The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Monday, December 2, 2013

Secret Squirrel Solves The Problems With The Devalueing Canadian Dollar...Create A New Dollar, The BitBuck

    Squirrel's attention has suddenly been drawn to a statement,a serious one, by the Bank Of Canada,as it were, that the Canadian dollar which presently is on par,as in equal to, with the US dollar is to be devalued to 88cents versus the US dollar.For some reasons the Canadian Government, and Bank Of Canada is all ecstatic about it, stating great advantages, but then when they upward valued the Canadian dollar from a previous devaluation,to parity with the US dollar,the Canadian
Government and The Bank of Canada were all ecstatic about it stating great advantages.Of course, the Canadians,having the Canadian Government, are in very serious trouble, and it is up to Squirrel to help them as much as he can out of their present currency value dilemma.

Now devaluation is a reduction in the value of a currency with respect to other monetary units. In common modern usage, it specifically implies an official lowering of the value of a country's currency within a fixed exchange rate system, by which the monetary authority formally sets a new fixed rate with respect to a foreign reference currency. For some weakening currencies, devaluation is a process without end that leads to completely worthless currencies.When a country experiences hyperinflation, the central bank prints money in larger denominations as the smaller denomination notes become worthless.
Of course this is not the first time that the Canadian dollar has been devalued, indeed one recall the 60's in the colony of Canada whereas the Canadian Prime Minister of the day, one specific John Deifenbaker,a Conservative devalued the Canadian dollar to 92 cents US whence it became known as the DiefenDollar, or DiefenBuck.He was a conservative and he lost the next election which is a safe bet will happen to the present incumbent Canadian Prime Minister,one Stephen Harper, also a Conservative,who will unquestionably go the same way for his nostalgia trip to bring back and celebrate the DiefenDollar/DiefenBuck.Well now,Squirrel has pondered the Canadian economy,if it can be termed that, and it's problems centered on and/or being related to, the Canadian currency, the Canadian dollar, and has discovered that,actually, in the world of today, in the financial and economic world of today, there may be a solution for the Canadian dollar problem.You see the Canadian government thinks highly of it's lowly dollar,and is seemingly stuck with and on it,in short it thinks is is
valuable and has value,and merit, and substance,but does it really.No, and that's the problem, they can't seem to realize nor be made to see that.
  The financial world of today has actually created working currencies,monies,money or financial species and whatever out of and based on, absolutely nothing at all.And it has,indeed,worked, and is working.In Canada, the company,Canadian Tire, a hardware store, created it's own money, printed it up, and gave it to it's customers in a certain percentage,based on purchased items.It accepts this currency back for purchase against further store items, hence giving it an actual working value, based on,specificaly,it's value printed on said paper! Indeed it can even work in other stores, whom so ever might be
willing to accept it,including local Canadian hookers who in the day and age of the Canadian economic depression era will accept anything they're afterwards offered.In short they printed up their own money and it works.
And so too for Canada did it work, in and after the same fashion, but nations of the world today have grown tired of the Canadians and their currency,and so the Canadian dollar is having problems being accepted as a viable working currency in the world of today. There were other currencies in effect,in play as it were, in the financial world of the internet. A certain group tried for a time, and created and sold, an internet currency, based on purchases to be used on certain sites of the internet that accepted it for purchase and exchange of goods and services.However after awhile it collapsed it seems, there having been a suitable number of it's value purchased in excess of demand via sites and so,well it,sort of collapsed as those selling it for working currencies, took the money and ran as it were,the useful money, leaving the purchasers of said internet currency holding their useless currency as a value on paper which had no value. And there lies the problems of the Canadian government and it's currency, a value of currency, and the numbers of people willing to accept it at a certain specific value if at all.
Let us now look at yet other forms of present day currency,accepted quite readily on the internet and other places round and about the quoted directly and excerpted from, and found at..........

And we here commence to directly quote.......

"A bitcoin Bitcoin is just one of over 60 different alternative digital peer-to-peer cryptographic currencies.
Bitcoin’s recent meteoric rise in value to over $1,000 has shone the spotlight on alternative currencies, but bitcoin is not the only new digital currency vying for relevancy in 2013.

Like bitcoins most of these currencies are mined by computers solving hard mathematical problems. The "coins" do not exist physically, of course, as the currencies are virtual existing only as computer files.
As they are based on peer-to-peer protocols, no one computer controls the currencies, but networks keep track of all transactions made using these digital currencies, but they do not know what the coins were actually used for – just the ID of the computer "wallet" they move from and to.

Here are nine alternatives to think about before putting your time, effort and money into bitcoin.

Like bitcoin, litecoin is another crytography-based digital currency, which has also seen a dramatic rise in value in recent months. Litecoin, a peer-to-peer opensource digital currency, could be described as an offshoot of bitcoin. In fact, it is based on the bitcoin protocol, but instead of requiring extraordinary computing power to mine effectively, can be mined efficiently using standard computers due to its algorithm originally designed by Dr Colin Percival for the Tarsnap secure online backup
service for Linux and other opensource operating systems.

Also based on bitcoin, namecoin is another opensource offshoot. A cryptocurrency, namecoin also acts as a decentralised DNS –
the protocol on the internet that turns human-comprehensible website names such as into addresses understandable by machines. By acting as its own DNS, the currency operates outside the regular internet and therefore outside the governance of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann).The currency values and domain names are stored within the blockchain record, which limits the total number of namecoins to 21m, with each coin divisible down to eight decimal places.

Another variant of the bitcoin-like peer-to-peer currency principle, peercoin promises increased efficiency of mining, improved security and safeguards to avoid abuse by group mining, which has recently been highlighted as a potential flaw with bitcoin. Peercoin has the fourth-largest market cap among “altcoins” as these alternative digital currencies are known, according to, which tracks emerging and traded currencies.

A cryptocurrency like bitcoin, primecoin differs at its core because it uses a totally separate mathematical basis for mining. Instead of relying on bitcoin’s “Hashcash” algorithm, primecoin finds long Cunningham chains – a certain sequence of prime numbers named after the mathematician AJC Cunningham – to build value into the currency.
Unlike bitcoin, primecoin’s mining difficulty increases slightly with each new coin created, scaling more evenly than bitcoin’s bigger shift in mining difficulty every 2016 blocks.

Based upon litecoin, feathercoin adjusts its mining difficulty more often than litecoin and was announced in April 2013. Unlike some other digital currencies, feathercoin updates regularly to incorporate new features and enhancements, including protections from abuse and forking by group mining.

Yet another peer-to-peer digital cryptocurrency, Novacoin differs from most of the other altcoins by integrating protection schemes within the core of the currency, which deters abuse by mining groups.Novacoin also has a technical cap of 2bn coins, a much larger number than most of the other digital currencies which top out in the millions, rather than billions of coins. The cap could also be increased if it was ever reached, giving novacoin a theoretical dynamic inflation.

