The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Secret Squirrel Ponders Making Crime Pay To Reduce Crime

Secret Squirrel has pondered the vast expense of the prison system with respect to many of the so called smaller crimes, versus the violent ones, and has come to the conclusion that we should make crime pay as it were to reduce the costs of the prison system and system of incarceration on the tax payer. It would and could work, and in the worst we would come out at a cost which equals incarceration, without actual incarceration. All round there would be vast benefits you see.
Consider things as they are with respect to salary, the dole(welfare payouts), and the cost of incarceration of those who have committed crimes(here considering the non violent crimes at best, we would still be incarcerating and keeping those of violent natures and crimes in Her Majestie's Prisons For The Extremely Naughty.).

Now it has been noted that there was and is a rapid growth of the US penal population over the last two decades that has coincided with a decline in the number of welfare recipients,in short the welfare recipients are finding their way in to the prisons,where conditions of living and their general quality of life are better than living on the dole,over there at any rate.Of course this means that those on the dole, the wlefare system as it were, have been committing crimes rather tahn sitting contentedly at home collecting the meaghre and inadequate US payout. BUT, let's look at the US dole payout, t'is merely,only,solely (or soulessly....)...In the USA ,in 9 states welfare pays more than the average first-year salary for a teacher,the rest however don't.

 Now consider the costs to house prisoners in Britain.The cost to house in reception center is $92.60 per day....say 100$, be 3000 per month $36000 per year.........The estimated cost for a UK prison place is usually quoted at something like £37,500 per year. So this works out at £102.74 per day. So this being the actual cost per se,et all...why not just pay them that per day/per year say that's
roughly 32000$ per year for them NOT to commit crime.........come to the same thing wouldn't it then, eh whot! I should say so.The average salary per year in England is 26000pounds.On the dole however,they collect £30,899 before tax, while many workers can only aspire to an average wage of £23,422(which at US dollar equal rate, would be the same as the average Italian wage,surprisingly) the incentive NOT to commit crime would be evn more.Who's to object to that eh?Consider.....Britain's benefits bonanza has been laid bare as it emerged 100,000 households rake in more than the average wage in welfare every year.It IS affordable you know, what with that stated figure being spent on each prisoner each year anyway I should say.The Americans can hardly object,In 9 states welfare pays more than the average first-year salary for a teacher.

So in effect we would be employing criminals to basicly live at home,employing them as government employees doing nothing, much as politicans for that matter,being paid to do nothing,and so many prisons would become unnecessary,or,indeed freed up for the hardened violent criminals which the
Judges state simply aren't able to house so THEY are set free to commit yet more violent crimes.

Why does Britain bear such costs of incarceration? Well that's because Britain prosecutes certain of the more petty crimes,versus other nations which do not. Consider Holland with respect to the smaller drug crimes which Britain will and does prosecute.In Holland its capital is notorious among stoners and college kids for marijuana haze–filled "coffee shops," Holland has never actually legalized
cannabis — the Dutch simply don't enforce their laws against the shops. Other countries have lowered their crime rates by simply decriminalizing crime,such as in Portugal, which in 2001 became the first European country to officially abolish all criminal penalties for personal possession of drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine.However, Britain does not, it pay'em NOT to do drugs etc by paying them what they coswt to incarcerate for doing that very thing! Makes sense it does doesn't it!!
Of course, there is the problem that they'd then commit crimes to get the pay out you know. Indeed we'd have the French,Spainyards, and Italians flocking to Britain to commit the crimes so that they could get the payout. Eye there's the rub.

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP(Dunny On The Wold),
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.