in the midst of the oil crisis, COULD be used to haul seawater to Iran, there at the port offload in to the pipeline, and so save the lake, and makes loads and loads of profitable useful currency(meaning of course we won’t be accepting Iranian currency, we shall demand, either U.S. dollars, or the useful Chinese Yuan currency,no bitbucks,Canadian dollars, nor Euros, just those, U.S. dollars and/or Chinese Yuans). We could even yet work a negotiated deal, and trade the seawater to Iran for oil.Yes,seawater for
Recall the US food for oil exchange well, we could do a seawater for oil exchange…………but our politicians are sadly mentally lacking in the
area of brilliant ideas.Yes they’re all laggards, lackeys of the American oil companies, yes, we have to import US oil,at US prices…………..all
that could change.We could now have our own supply of oil, guarenteed oil, traded for seawater. Indeed we have Iran over the barrel, over the seawater barrel, we could trade say, 1 barrel of seawater,for 10 barrels of oil.
But wait, ever The Great Engineer, Squirrel has yet another proposal.You see here we were contemplating selling the Iranians saltwater to solve the problem.However, we could also supply something much better,fresh water.Yes! fresh water, so very much better than salt water you know. Now wherever would we get the required fresh water.Well, Squirrel has the answer here, which again has not occured to our politicans incumbent. You see, every year, Britain floods very,very horribly. Well now, in the very center of the flood stricken areas, we create a drain, this drain will connect to
pipelines,pipelines which will be directed to seaports.There, at the seaports, again, we use idle British oil tankers, and then fill the tankers with the flood fresh water, and sell this to the Iranian, using the same method to fill their lake with fresh water, and fill our coffers with useful currencies, and also guarentee a magnificent private oil supply!!Huzzah for Squirrel!Huzzah for Squirrel!Huzzah for Squirrel!
In the meantime we could also create salt mines there and mine the salt and sell it to the Americans who have yearly shortages you know, due to their immense snow storms,ever running totally short of salt,and thus  driving up the prices of salt as well. In the regular time we could also drive up the prices of supply as well..what the heck!!Do British politicians see this brilliant opportunity? No!…….laggards and lackeys all.Only Squirrel is capable reversing the trend and saving Iran from a major environmental and economic disaster,and, at the very self same time, turning in a grand and hefty profit off of his enterprising solution.
Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP(Dunny On The Wold),
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.