Announced in June 2013, as another litecoin spin-off, infinitecoin differs with more frequent difficulty adjustment rate during mining and the total number of coins that can be created, which is 1142.86 times as many as litecoin.

A bitcoin analogue in its infancy, created within the fourth quarter of 2013, megacoin is limited to 42m total coins and is mined like every other crytocurrency. Each coin worth around $0.50, and its main selling point is its overt branding, something quite a few other digital currencies lack.
Quark coin

Another altcoin in its infancy, launched in 2013, Quark coin takes the security elements of the cryptocurrency very seriously employing nine separate rounds of encryption using six different algorithms.If those nine bitcoin alternatives weren’t enough for you, there are over 60 different altcoin currencies currently being traded at various exchanges like Cryptsy, including AndroidsTokens, AlphaCoin, AmericanCoin, AnonCoin, Argentum, AsicCoin, BBQCoin, BitCar, ByteCoin, BitGem, BottleCaps, CryptoBuck, CryptogenicBullion, CopperLark, Cosmoscoin, CHNCoin, ColossusCoin, CopperBars, CraftCoin, CasinoCoin."

and here the quoted epistle does end.

Now we have discovered the rise of a new currency from out of the nothing, the BitCoin. Let's look at the BitCoin shall we
as there are valuable lessons to be gained from it,not only by the Canadian Government, but yet also other governments of the
world which are having problems with their currencies and their values and willingness of other nations to accept their currencies.You can use it to buy beer in Berlin, order pizza in Amsterdam, hire a taxi in Edinburgh, schedule a dental check-up in Ljubljana, do a degree in Nicosia, purchase Alpaca socks from Massachusetts - or even blast off into space with Virgin Galactic.Can it be argued that it is not a viable and real currency whence it is being stolen,pirated and counterfeited on the internet, much more so than the Canadian dollar which round and about the world, and in Canada simply isn't worth the bother!

Every day, it seems, another service joins the Bitcoin revolution, accepting payment in the so-called virtual currency.As its popularity has soared, so has its price. On Wednesday it breached the $1,000 (£614) mark on Japan's MtGox exchange for the first time. That's nearly five times the price it was at earlier in the month.However all things considered It has no intrinsic value unless you qualify the electricity used to generate it (no that is not a common misconception!) it has no
more actual value than a strippers pasties, and much less than her panties which frequently drop.However the service she provides for a set amount of value $ the so called F*ck, is worth the value of said F*ck but varies as to time of day,clients etc, but still her value could be stated in F*cks, or services there is a realistic value there,but BitCoin as such actually has none. And yet it exists,and has value, as it is accepted at a certain and specific value agreed upon at any given time.It could at any day,be replaced by the banana,if somebody decides to accept bananas as currency.But it gets worse. Bitcoin is mostly just a speculative vehicle. Yes, there are PR stunts about bars and other shops accepting bitcoins.

And there is a Bitcoin ATM for some reason. But mostly Bitcoin is a speculative vehicle. And really, you'd be insane to actually conduct a sizable amount of commerce in bitcoins. That's because the price swings so wildly, that the next day, there's a good chance that one of the parties will have gotten royally screwed. Either the purchaser of the good will have ended up totally blowing a huge opportunity (by not holding longer) or the seller will be totally screwed (if Bitcoin instantly plunges). The very volatility that excited people to want to play the Bitcoin game is death when it comes to real transactions in the real world.BitCoin,has no INTRINSIC value.Consider now this idea of "intrinsic value" when it comes to currency bothers people, and Bitcoin Bugs will immediately ask why the U.S. dollar has intrinsic value. There's an answer to that. The U.S. Dollar has intrinsic value because the U.S. government which sets the laws of doing business in the United States says it has intrinsic value. If you want to conduct commerce in the United States you have to pay taxes, and there's only one currency you're allowed to pay taxes in: U.S. dollars. There's no getting around this fact. Furthermore, if you want to use the banking system at all, there's no choice but to use U.S. dollars, because that's the currency of the Fed which is behind the whole thing.

On top of all these laws requiring the U.S. dollar to be used, the United States has a gigantic military that can force people around the world to use dollars (if it came to that) so yes, there's a lot of real-world value behind greenbacks.Bitcoin? Nada. There's nothing keeping it being a thing. If people lose faith in it, it's over. Bitcoin is fiat currency in
the most literal sense of the word.And yet so too is the Canadian dollar, and people ARE loosing faith in it, hence the coming devaluation.
Well how did BtiCoin come in to being?In November 2008, a paper was posted on the internet under the name Satoshi Nakamoto titled Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. This paper detailed methods of using a peer-to-peer network to generate what was described as "a
system for electronic transactions without relying on trust".n January 2009, the Bitcoin network came into existence with the release of the first open source Bitcoin client and the issuance of the first bitcoins, with Satoshi Nakamoto mining the first block of bitcoins ever (known as the "genesis block"), which had a reward of 50 bitcoins. The value of the first
bitcoin transactions were negotiated by individuals on the bitcointalk forums with one notable transaction involving a 10,000 BTC pizza.So,it was off and running,a fake currency,created out of nothing.The price of a bitcoin reached previous all-time high of US$230 on 9 April 2013, up from just $13 at the start of the year. The current all time high was set on 17 November 2013 at US$575.21 on the Mt. Gox exchange.As the market valuation of the total stock of Bitcoins approached US$1 billion,
some commentators called Bitcoin prices a bubble.In early April 2013, the price per Bitcoin dropped from $266 to around $50 and then rose to around $100. Over two weeks starting late June 2013 the price dropped steadily to $70. The price began to recover, peaking once again on 1 October at $140. On 2 October, The Silk Road was seized by the FBI. This seizure caused a flash crash to $110. The price quickly rebounded, returning to $200 several weeks later. The latest run went from $200 on 3 November to $900 on 18 November. Bitcoin passed a US$1000 all time high on 28 November at MtGox.
Investigations into the real identity of Satoshi Nakamoto have been attempted by The New Yorker and Fast Company. Fast Company's investigation brought up circumstantial evidence linking an encryption patent application filed by Neal King, Vladimir Oksman and Charles Bry on 15 August 2008, and the domain name which was registered 72 hours later. The patent application (#20100042841) contained networking and encryption technologies similar to Bitcoin's, and textual analysis revealed that the phrase "...computationally impractical to reverse" appeared in both the patent application and bitcoin's whitepaper.All three inventors explicitly denied being Satoshi Nakamoto. In May 2013, Ted Nelson speculated that Japanese
mathematician Shinichi Mochizuki is Satoshi Nakamoto.Later in 2013 the Israeli researchers, Dorit Ron and Adi Shamir, pointed to Silk Road-linked Ross William Ulbricht as the possible person behind the cover. The two researchers based their suspicion on an analysis of the network of bitcoin transactions. These allegations were contested.So on faith, Canada must initiate a similar plan, or process,since faith in the Canadian government by anybody out in the world is nil and less in Canada,they must create a Satoshi Nakamoto is a pseudonym for the unknown person or people who designed the original Bitcoin protocol in
2008 and launched the network in 2009. Nakamoto was responsible for creating the majority of the official Bitcoin software and was active in making modifications and posting technical information on the BitcoinTalk Forum.Nakamoto's involvement with Bitcoin does not appear to extend past mid-2010. In April 2011, Nakamoto communicated with a Bitcoin contributor saying he had "moved on to other things". A patsy, tho working for the Canadian government,the Italians would call him a pazzo,but the Canadian government would have to find somebody to front the currency and them,somebody like say,Simon Legree,Snidley
Whiplash,(who else would front for them)and create the BitBuck.
   However,once nations are dealing in their BitBucks, they could convert the Canadian currency over,buying BitBucks with Canadian currency till there was no more,generating yet more as they needed using stolen,err borrowed,BitCoin generation software, and abandon the Canadian currency thence entirely. However the BitCoin has been referred to as a ponzie scheme, and also should Canadian government involvement be found out within the BitBuck, then in all faith, that lacking in the Canadian government, it would collapse anyway in similar fashion to the Canadian dollar, so why really bother...but then, it has worked for Bitcoin, so too it could work for the BitBuck.

