The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Secret Squirrel Comments On The Massive Abusive Cost Of Natural Gas In The City Of Kitchener.

Secret Squirrel has known about and seen a great inequity,inequality,unfairness,use and abuse suffered by the
people of the City Of Kitchener as compared with those of the City of Waterloo,and environs such that the people of Kitchener,served by Kitchener Utilities with respect to the supply of natural gas, as opposed to those of Waterloo and environs supplied natural gas by Union Gas, such that those in Kitchener are supplied with natural gas at the massive rate(and have been for some years),of 7.6cents per cubic meter,versus those of Union Gas who are supplied at 3.72cents per cubic meter,in short those of Kitchener utilities are paying twice the rate those of Union gas are paying. Now they are claims etc. explanations etc. by those of Kitchener Council to "explain" it all, but in view of the massive difference in rates, none of then carry water,are acceptable,nor sufficient to explain any and all of the twice rate difference.What comes to mind in general is
incompetence, none of which will ever be brought forward, in short there will be no firings and blame layed for it,it of course reflects the area, it's cronyism as it were, and as they say,there's no crone like an old crone.The people will never recover from this event,they will only and have, suffered financially and in terms of comfort, struggling though winters in cold whilst those of other areas do not and did not, and indeed
I shall say with their superior managements, shall not.

Kitchener Utilities customers paid total of $138M above market rates, watchdog says,for 2009 to 2013.One sees there was a profit in it,unquestionably, but they won't mention whom this massively hurtfully abusive price gouge ended up with.

Let us here look what was said of it all,and here I cite........

And to commence,quote,

The customers of Kitchener Utilities collectively paid an estimated $138 million above market rates for natural gas during the 2009-2013 period, says city-hall watchdog Harald Drewitz.

Drewitz, the founder and spokesperson for Kitchener Tax Watch Group, made his calculations after a long and feisty exchange with city councillors Monday about how much the city-owned company charges for natural gas. Drewitz based his estimate on the gas bills of Coun. John Gazzola.

Gazzola told the meeting that during 2009-2013, he paid an average of 95 per cent above market rates for natural gas, and that totalled about $2,100. Drewitz took that figure and multiplied it by the number of
customers at Kitchener Utilities — 66,000.

"To me it is something serious," Gazzola said. "We need to take a close look at it and we need to do it sooner rather than later."

And herewith,unquote.

Sooner,later...well it will come to an end, eventually, not this highly profitable heating season either, not likely,I wouldn't bet on it, and I won't bet on recompense for those forced to heat with the natural gas
supplied but the local monopolistic Kitchener Utilities which levied the charges on the people of Kitchener, whom strangely enough, after years of abuse went to Kitchener Council, though why they should have done this is anybodies guess for what does the city council do, nor have to do with the supply and rates of gas a matter of fact they should be as powerless as an Indian eunuch,but the locals don't seem to think so,
going there to present complaints.The horse has bolted, the barn door is closed,the ears are deaf, the abusive profits, the massively ridiculous price gouging affected, and the profiteers, enriched immensely,and are
utterly completely, safe, and laughing all the way to the bank as the people of Kitchener struggle to heat their homes and families as they did in past winters, and in the present winter.Yes, it is the winter of the
discontent of the people of Kitchener.Their council will offer and did offer no solution, certainly no form of comparable recompense to recover ANY of the massive expenses they have incurred and will be FORCED TO incur this coming cold winter.Squirrel has complained in  the past, and been ignored in all this time, but Squirrel has tried for the good of the people, but Squirrel's complaints fell on deaf ears,they ignored Squirrel,and so too then also the people of Kitchener for that matter,lo these many years.

Squirrel tho, offers some assistance however in hopes people may ease their massive natural gas heating bills suffer,bills TWICE that of those in other areas,those paying twice the rates to Kitchener Utilities as opposed to those of the vastly better managed,run and governed area, those served by Union gas. We must ponder alternatives to heating, to have some viable options open to use. Here we must ponder the option of Electrical heating methods, using so called space heaters, oil filled portables, ceramic heaters ( I prefer these to radiant types,far,far less, of a fire hazard).Lets look at electric rates.