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP(Dunny On The Wold),
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Secret Squirrel Comments On The Massive Abusive Cost Of Natural Gas In The City Of Kitchener.

Secret Squirrel has known about and seen a great inequity,inequality,unfairness,use and abuse suffered by the
people of the City Of Kitchener as compared with those of the City of Waterloo,and environs such that the people of Kitchener,served by Kitchener Utilities with respect to the supply of natural gas, as opposed to those of Waterloo and environs supplied natural gas by Union Gas, such that those in Kitchener are supplied with natural gas at the massive rate(and have been for some years),of 7.6cents per cubic meter,versus those of Union Gas who are supplied at 3.72cents per cubic meter,in short those of Kitchener utilities are paying twice the rate those of Union gas are paying. Now they are claims etc. explanations etc. by those of Kitchener Council to "explain" it all, but in view of the massive difference in rates, none of then carry water,are acceptable,nor sufficient to explain any and all of the twice rate difference.What comes to mind in general is
incompetence, none of which will ever be brought forward, in short there will be no firings and blame layed for it,it of course reflects the area, it's cronyism as it were, and as they say,there's no crone like an old crone.The people will never recover from this event,they will only and have, suffered financially and in terms of comfort, struggling though winters in cold whilst those of other areas do not and did not, and indeed
I shall say with their superior managements, shall not.

Kitchener Utilities customers paid total of $138M above market rates, watchdog says,for 2009 to 2013.One sees there was a profit in it,unquestionably, but they won't mention whom this massively hurtfully abusive price gouge ended up with.

Let us here look what was said of it all,and here I cite........

And to commence,quote,

The customers of Kitchener Utilities collectively paid an estimated $138 million above market rates for natural gas during the 2009-2013 period, says city-hall watchdog Harald Drewitz.

Drewitz, the founder and spokesperson for Kitchener Tax Watch Group, made his calculations after a long and feisty exchange with city councillors Monday about how much the city-owned company charges for natural gas. Drewitz based his estimate on the gas bills of Coun. John Gazzola.

Gazzola told the meeting that during 2009-2013, he paid an average of 95 per cent above market rates for natural gas, and that totalled about $2,100. Drewitz took that figure and multiplied it by the number of
customers at Kitchener Utilities — 66,000.

"To me it is something serious," Gazzola said. "We need to take a close look at it and we need to do it sooner rather than later."

And herewith,unquote.

Sooner,later...well it will come to an end, eventually, not this highly profitable heating season either, not likely,I wouldn't bet on it, and I won't bet on recompense for those forced to heat with the natural gas
supplied but the local monopolistic Kitchener Utilities which levied the charges on the people of Kitchener, whom strangely enough, after years of abuse went to Kitchener Council, though why they should have done this is anybodies guess for what does the city council do, nor have to do with the supply and rates of gas a matter of fact they should be as powerless as an Indian eunuch,but the locals don't seem to think so,
going there to present complaints.The horse has bolted, the barn door is closed,the ears are deaf, the abusive profits, the massively ridiculous price gouging affected, and the profiteers, enriched immensely,and are
utterly completely, safe, and laughing all the way to the bank as the people of Kitchener struggle to heat their homes and families as they did in past winters, and in the present winter.Yes, it is the winter of the
discontent of the people of Kitchener.Their council will offer and did offer no solution, certainly no form of comparable recompense to recover ANY of the massive expenses they have incurred and will be FORCED TO incur this coming cold winter.Squirrel has complained in  the past, and been ignored in all this time, but Squirrel has tried for the good of the people, but Squirrel's complaints fell on deaf ears,they ignored Squirrel,and so too then also the people of Kitchener for that matter,lo these many years.

Squirrel tho, offers some assistance however in hopes people may ease their massive natural gas heating bills suffer,bills TWICE that of those in other areas,those paying twice the rates to Kitchener Utilities as opposed to those of the vastly better managed,run and governed area, those served by Union gas. We must ponder alternatives to heating, to have some viable options open to use. Here we must ponder the option of Electrical heating methods, using so called space heaters, oil filled portables, ceramic heaters ( I prefer these to radiant types,far,far less, of a fire hazard).Lets look at electric rates.

Here we consider first calculation of cents cost versus kilowatts,kilowatt hours, here using the figure of a supposed 6cents per kilowatt hour, tho we all know that rate has gone by the board a considerable time ago,
but actual rates will be taken in to account once you see how the actual valid and working calculations go.

1,300 watts ÷ 1,000 (watts per kWh)

1.3kWh x 6¢ per hour = 7.8¢ per hour

Wattage of appliance ÷ 1,000 x Hours used per month = kWh per month

To figure operating cost per month:

kWH used per month x Your cost per kWh = Operating cost per month

Thermostatically controlled appliances are not "on" 100 percent of the time. An electric oven, for example, is "on" about 50 percent of the time when baking.

Now, we're considering heating here, of course, your other electric costs are extra, but necessary. But look at your heating costs,here discussed in Kitchener,Ontario, paying twice the natural gas consumption and
delivery costs per cubic meter to Kitchener Utilities(and whoever is associated with it), versus the half rate of Kitchener utilities, in Waterloo, through and by Union Gas.

Now average total electric for everybody in the Kitchener and Waterloo area,whilst its true rates are different at different times,since there are time of use charges equitably in effect for all,averages out at
9.83cents per kw hour(off peak is 6.7cents /kw hour at 7am to 7pm,basic night rate, 10.4 cents per kw hour at what they call mid peak, 5pm to 7pm and also at 7am to 11pm, and peak 11am to 5pm at 12.4cents per kw hour.)