Here we consider first calculation of cents cost versus kilowatts,kilowatt hours, here using the figure of a supposed 6cents per kilowatt hour, tho we all know that rate has gone by the board a considerable time ago,
but actual rates will be taken in to account once you see how the actual valid and working calculations go.

1,300 watts ÷ 1,000 (watts per kWh)

1.3kWh x 6¢ per hour = 7.8¢ per hour

Wattage of appliance ÷ 1,000 x Hours used per month = kWh per month

To figure operating cost per month:

kWH used per month x Your cost per kWh = Operating cost per month

Thermostatically controlled appliances are not "on" 100 percent of the time. An electric oven, for example, is "on" about 50 percent of the time when baking.

Now, we're considering heating here, of course, your other electric costs are extra, but necessary. But look at your heating costs,here discussed in Kitchener,Ontario, paying twice the natural gas consumption and
delivery costs per cubic meter to Kitchener Utilities(and whoever is associated with it), versus the half rate of Kitchener utilities, in Waterloo, through and by Union Gas.

Now average total electric for everybody in the Kitchener and Waterloo area,whilst its true rates are different at different times,since there are time of use charges equitably in effect for all,averages out at
9.83cents per kw hour(off peak is 6.7cents /kw hour at 7am to 7pm,basic night rate, 10.4 cents per kw hour at what they call mid peak, 5pm to 7pm and also at 7am to 11pm, and peak 11am to 5pm at 12.4cents per kw hour.)

Now a 1500 watt heater say it runs 4 hours total per day(heaters are on off as thermostat),So four times 1500watts gives us 6000watts per day, and 180,000 watts in a 30 day month(180 Kilowatt hours) times averaged gives $17.69 per such a space heater, assume 4 running upstairs, 1 basement for 5, that'd be 5 times the $17.69 for $88.45 additional on your electric bill added to your regular necessary electric use,per months the space heaters(electric ceramics, or oil filled) are used. Of course your electric bill also has added costs besides your actual usage,there is a delivery charge, which on my regular bill is approximately half(though somewhat less), than my usage rates.Basically this would double my electric bill, say from $100 per month to $200 per month(with some left over really).Thankfully any influence over rates extends far and wide beyond Kitchener City area,to a provincial balance. So what I am suggesting to you in Kitchener, the serviced area of Kitchener Utilities natural gas service is to unquestionably purchase the electric space heaters, of your selection, though I recommend oil filled and the ceramic heaters, and to augment your winter natural gas heating and so very much lower your winter heating natural gas bills,which,without are going to be massive indeed, and the massive profits accrued through your having to heat with natural gas, being supplied to..those who are unquestionably gouging massively you, the public, you, and your family. Compare Kitchener utilities, rates versus those of outside Kitchener,the area served by Union Gas....

Kitchener Utilities
7.6 cents/cubic metre

Union gas
3.72 cents/cubic metre

Naturally even the village edit in Kitchener can see that easily those in Waterloo and other environs are experiencing a natural gas bill easily of half of Kitchener's,happily heating their homes and experiencing warmth and ease of bill payments. It is pointed out that those on welfare are immune to rates, they simply demand, and get the various monies necessary for payment, whilst enjoying, the good warm life.

Punished,used,abused, are those who must work to pay their bills, and the retired,who live off meagre pensions and their dwindling life savings.
Is there a solution for Kitchener, the people of Kitchener, with respect to their Kitchener Council which could and wouldn't and didn't legislate reductions,which allowed this to go on to the people of Kitchener for years,and years, AND, Kitchener Utilities which set the rate and demands payment? Well there is, the province could declare a trusteeship with respect to gas management as Kitchener,Kitchener Utilities has proven incapable and abusive and  certainly it needs better management.The province could take over gas rates such that the rates are fair and equitable to and for all,as occurs with the electric rate(so, we do know that system works fair and equitably),for the good of the people. What also could be done, is Union gas could be allowed to canvass in Kitchener to supply natural gas to the people at their rate as well, and so too, in all fairness to Kitchener Utilities (and Kitchener Council would see this as fair as well),could also canvas Waterloo and environs and offer their rates,in all fairness and equity,equality to and for all.And so, says Secret Squirrel.