Now a 1500 watt heater say it runs 4 hours total per day(heaters are on off as thermostat),So four times 1500watts gives us 6000watts per day, and 180,000 watts in a 30 day month(180 Kilowatt hours) times averaged gives $17.69 per such a space heater, assume 4 running upstairs, 1 basement for 5, that'd be 5 times the $17.69 for $88.45 additional on your electric bill added to your regular necessary electric use,per months the space heaters(electric ceramics, or oil filled) are used. Of course your electric bill also has added costs besides your actual usage,there is a delivery charge, which on my regular bill is approximately half(though somewhat less), than my usage rates.Basically this would double my electric bill, say from $100 per month to $200 per month(with some left over really).Thankfully any influence over rates extends far and wide beyond Kitchener City area,to a provincial balance. So what I am suggesting to you in Kitchener, the serviced area of Kitchener Utilities natural gas service is to unquestionably purchase the electric space heaters, of your selection, though I recommend oil filled and the ceramic heaters, and to augment your winter natural gas heating and so very much lower your winter heating natural gas bills,which,without are going to be massive indeed, and the massive profits accrued through your having to heat with natural gas, being supplied to..those who are unquestionably gouging massively you, the public, you, and your family. Compare Kitchener utilities, rates versus those of outside Kitchener,the area served by Union Gas....

Kitchener Utilities
7.6 cents/cubic metre

Union gas
3.72 cents/cubic metre

Naturally even the village edit in Kitchener can see that easily those in Waterloo and other environs are experiencing a natural gas bill easily of half of Kitchener's,happily heating their homes and experiencing warmth and ease of bill payments. It is pointed out that those on welfare are immune to rates, they simply demand, and get the various monies necessary for payment, whilst enjoying, the good warm life.

Punished,used,abused, are those who must work to pay their bills, and the retired,who live off meagre pensions and their dwindling life savings.
Is there a solution for Kitchener, the people of Kitchener, with respect to their Kitchener Council which could and wouldn't and didn't legislate reductions,which allowed this to go on to the people of Kitchener for years,and years, AND, Kitchener Utilities which set the rate and demands payment? Well there is, the province could declare a trusteeship with respect to gas management as Kitchener,Kitchener Utilities has proven incapable and abusive and  certainly it needs better management.The province could take over gas rates such that the rates are fair and equitable to and for all,as occurs with the electric rate(so, we do know that system works fair and equitably),for the good of the people. What also could be done, is Union gas could be allowed to canvass in Kitchener to supply natural gas to the people at their rate as well, and so too, in all fairness to Kitchener Utilities (and Kitchener Council would see this as fair as well),could also canvas Waterloo and environs and offer their rates,in all fairness and equity,equality to and for all.And so, says Secret Squirrel.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Secret Squirrel On Quebec's Proposed Anti Religion Charter

It has come to Squirrel's attention that the government of the province of Quebec, a province within the nation known as Canada,has decided that it wishes to propose and introduce a law such that it will not allow public servants to wear Muslim headscarves, Jewish skullcaps or other obvious religious symbols under a new charter,more over it will also impose a strange hard to define limit on the size of religious symbols displayed,usually such as neck chains.Official documents give the nod to discreet religious symbols, such as a small crucifix or a ring with the Star of David, but not to veils, large crucifixes or turbans.The enormous crucifix protruding from the public property above Montreal’s Mount Royal will be spared.So while politicians continue to enact laws underneath a giant cross, low-level public employees would have to tuck their Christian symbolism away, as would Muslims, Sikhs and Jews with their religious headwear.

The Quebec government,presently a ruling minority government,claims that the presentation and enforcement of such a Charter Of Quebec Values will cement a secular society,that it will help create a distinct identity for it's 8 million people.The rest of the nation of Canada,however,also takes a secular approach,a multicultural approach, which encourages different communities to keep their faiths and traditions.One Harvey Levine, president of the Quebec branch of the Jewish organization B'nai Brith,said "They're trying to remove religious freedoms. They're trying to impose rules on religious values," and there he's unquestionably correct. It is an attempt at repression,suppression of the many mutlicultural values and rights of the peoples of Quebec, to display those,regardless of faith. Indeed it is purely and simply a broad spectrum religious intolerance imposed, or  at least to be imposed,by the Quebec minority government.Bernard Drainville, the Quebec minister of democratic institutions,said a large crucifix in the National Assembly would stay in place, since it was part of Quebec's history. Christmas trees would be allowed in offices because they reflected the province's culture, he added.But then that's hardly democratic, indeed allDrainville grappled with questions about other inconsistencies.What about courtroom witnesses and elected politicians who, in this staunchly secular state, still swear an oath on that decidedly non-secular document, the Bible? Drainville appeared caught off-guard by the question: “Oh, my God,” he replied, slowly, “we’ll get back to you.”

And how about city council meetings which begin with prayers, in places like Saguenay? Would this secularism policy allow that? Drainville declined to answer the question.Would elected officials be subject to these rules? No, he replied, arguing that voters have a right to choose their representative. That means Quebecers could, in theory, elect a cabinet minister or premier with a hijab — who would then force her employees to remove theirs. should be so allowed to display their religious
symbols, symbols they are each like and in kind,rightly and justifyably proud of of,proud to wear and display.The new plan would ban overt religious symbols to be worn by “judges, police, prosecutors, public daycare workers, teachers, school employees, hospital workers and municipal personnel.” These symbols would include large crosses or crucifixes, turbans, hijab, and kippas. Smaller jewelry (such as Star of David earrings) would be allowed.There were reactions of course, to the proposal, here are some found at


This proposal has caused uproar, both in the Quebec government and in the public. Here are a few reactions:

    As a Canadian-Muslim woman, I proudly wear my hijab, a choice that is completely my own and not influenced by others. Wearing my hijab does not cause any physical or psychological harm to anyone so than why should I be forced to remove it, if I want a good job working in Quebec? Have we really become so intolerant and insecure of ourselves that even the sight of a religious symbol has become unbearable and strikes fear in our society? The proposed charter is an infringement on my basic rights as a human. What I choose to wear is my personal choice; a freedom I thought I had as a Canadian citizen by birth.


    I think the proposed charter is excellent. I’m a high-school teacher and I find it very insulting to see a teacher that teaches science or ethics (the French course teaches common values and is an introduction to different religions in the world) wearing a hijab, for example. A teacher has to be neutral in front of their students, has to be equal with his or her co-workers, and more specifically has to respect the dress code of the institution he or she works for. If somebody believes in God, great, but they don’t have to show it, especially when in a position of authority.


    I am Buddhist and wear Mala beads during specific days of the year. It is important for me to feel free to present myself freely in the workplace, and my religious faith is a big part of whom I am. I find that it is important that my workplace reflects the multiculturalism of the society that we live in. It also helps to create a discussion in which we are able to get rid of prejudice and ignorance toward people and their faith.

Most of the hatred in the world is based on ignorance of the other person we are in conflict with, we need to understand each other if we are to live in a truly free society. The proposed charter is one of exclusion that will make certain people feel attacked. I also think that it is a diversion tactic to make people forget about the current government’s poor record with jobs, education and other important infrastructures.

Christian Lépine, the Catholic archbishop of Montreal, says the charter is “excessive”, adding that it
attempts to control people’s freedom of expression.  When you want to contain the visibility of faith, you are saying to people: ‘You cannot be all you are,” he said in an interview with Global News. Lépine said that the charter’s proposal for religious neutrality and secularism is simply another name for non-religious values that would be imposed by a few on everyone. Such a move would not be respectful nor democratic, he said.  “Normally if you talk about a charter, it’s about a charter of rights that gives space to different belief systems, so in that sense I don’t see this as a charter, it’s more of a credo,” he said to CBC News.


Unquestionably this also means no Christmas Trees, no Easter Bunny, no dreidels or menorahs, no crosses. The symbols don't hurt anybody, regardless of how much politicians think they do. Religious freedom is one of the main basses that Canada and Quebec was founded on. Being able to come here and be publicly Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Islamic, Buddhist, etc. is one of the biggest freedoms in. The Quebec government people who argue "Separation of Church and State" clearly either don't understand the question, or don't understand what separates church from state. The STATE (meaning the government) should not use the CHURCH (meaning religion) to justify any actions,any Church, it should not support one Church(religion),over another.
 Jefferson made it clear in his letter to the Danbury Congregation that the separation of church and state was to be that government would not establish a national religion or dictate to men how to worship God.Pauline Marois has a different definition of the seperation of church and state,a far different one.Government was never meant to be our master as in a ruthless monarchy or dictatorship. Instead, it was to be our servant.Now the "Religious Right",the religious right of the people, is just a straw-man to hide a REAL and very active movement - the very much anti-religious form of of the present minority government,of Quebec,that of Pauline Marois,"the Athiest Left!"

"Separation of Church and State" is just a myth.  But it's a myth that if allowed to continue will continue to daily chip away our religious freedoms.  We just cannot keep quiet about it any longer.  Christians must be taught on this subject now - before it becomes illegal to do even that!  All evil needs to flourish is for good men - to do (and say) nothing!    

When Adolph Hitler took power in Germany, he recognized immediately that the major threat to his tyrannical designs would come from the church(s),[the religions present in Germany]. If he could neutralize the voice of the church, he correctly reasoned, there would be no one else to stand in his way,there would be no opposition to his thoughts,statements, and policies,he reasoned that he must weaken the underpinings of the churchs(the religions), the religious beliefs of the people of Germany.

Consequently, he immediately cranked up the Nazi propaganda machine to develop slogans designed to silence the voice of the church, slogans which were then relentlessly hammered into the minds of gullible Germans of all religions, and their pastors, who meekly complied.

Hitler crafted two slogans in particular,and here they are, straight from the mind of Adolph Hitler:

"Politics do not belong in the Church."

"The Church must be separate from the State."

If they sound eerily familiar, it will only be because you instinctively recognize in these words the voice of tyranny and repression.And so today's church is still paying the price for this small-minded politician's petty and vengeful ability to use the power of the federal government to punish his adversaries.

“Do you know, where does this phrase ‘separation of church and state’ come from?”American
Tea Partier Glen Urquhart asked at a campaign event last April. “It was not in Jefferson’s letter to the
Danbury Baptists. … The exact phrase ‘separation of Church and State’ came out of Adolph Hitler’s mouth, that’s where it comes from. So the next time your liberal friends talk about the separation of Church and State ask them why they’re Nazis.”

Why is a cross, a Maguen David, or a head scarf a problem in society?Besides jewellery never annoyed anyone before. It doesn't force their beliefs on anyone, therefore no atheists or other believers from different faiths should force their non beliefs or different beliefs on anyone else. The European Court of Human Rights has found in favour of BA employee Nadia Eweida being able to wear and display a Christian symbol at work, is it not about time that Quebec accept that any person has the right to wear and display any religious symbol wherever they like?Clearly it infringes on civil liberties in a part of Canada that has already seen years of tension over accommodation for religious minorities, particularly those from immigrant communities."They're trying to remove religious freedoms. They're trying to impose rules on religious values," said Harvey Levine,
president of the Quebec branch of the Jewish organization B'nai Brith.Quebec would become the only
jurisdiction in North America to impose a sweeping ban on religious clothing for public employees including at schools, hospitals and courthouses, under a “Charter of Values”.It once was taken for granted that religious expression went hand-in-hand with the preservation of our society’s values and culture. Standing up for religions rights in Canada,and Quebec, these days  means upholding the rights of Muslims, Jews and Sikhs to wear specialized religious garb at work, in court, or in a voting booth.In Quebec the Commission des droits de la personne and des droits de la jeunesse sent out a reminder that individual rights, including the right to freedom of religion, is protected under the Quebec Charter of Rights,meaning such that Marois proposed Charter is in direct violation of an enshrined right of the people of Quebec.The right to freedom of religion is guaranteed under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, adopted in 1982, as well as by the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights — ratified by Canada in 1976 in consultation with the provinces.

Article 18 of the covenant reads: “Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching.”
Quebec's governing Parti Quebecois (PQ) is trailing in the polls and, with only a minority of seats in the legislature, needs support from other parties to pass bills, casting doubt on whether the charter will survive in its current form.Jason Kenney, a federal government minister, said he was “very concerned” by the proposed legislation and said the federal government will challenge any law in courts if they deem it unconstitutional.The federal Canadian government announced that it will seek the advice of the Department of Justice and then head to court if the proposal is deemed to violate fundamental rights. Lawyers say the law may infringe constitutional rights on freedom of religion and expression.Canada's Supreme Court gave an indication of its view of religious symbols
in a 2006 decision that allowed orthodox Sikh students to carry kirpans, traditional daggers, to school.The early reaction suggests the plan will not pass in the current legislature, in its present form, which leaves two likely outcomes: it will either be watered down for adoption now, or be kept intact for later use as an election issue when the Parti Quebecois seeks a majority government.Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney said Justice Department lawyers will be consulted and, if the plan is found to violate fundamental freedoms, “we will defend those rights vigorously.” Montreal mayoral candidates Denis Coderre and Marcel Cote were also
unsparing in their criticism.

The NDP and Liberals also denounced the idea. Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau did so during a visit to Montreal, where he was opening his party’s byelection office in one of Quebec’s most multiethnic ridings.Perhaps the most important reaction came from the Quebec legislature’s third party, which appears to hold the swing vote on the issue.

The Coalition Avenir Quebec called the PQ plan “far too radical” and demanded that it be scaled back to apply only to those public servants, like police and judges, in authority positions.To illustrate one of the party’s main criticisms of the plan, the CAQ critic at a news conference held up a tiny crucifix necklace next to a larger one.Who would go about measuring these crosses, she asked, before warning of an impending bureaucratic boondogle where the $1.9 million ad campaign is just the beginning.“Will this require a religious police?” said the Coalition’s Nathalie Roy.“This will be hell to apply.”

Fortunately the Parti Quebecquois government of Pauline Marois is in a minority, the proposed legislation can be voted on and rejected entirely from outside of her own party and of her dictates to her party.It also,for Pauline Marois, opens a door whereby an election can be forced, and a new legitimate government installed and a government of sanity once again restored to the province of Quebec.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Secret Squirrel Examines The Spanish Train Derail.

Secret Squirrel has turned his attention to the Spanish rail disaster, the Spanish derail, the worst train disaster in Spain's history.Well,the
most common reasons for a derailment are problems with the track or rail and equipment,then left are vehicle train collisions, and,of course,
sabotage. what do we see and know? To commence with we know that the Spain Train Crash Driver, Francisco Jose Garzon Amo, Ignored 3 Signals To Slow Down,from there it just gets worse.

Here at view an excerpt of a news article with respect to the Spanish derailment..

"MADRID -- The driver of a Spanish train that derailed, killing 79 people, ignored three warnings to reduce speed in the two minutes before the
train hurtled off the tracks on a treacherous curve, crash investigators said Friday.

A court statement said the driver was talking on the phone to a colleague when he received the first automatic warning in his cabin of a sharply reduced speed zone ahead. The statement said the warning was by means of an audible sound but provided no further detail.

Police forensic tests on the train's black box data recorders showed the last warning came just 250 meters (yards) before a dangerous curve where the accident occurred last week in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

At that point, the train was going 121 mph (195 kph) when the speed limit was set at 50 mph (80 kph). Four seconds later the driver applied
emergency brakes.

By the time Francisco Jose Garzon Amo applied the brakes, the train was already beginning to lose contact with the rails, the statement said. The total derailment occurred at 111 mph (179 kph)."

Garzon has admitted in court that he was traveling too fast but could not explain to an investigating judge why he didn't slow down earlier.

Spain train crash: Video shows moment of deadly derailment.Video footage from a security camera showed the train, with 247 people on board, hurtling into a concrete wall at the side of the track as carriages jack-knifed and the engine overturned.

Here one can see the derailment as it occurs, via a video on the following site link...

The eight-carriage train came off the tracks, hit a wall and caught fire just outside the pilgrimage destination Santiago de Compostela in
northwestern Spain on Wednesday night. It was one of Europe's worst rail disasters.Around 94 people were injured, 35 of them, including four
children, in a serious condition, the deputy head of the regional government said.Seventy-nine people died in the derailment.Newspaper accounts cited witnesses as saying the driver, Francisco Jose Garzon, who had helped rescue victims, shouted into a phone: "I've derailed! What do I do?".

The 52-year-old had been a train driver for 30 years, said a spokeswoman for Renfe, the state train company.The disaster stirred memories of a train bombing in Madrid in 2004, carried out by Islamist militants, that killed 191 people, although officials do not suspect an attack this time.
There were 218 train accidents in Spain between 2008-2011, well below the EU average of 426 for the same period.

Indeed the nature of the event is utterly and completely horrific,and some have stated, and it is so, preventable, it need not have happened at all. Indeed the cause was, most definately and entirely due to,shall we say,human error. However there is much to learn from this disaster,much
improvement can be and should be made. Let us examine the rail event from all possible angles.

Firstly,let us take a positive viewpoint revealed by the event.Take the time to visit each link to view the photos,and videos as they will
certainly serve to enlighten you.

The image below shows the derail site from above, note the remarkably intact rails.

Here we see the aftermath,basically cleaned up, engine set still at the scene, but again note the remarkably intact condition of the rails.

Quite clearly we see that the Spanish system of rails themselves, are remarkably,and noteably, strong,solid,showing massive strength.Indeed they are a system of tracks to be the envy of many nation's rail systems.

Now we'll take a negative view of the event,in the hopes of further improving things.

So how did the derail itself occur? Well, we note the first car to loose the rails, was not the engine itself,nor was it the rail carriages themselves, rather it was the train set support car attached to the engine.We note that left the rails and was,in fact, the actual cause of the derail, but yes due to the excessive speed. The car is quite obviously,top heavy,the center of gravity of the car is such that the momentum,inertia,supplied by the excessive speed, caused the car to shift off the rails,and then take everything with it.Here, one improvement would be to perhaps add some weight to the car below it's main chassis,in an effort to correct this happening again, to,bring that support car more in to balance.But there's more to come,the net result of the derail,what occured, and why.

Now let's look at the condition of the rail cars...

We note frail,weak construction.We note, utterly gutted interiors, we note there are no seats in the seats. Yes, the seats all came
dislodged from their mountings, and crashed about the carriages, with the passengers,in to the passengers,causing most definatly the massive
casualties and deaths involved. Seats that came loose, off the mountings.Who bult the train carriages? Indeed the condition of the seats, as in not being in their mountings, does most clearly indicate frail,weak construction and general lack of any kind of solidity, and a lack of train carriage,design,engineering,construction and quite clearly the use of weak inadequate materials in the construction of any kind, and indeed high speed, train carriages.

Could the derail have been prevented? Most certainly, there were warnings of excessive speed, clearly the driver who was well aware of the route,did not function properly, was travelling at excessive speed,quite clearly yes. Could things be improved further? Indeed yes, progression to the installation of automatic braking system for the rail system, also it would not hurt to also have huge speed signs similar to those found on highways.But it will not prevent a future derail on the lines due to other causes, and also when and should these derails occur in future the casualties will be equally and possibly greater yet even, due to the improper rail carriage construction techniques prevalent and practised in the Spanish rail system of today.There, in Spain, with the weak and improperly constructed train carriages, there are massive train rail derail,and collision, casualties waiting,waiting,waiting, to once again occur.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Secret Squirrel On The Removal Of Wrestling As An Olympic Sport.

Secret Squirrel finds, as do you, that the IOC, the International Olympic Committee,has REMOVED wrestling, as an Olympic sport.In what's already been deemed a regrettable decision, and an unnecessary one at that, the IOC has opted to remove wrestling from the 2020 Olympics.WRESTLING, a sport which for every and all reasons should be forever enshrined,guarenteed and held in the most high regard as an OLYPMIC sport,wrestling the SECOND Olympic sport, added after running.....imagine that, remove WRESTLING from the Olympics as a
sport........ridiculous,idiot,retarded,such are the words to describe the decision and hence also the IOC itself..

The news came down from IOC headquarters in Switzerland early Tuesday and is certainly a surprise. Wrestling is among the oldest sports known to man. It's mentioned in the Bible. It has connections to the ancient games, centuries ago held in Greece. But it's on its way out, at least for 2020, barring a miracle.That's right,WRESTLING.I just can't see any reason why the IOC decided to remove wrestling from 2020 Games. Wrestling is a popular sport.Wrestling, imagine, wrestling, the second ORIGINAL Olympic sport, right up to the present day no less, all those years, all those Olympics, for well over 2700 years, imagine.Why, and how wrestling has been removed by the IOC one cannot really comprehend nor imagine. Consider now, the joke sports of
golf,table tennis,badminton,canoeing.The IOC considers these magnificent and important sports of man and humanity, but not it seems, wrestling.That's right, wrestling.Wrestling which,right behind running was the second OLYMPIC ORIGINAL sport.
Right there from the very beginnings, there it was,and is, a sport THAT GREAT, a sport of THAT IMPORT........Table tennis only originated as a sport, in Britain, in 1880,thereabouts,roundabouts,badminton in the
1700's by the British army, in India,golf in the 1400's in Scotland.......the origin of canoeing as a recreation and sport is often attributed to Scottish explorer John MacGregor (1825–1892,note wrestling from the beginnings of the Olympics,like 2700 years ago.Caneoing began with the 1936 Hitler Olympics,Berlin.Badminton since 1992,table tennis
since 1988,golf in 1900 and 1904 only, to appear 2016 and 2020...the IOC is not sparing us their idiocy.
Consider now that the Olympic Games began over 2,700 years ago in Olympia, in southwest Greece.The earliest myths regarding the origin of the games are recounted by the Greek historian, Pausanias,and others who have differing versions, but just as the IOC doesn't like wrestling, I don't like the other Olympic origin tales,so I'm going with this version. According to the story, the dactyl Herakles (not to be confused with the son of Zeus) and four of his brothers, Paeonaeus, Epimedes, Iasius and Idas, raced at Olympia to entertain the newborn Zeus. He crowned the victor with an olive tree wreath, (which thus became a peace symbol) which also explains the four year interval, bringing the games around every fifth year (counting inclusively).The other Olympian gods (so named because they lived permanently on Mount Olympus), would also engage in wrestling, jumping and running contests.The Olympic Games,the Olympia, the Olympics, were a series of athletic competitions among representatives of city-states of Ancient Greece. They were held in honor of Zeus, and the Greeks gave them a mythological origin.
Historical records indicate that they began in 776 BC in Olympia. They continued to be celebrated when Greece came under Roman rule, until the emperor Theodosius I suppressed them in 394 AD as part of the campaign to impose Christianity as the state religion of Rome. The games were usually held every four years, or olympiad, which became a unit of time in historical chronologies. During the celebration of the games, an Olympic Truce was enacted so that athletes could travel from their countries to the games in safety. The prizes for the victors were wreaths of laurel leaves. The games became a political tool used by city-states to assert dominance over their rivals. Politicians would announce political alliances at the games, and in times of war, priests would offer sacrifices to the gods for victory.At first, the Olympic Games lasted only one day, but eventually grew to five days. The Olympic Games originally contained one event: the stadion (or "stade") race, a short sprint measuring between 180 and 240 metres (590 and 790
ft), or the length of the stadium. The length of the race is uncertain, since tracks found at archeological sites, as well as literary evidence, provide conflicting measurements. Runners had to pass five stakes that divided the lanes: one stake at the start, another at the finish, and three stakes in between.
The diaulos, or two-stade race, was introduced in 724 BC, during the 14th Olympic games. The race was a single lap of the stadium, approximately 400 metres (1,300 ft), and scholars debate whether or not the runners had individual "turning" posts for the return leg of the race, or whether all the runners approached a common post, turned, and
then raced back to the starting line.

A third foot race, the dolichos, was introduced in 720 BC. Accounts of the race present conflicting evidence as to the length of the dolichos; however, the length of the race was 18–24 laps, or about three miles (5 km). The runners would begin and end their event in the stadium proper, but the race course would wind its way through the Olympic grounds. The course often would flank important shrines and statues in the sanctuary, passing by the Nike statue by the temple of Zeus before returning to the stadium.

The last running event added to the Olympic program was the hoplitodromos, or "Hoplite race", introduced in 520 BC and traditionally run as the last race of the Olympic Games. The runners would run either a single or double diaulos (approximately 400 or 800 yards) in full or partial armour, carrying a shield and additionally equipped either with
greaves or a helmet. The course they used for these runs were made out of clay, with sand over the clay.

Over the years, more events were added: boxing (pygme/pygmachia), wrestling (pale) in 708 BC, and pankration, a fighting competition combining both elements. Wrestling was also the final decisive event in the ancient pentathlon.

 Boxing became increasingly brutal over the centuries. Initially, soft leather covered their fingers, but eventually, hard leather with metal sometimes was used. The fights had no rest periods and no rules against hitting a man while he was down. Bouts continued until one man either surrendered or died- however, killing an opponent wasn't a good thing, as the dead boxer was automatically declared the winner.

Other events include chariot racing, as well as a pentathlon, consisting of wrestling, stadion, long jump, javelin throw, and discus throw (the latter three were not separate events).In the chariot racing event, it was not the rider, but the owner of the chariot and team who was considered to be the competitor, so one owner could win more than one of the top spots.Contested in the first modern Olympics in 1896 and part of the ancient Games in Olympia, wrestling will now join seven other candidate sports battling for one spot in a revamped programme.Wrestling joins
baseball and softball, making a joint bid, martial arts karate and wushu, rollersports, wakeboarding, squash and sports climbing as candidates for the one open spot.Russian wrestling federation chief Mikhail Mamiashvili was shocked by the decision but was confident his sport would remain in the Games.

"I'm absolutely convinced this ancient sport will retain its status," Mamiashvili, who won an Olympic gold medal in 1988, told Reuters. The International Olympic Committee is dropping wrestling from competition after the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro, the result of some elaborate secret ballot it holds every so often to determine its 25 "core sports."

In part because golf and rugby are coming to the Olympics, something had to go. This time it was wrestling, apparently edged out by the modern pentathlon for survival.As such, both freestyle (somewhat similar to what you see in American high schools and colleges) and Greco Roman, each of which dated back to the 1896 Games in Greece, will soon be history. Wrestling can try to get back in, but the odds are long.

It's golf,table tennis,badminton,canoeing that should never have been granted access in the first place.Forget arguing the various strengths and weaknesses of each sport. That's often a cultural opinion. This is a global event and tastes vary. In the United States, badminton is considered a joke, something played at backyard barbeques, even occasionally while sober. In the overcrowded cities of third-world countries, however, it's a way to play tennis – basically street tennis for the non-wealthy. They don't have a lot of All-Lawn Tennis Clubs in Malaysia. Millions take badminton seriously and consider watching it at the highest level a sight to behold.And that's part of why badminton is a fine Olympic sport.Badminton also plays to another Olympic strength – winning the gold medal is a huge deal to those athletes, the pinnacle for most. So is winning a gold medal in modern pentathlon. Same for wrestling.
That's not at all the case for golf, where a gold medal isn't a green jacket. However, it could still feature in 2020 should the IOC include it as an additional sport when it meets in Buenos Aires in September. Wrestling will compete with baseball/softball, roller sports, rock climbing, squash, wakeboarding and wushu, a Chinese martial art, for the remaining place, with each presenting their case for inclusion to the executive board in May.The 25 core sports the IOC guards............The 25 sports are: athletics, rowing, badminton, basketball, boxing, canoeing, cycling, equestrian, fencing, football, gymnastics, weightlifting, handball, hockey, judo, aquatics, modern pentathlon, taekwondo, tennis, table tennis, shooting, archery, triathlon, sailing and volleyball.What's wrong with this list.........well..................badminton, how utterly ridiculous as a sport........canoeing...........oh please there's just no sparing us is there........table tennis...............the favorite sport of mental patients
in mental institutions without a doubt. Then there's also golf, which they have added as a sport in Rio and there for will be in the 202 Olympics as, you know, where these lads take hours for a few of them to hit a tiny white ball around the course,and see how many can (and they do), land the ball BEHIND the golf hole, and have it bounce up and backwards and land, lo and behold, in the cup.Golf will be an Olympic sport in 2016. Ridiculous.

Golf. How it came to be that it's worthy/necessary for Olympic inclusion is typically hilarious/nonsensical.So they want to remove one of the original sports of the Olympics in favor of..........badminton,table tennis,canoeing, utterly and completely..idiotic...........retarded...........weak minded.........chaotic..........confused...........and..................quite plainly and utterly...................................lacking in intelligence, but then the IOC has rarely been noted for being much more than that in the first place. It has been said that one can talk to the IOC but it is a body compeletly
devoid of reasoning abilities.But what we will see,now, is many nations, supporting the retention of wrestling,contrary to the IOC,and the IOC will see and be made to understand, that the OLYMPICS is and are those
nations, the nations of the world, THEY are the OLYMPICS, and NOT the IOC.Why can’t IOC just add another sport and keep wrestling, you ask? Because the organization values exclusivity and clubbiness and self-importance. There are 26 sports now. Would it hurt anyone or compromise the Olympics or be a huge economic burden to have 27 sports on the summer program? No.

Instead, wrestling — quite possibly the world’s oldest sport, a sport with an Olympic tradition going back to ancient times — gets the boot. Going into this executive board vote, modern pentathlon, the eccentric sport that combines swimming, fencing, running, equestrian and shooting, seemed most at risk. But political connections may save modern pentathlon.Why should not political connections save wrestling.Why should not ALL the nations who support wrestling save wrestling? Why should NOT sports such as table tennis,badminton, canoeing,and the utterly and completely idiot golf not even yet ALL go out in it's place? Such is the IOC, a joke, a really bad joke, a collection of ridiculous clowns all proceeding from bad to worse in their decisions with respect to the Olympics.

Of the decision,most have echoed these comments.....“I can’t imagine an Olympic games without wrestling,” says Penn State wrestling coach Cael Sanderson, who won four national championships at Iowa State and an Olympic gold medal in 2004. “That’s not an option. We have time here to show the IOC they made the wrong decision. It’s up to us and the
Iranians and Russians and everyone else to help them know this.”This includes the Japanese,Australian,British,French
German,Turkish,Arab nations etc etc etc..........imagine, THE NATIONS which make up the Olympics, don't support the
decision, and DEMAND it's reversal...................and the IOC should recant,repent,apologize AND place wrestling back where it belongs.If they want to remove something, let them remove something idiot,such as golf,table tennis,badminton and or canoeing.The IOC is about to learn that the nations of the world prefer to eat bread,the bread of wrestling, not the bitter cake of the removal of wrestling as an olympic sport.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Secret Squirrel Comments On Paying Off America's National Debt In Coin.

 It has come to Secret Squirrel's attention, that there has been a rather intriguing and interesting solution proposed to solving the great American debt crisis.Indeed it has been revealed, that there is another course of action, other than simply printing up Treasury Certificates for a required sum, presenting those to the Treasury Department, which takes said stated certificates, places them away, and then prints up and provides the stated sum the certificates are for, in short an
i.o.u. to oneself,one's own nation, which,never gets paid off,really in point of fact.
A legal loophole allows the U.S. Treasury to mint platinum coins in whatever denomination it chooses - even $1 trillion.Speaking to the BBC's Today
program, Mr Roche, founder of Orcam Financial Group and blogger at Pragmatic Capitalism, said the idea was being taken "somewhat seriously" in Washington."I know it’s been spoken about at the White House and a number of prominent people, including congressman, are talking about it," he said.
Mr Roche said the idea was an "accounting gimmick", but noted it was just "one really silly idea being used to fight another silly idea".

"The idea of the US willingly defaulting on debt is beyond crazy," he said."We started kicking the idea around a year ago and it was really a joke and the fact it’s become something sort of serious, well it’s a sad state of affairs that it’s become so dysfunctional in Congress that this is something we’re having to resort to."

Writing in his New York Times blog, economist Paul Krugman, said that while he did not expect the Treasury to go ahead with this "gimmick", there could be a case for it."This is all a gimmick — but since the debt ceiling itself is crazy, allowing Congress to tell the president to spend money then tell him that he can’t raise the money he’s supposed to spend, there’s a pretty good case for using whatever gimmicks come to hand," he said.

To mint or not to mint,that is question,will they mint or won't they mint is another question.U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has the authority to mint platinum coins in the denomination of his choosing, and experts have said the
idea is being taken seriously in Washington.Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner (left with President Obama in Oct. 2010) could mint a $1 trillion coin,said to be pondered to be an actual 1 ounce Platinum coin,which would in actual fact be valued in
it's metal content at about $1,600 thereabout roundabouts. And, of course, intrinsicly valued at it's stamped value of 1 Trillion Dollars. We won't consider here that in ancient times, a coin's value was appraised upwards if and due to a very
fine etched stamping or whatever was done to manufacture it.A White House petition advocating for the coin has garnered more than 5,000 supporters.Minting such high-value coins to pay the government's bills would allow President Obama to
sidestep a showdown with Republicans over the federal debt ceiling.The proposal would involve the Treasury minting the coin and depositing it into its own account at the Federal Reserve, allowing the government to write down or cancel $1 trillion
of its $16.4 trillion debt.On the other hand, stamping say 17 or so would result in going past the zero debt level to a surplus!!The mind boggles here pondering yet greater numbers of these coins.Ever to poop a party, however,Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.) said on Monday he will introduce a bill to prevent that maneuver.Walden, it turns out, has written legislation that would bar the executive branch from minting coins of any denomination. That would include the much-talked-about trillion dollar coin.Walden stated,“My wife and I have owned and operated a small business since 1986.

When it came time to pay the bills, we couldn’t just mint a coin to create more money out of thin air,” Walden said.Clearly there is much personal jealousy in his words,directed at the government of the people of America deligently trying to clear the national debt problem.BUT......take careful note, that by introducing legislation to ban such a maneuver, Walden is implicitly acknowledging that under current law, the trillion dollar coin is a perfectly legal and workable way to get
around the debt limit,and also as such, the actual entire national debt problem.Interesting an actual solution to America's national debt and there are politicians willing not to allow it,clearly these aren't lads to invite to your parties, nor to allow to use your toilet,by no means.So there you have it, a debt solution for all seasons, a debt solution for all the right reasons. However,you know and I know, politicians being what they are....they'll then spend all their time for the
next century arguing over what designs should be stamped on the coin.

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP(Dunny On The Wold),
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.